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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 119

Chapter 119: Consider the cost.

Chapter 119

The indescribable feeling shook my heart.

Some of the fallen angels who were traveling with Azazel even had weak legs and almost fell from the sky. After all, not everyone can resist this magnificent sense of oppression.

Even if they are all fallen angel cadres who have participated in the war. Azazel, who had just arrived, had a look on his face.

In the long past, when the angels fell, Azazel and other fallen angels almost did not dare to walk on earth for a period of time because they offended the gods.

Therefore, under the leadership of Azazel, the first fallen angels established a new territory in the underworld with vast land. The territory of all their Son of God monitors is not very far from the territory of the devil.

Therefore, no matter what commotion the two sides make on the border, the Fallen Angels will be able to quickly detect and respond. Of course, Azazel and several other cadres also knew about the old Demon King’s faction making trouble at the border.

Although it is said that a peace agreement will be signed soon, they are also happy to see such things as internal fighting. However, the impact on the border area today caused Azazel, who was studying the artifact in the 393rd Company, to be alarmed. Standing in the territory of the Son of God’s Watcher, looking from a distance, one can see the ravines that have opened up in the earth, which is jaw-dropping.

At the same time, Azazel was extremely shocked and confused by an aura that seemed to be superior to the Demon King. What was shocking was that this momentum was far beyond Azazel’s cognition.

What is puzzling is that this aura does not belong to any existence he knows. If it were the Infinite Dragon God Ophis, he would still be able to understand.

But no.

Soon afterwards, Azazel noticed the familiar magical aura on Sirzechs’ body. After thinking about it, he rushed to the scene of the incident with other cadres.

Although as a fallen angel, he would be happy to see the devil or the angel’s power weakened, but once it exceeds a certain limit, the gain outweighs the loss.

He still understands the meaning of lips being cold and teeth dying.

“What kind of monster is this?”

Baiqiu, who had a square haircut and a beard, looked at the giant’s figure, and his slightly opened lips reflected his emotions at the moment.

“Could it be that guy?”

Azazel lowered his voice.

“Regardless of this for now, I will contact Sirzechs via message.”

Following the last exchange, Azazel and Sirzechs exchanged private messages. Soon, Sirzechs’s voice came clearly.

“Hey, Lucifer, what is going on with this giant that appears in your territory?”

Azazel said with a tone that was a bit demanding.

After all, the video of the battle with the Great Red was basically shared by all the main gods of the pantheon. Azazel studied it dozens of times and thought We have to find clues from inside.

But while everyone is at a loss, the giant, who is not even a match for the Great Red, appears openly at the border between demons and fallen angels.

“To be honest, I don’t know either.”

Sergex looked bitter.

“I also just received the news that I came here with Serafuru, and then you guys came”

“So what are you going to do now?”

Azazel asked

“Just adapt to the situation. After all, you have all seen the original video. If possible, it is best not to provoke this giant….No, we should call him Titan.”


Azazel murmured to himself. Then he said coldly

“Although we don’t know His purpose, we still have to prepare for the worst. When the time comes, our Son of God monitors will assist, as well as those in heaven…I will also send someone to contact you”

“Then please.”

Sergex breathed a sigh of relief.

If he could unite all the powers of the three realms, he should be able to compete with the giant god in front of him. The next second, accompanied by the thunder of chaos.

Including Michael, who was about to contact the heaven, there were doubts Their eyes suddenly turned into shock, and then they subconsciously stared in the direction of the giant.

Then they suddenly realized that the giant in front of them was already looking at all of them.

The demons and fallen angels opened their mouths wide, and they were horrified to find that they could not make any sound. And not only the voice, but also the fingers could not move.

Even Azazel was like this.

The fallen angel governor, who was no weaker than the Demon King, when he looked into the pair of blood-red eyes, he suddenly felt Like falling into an ice cellar, it was like sinking into the deepest abyss on the planet, and the suffocating sense of oppression overwhelmed everyone.

Some weak lives were even stiffer due to fear and pressure.

The other party just cast their sights, and they were struck. The vast majority of people have completely lost their resistance. It’s like…Met the God of the Bible, Lord of the Three Realms.

And just when Azazel and others could no longer bear the pressure and were about to take action to counterattack, a sound like muffled thunder slowly sounded.

“Although I have no objection to you taking action against me, before taking action, I suggest you consider the consequences afterwards.”

When this obviously male voice sounded.

Those demons and fallen angels who were unable to move due to fear were surprised to find that their bodies could actually move again. Serafuru reacted quickly and felt as if Where have you heard this sound?

Soon, the girl-like Demon King opened her mouth wide and pointed her slender fingers at the giant god.

But then she felt that the posture was inappropriate, and she quickly retracted her fingers and said in surprise:”You…Are you Mr. Bai Ming? Next second.”

The green-black giant slowly disappeared like a bubble, and was replaced by the cheerful black-haired boy he had seen in Kuoh Town before. The slim fit of the navy blue windbreaker made him look quite sophisticated.

When Azazel and others When they saw clearly that it was Bai Ming, they were even more shocked. However, this also confirmed their previous guess.

After seeing that it was Bai Ming, the solemnity on Sirzechs’s face also lightened a lot.

Although he had not had much contact with Bai Ming, but from the information he got from his sister Rias, he knew that the boy in front of him was not a war madman like Kokabiel.

Even so, as the Demon King, he would not trust others easily.

It was just clear All signs indicate that he is not the kind of being who deliberately creates chaos.

Of course, in this world, Bai Ming, who possesses this kind of power and does not belong to any camp, is one of the three major threats.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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