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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 120

Chapter 120: The Disaster Group: I haven’t started yet.

Chapter 120

But even so, no one wants to provoke Bai Ming. Although too much power is a threat, it is also a guarantee.

There are many major gods in the world, and the reason why they can endure for a long time is force.

If Bai Ming were replaced by someone who could be subdued, maybe it wouldn’t be so easy to talk to him now.

“Mr. Bai Ming, what are you doing here?”

Sergex took the initiative to ask.

“Phoenix’s daughter dropped by when she was in trouble.”

Bai Ming said

“Phoenix’s daughter?”

“Well, it’s right there, haven’t you seen it all this time?”

Bai Ming pointed in another direction.

Only then did everyone see the blond girl in a dress standing in the distance. Seeing the demon kings looking at him, they bowed respectfully.

“Are you really here? I thought it was….Uh-huh.”

Serafru, realizing that she was about to say the wrong thing, quickly covered her mouth.

“What trouble did you encounter?”

Sejik stared into the distance.

There…It seems to be the military base of the descendants of the old demon king.

Although the other party was a loser, in order to save the other party’s face, Sirzechs still allowed the descendants of the old demon king to form their own private army.

“That’s it, Lord Lucifer, Lord Leviathan, Mr. Bai Ming are here to save me…….”

Ravel came over and told the story exactly. After listening, Sirzechs and Seraph appeared and looked at each other.

The descendants of the old demon king wanted to rebel, and then they were solved by Bai Ming? You know, they’re still collecting evidence.

But it’s over before it even begins?

Serafru’s expression was complicated:”The underworld is already so good, why do you still do such a thing?”

They did not doubt Ravel’s words.

This kind of thing can be understood by just going back and investigating.

What’s more, Sirzechs already has information about the old demon king’s people secretly contacting other pure-blood demon families.

“You can handle the rest on your own.”

Bai Ming said.

After hearing this, everyone felt helpless. What to deal with?

Not to mention the corpses, not even the wreckage could be seen.

At most, they could put a layer of fence around the area and let the construction team move dozens of kilometers away. Filling up long ravines. This is indeed a big project

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first. Bai

Ming said, turning around to leave.

Ravel looked at his back, hesitated to speak, and finally swallowed the words that came to her lips. Words of thanks….Wait until you go to the human world and then say it yourself.

Wait until Bai Ming leaves.

Azazel’s expression was quite embarrassing.

From beginning to end, he didn’t say a word to Bai Ming. But there was nothing to be done about it.

Who gives the other party the strength to ignore themselves?

Then, he suppressed this thought and looked at Sirzechs and his party, with a bit of sourness and sarcasm in his tone:”You have known for a long time that the people of the old devil will rebel, so you must have staged this drama on purpose, right?”

The implication is that Bai Ming’s hand was deliberately used to eliminate the potential threat of the descendants of the old demon king. Hearing this, Sirzechs was not angry at all.

After all, as an old rival, he has long known that Azazel likes to cause trouble.

“If I could control it…”

Then, he showed a serious expression

“The meeting in a week will be held as scheduled, and you should come over by then.”

“That depends on my mood.”

Azazel spoke carelessly.

Serafru was a little dissatisfied with Azazel’s attitude and wanted to sarcastically, but was stopped by Serzechs. Azazel smiled and waved back:”Let’s go.”…

“What a bunch of idiots!”

Half a day later.

Vali, who had been unable to contact Cattleya and others, sneaked into the underworld under suspicion, and then saw with his own eyes the fact that the private soldier station of the descendants of the old devil was completely wiped off the map.

Sun Wukong, who was traveling with him, also Very shocked.

Although in his eyes, the three pure-blooded demons who talk about the Demon King’s orthodoxy all day long are indeed idiots, but no matter how stupid they are, there is no doubt about their respective strength.

In addition, the snake obtained from Ophis.

It is not difficult to increase the power to the Demon King level in a short time.

But what is going on in the current scene? If the underworld wants to destroy the old Demon King’s army, it cannot be over in such a short time!?

Wait until the frightened mood subsides. Heige asked aside:”Now that the three demon kings are dead, what should we do next? Still going ahead with the original plan?”

Do you want to proceed?

This is not a question at all. Of course not!

The protagonists of the plan to attack the meeting site are the people of the old Demon King Faction. Without them, there would be no space coordinates.

Without coordinates, the people of the Disaster Group would be There is no way to teleport to the meeting site that is sealed by the barrier, so you can only fly outside and stare. Outside the barrier, there will definitely be a lot of soldiers from the Three Realms protecting you. Then the people from the Disaster Group will have to go there and follow It is no different to die.

If he alone wants to deal with the devil of the underworld at the same time, it is impossible for Seraph

“If the plan failed and there was no way to continue, the news would be passed on to the rest of the Disaster Group and the plan would be cancelled. Wally said.”

He was very tired.

The reason why he participated in this plan was because he wanted to challenge the strong.

However, the plan was aborted before it even started. It was as uncomfortable as a hard punch hitting cotton. Black Song soon passed the news to the facilitators of the Disaster Group.

Not surprisingly, he got

“How can it be!”

“Why is this happening?”


Such a shocking reply, and after a helpless explanation, I also got an expected reply:”The plan is cancelled.”

Soon after, the tripartite talks between angels, fallen angels and demons were held as scheduled.

Without the interference of the old Demon King’s faction, representatives of the three major forces signed a peace agreement under the witness of Bai Ming. From then on, the three major forces prohibited any occurrence. The battle entered a peaceful stage.

After a period of time, Bai Ming rarely had a few days of leisure. It is worth mentioning that

Ravel successfully became Rias’s dependent, and they would come over to him from time to time. With a good reputation On the other hand, during the visit, everyone was actually lusting after his body.

Bai Ming, who was temporarily free, not only had to get along with Rias and the others, but also had to take care of the chat group.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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