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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 122

Chapter 122 Welcome to the chat group.

Chapter 122

Animation Blood-eating.

One of the supporting actresses, Nangong Nayue, is a demon-attacking officer in the demon special zone established outside the control of the state.

As the name suggests, it means exorcist.

Because it was an official mission assigned by the government, in order to be different from ordinary exorcists, he changed his name and became an exorcist. And the prison attacker.

Looking at the entire Demon Zone, the existence that best fits this nickname is undoubtedly Nangong Nayue. As a witch, she made a deal with the devil when she was young.

When he acquired magic power comparable to that of the true ancestor of vampires, he also paid the price of sleeping forever as a prison guard for the rest of his life.

As for”I’m not a Loli God”, the scope is too broad, and Bai Ming can’t guess who it is…….

String God Island. Quarter moon night.

The dim moonlight shines on the ground, like a thin layer of silver gauze.

The security team responsible for maintaining security on the 16 Genshin Islands received a tip that criminals were secretly conducting arms transactions, and decided to launch an attack on an abandoned warehouse in the harbor area tonight.

C4 explosives blew open the iron door, and guards wearing armor filed in.

The rusted iron pillars and wooden boxes piled haphazardly are extremely dim under the illumination of incandescent lamps.

Hearing the noise, the group members in the warehouse stood up instantly, but before they could react, a flash bomb exploded in front of their eyes.

The blinding light temporarily blinded the eyes, and then sounds like fried beans sounded one after another.

The group members who were shot fell to the ground one after another, but what is surprising is that even though they were shot more than a dozen times, they still did not die. Instead, they still had the strength to lie on the ground and struggle in pain.

The reason why the police force is so direct is because all the members in the warehouse are”orcs”.

Although he has a human form, the blood of monsters flows in his body. Once stimulated, he will tear off the disguise and become a powerful half-orc.

Fortunately, the specially-made warheads restrained their transformation.

“Take them away.”

The captain spoke.

But at this moment, the experienced man suddenly thought that the intelligence he heard before said that there were eight members of the group. But now there are only seven suspects.

Just thought of this.

The seven people who were originally piled together Human bodies flew out in all directions instantly. A nearly uninjured demon suddenly rose up.

His body was covered with black fur, his body was tall and slender, and his head no longer looked like a human. He was clearly a half-orc who had transformed into a beast!

The security team realized belatedly, and just as they were about to raise their guns, the leopard-faced orc pressed the detonation switch.

The warehouse where the bomb had been ambushed instantly turned into a sea of fire, and the surging heat flooded the entire warehouse. And there was a raging fire. in.

The leopard-faced orc rushed out of the fire, cursing. At the same time, he took out another detonating device from his arms.

The guard team has called for reinforcements to rescue the wounded. According to the time, he should have passed the area where the bomb was buried.

“Let them all die!”

The orc pressed the switch, but to his surprise, there was no feeling. The strong strange feeling made him look at his right hand, with a look of astonishment. At some point, the detonator in his hand had long since disappeared, and was replaced by a thread from nowhere. The silver chains that came from behind were like handcuffs, tightly wrapping his arms.

He tried hard, but couldn’t break free.

Then, he heard a pleasant sound like a silver bell from behind.

“After all, this is a chain of discipline forged by everyone. How could a mere beast break free?”

The orc turned around and saw a girl appearing behind him.

She was so petite that people could mistake her for a primary school student, but her pure white dress was so gorgeous and exaggerated. She was holding a parasol even though it was late at night. Her upright facial features were soft and soft. With her facial lines, the unique innocence and romance of children are undoubtedly highlighted on her face. The skin appears whiter under the reflection of the moonlight, giving people a doll-like exquisite feeling.

“Attack the demon officer? How did you catch up with me?”

As a leopard-shaped orc, his speed is unmatched.

But the girl chuckled:”I just want to ask, you, a wild cat, want to escape from my hands?”

“Brat! Don’t be too proud!”

The orc took out the dagger with his other hand, and then cut off his arm. The severe pain attacked the nerves, making him roar loudly, but he also broke free from the shackles of the chain.

“snort! As far as wild cats go, you have some backbone.”

“Kill you!”

There was no answer, the orc roared and rushed forward.

“It’s useless, just rely on your words..”

Facing the ferocious orc, the girl chuckled.

Then there was no movement, and the originally calm space began to ripple like water. A total of four chains appeared from different angles, wrapping around the remaining three limbs and head of the orc.

Then, in his frightened eyes, a black shadow appeared on the ground at an unknown moment and dragged him into it. Looking at the orc she captured, the girl sighed softly

“I actually had to work overtime during the rare holiday.”

Then, she turned back and looked at a whole team of 880 security guards who were in a state of embarrassment. Although there were some wounds on their bodies, they just looked embarrassed.

Before the fire engulfed them, the girl used space magic to rescue them all.

“Thank you very much, instructor Nangong.”

The middle-aged man at the head said gratefully.

“Humph, you can handle the rest by yourselves.”

After saying that, the girl stepped into the ripples of space and left.

“Go back and take a nap.”

However, just when the girl was about to take action, a strange voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

“The dimensional chat group invites you to join!”

“Do you want to accept the invitation?”


The sudden prompt made Nangong Nayue frown slightly.

She looked around vigilantly, but there was no response to the feedback from the magic power. There were no demons, and there were no demon attack officers with spiritual power.

“A prank? Or…”

A bright translucent screen appeared in front of the girl’s eyes. Looking at the words on it, Nangong Nayue chose…

“I reject.”

How could she choose to join such a weird thing? And next, she would search the surroundings carefully.

Nangong Nayue wanted to see who would dare to provoke her like this on Xian Shen Island.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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