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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Giant panda-like status.

Chapter 123

After the rejection, what Nangong Nayue didn’t expect was another voice in his mind.

【Refuse to fail! Welcome to join the dimensional chat group!】


If this were a comic.

A series of question marks will definitely appear on the head of Nangong’s moon. Refusing to fail?

How can it be?!

Which bastard did this?

But before she could react, the public interface of the chat group appeared on the translucent light screen in front of her. Nangong Nayue squinted her eyes.

This thing…Is it really the same type as the chat screen?

Lao Mo Na:”Welcome to the newcomers! Finally, a new member has joined the group! @Prison Demon Attacker, I am not a lolita god.”

Discharge Girl:”But it seems that there are no new functions this time.”

Nightmare Elf:”Maybe the scale It’s not enough, maybe it will be turned on after ten people.”

Discharge Girl:”Okay then.”

Nangong saw the reply displayed in the group that month, still with a bit of distrust. But after much thought, I tried to speak.

Prison attack officer:”Who are you? How dare you play such a prank on me? If I catch you, don’t blame me for not warning you now.”

She was not a good-tempered person.

What’s more, the rare vacation was disrupted by orc criminals, so his mood was naturally even worse. The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:”The newcomer is a bit fierce.”

Model Na:”Yeah! But it matches the nickname of the newcomer, but what is a Demon Attacker?”

Discharge Girl:”The newcomer should have a profession similar to that of a prison guard., the police officers guarding prisoners generally don’t have a very good temper.”

These guys!

Seeing these people talking about their own affairs as if nothing happened, Nangong Nayue’s face was stern as if he had been stabbed in a painful spot. She knows her own business better than anyone else.

As a witch, she cannot resist the fate of a witch.

When he was young, he signed a contract with the devil and became the guardian of the prison barrier.

Although it has obtained powerful magic power no less than that of a true ancestor-level beast, its main body can only fall into a deep sleep forever, serving as the guardian of the prison barrier gate.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a prison guard.

But Nangong Nayue didn’t like others to know about her situation.

Prison Attack Officer:”Although I don’t know who you are, there are not many people who can perform this kind of magic near Genkami Island. I will find you soon.”

As the chief instructor of the Genkami Island Guard Team, she has the power to mobilize all the security members of Genkami Island.

Coupled with the magic power sensing devices that cover almost 90% of Genkami Island, it is not easy to find someone who uses magic power.

Nightmare Elf:”It seems that the newcomers still don’t believe us.”

Butterfly Kanae:”Let me explain.”


Under her patient explanation, Nangong Nayue gradually understood what kind of existence the chat group was. Connecting different worlds, the group members all come from different planes.

She didn’t quite believe it at first, but as the world described by Kurumi, Misaka Mikoto and others was so real, and she didn’t hear anything about it, she gradually believed most of it.

Besides that, there is one more thing.

That is because she is the witch with the highest magical power in all mankind. Only witches of the same level can cast illusions or curses on her without anyone noticing.

And in this world, the witches who could compare with her had already been sent to the prison barrier by her own hands.

Bai Ming:”@Prison Demon Attack Officer, don’t worry, Yue Jiang, no one here is your enemy.”

Prison Demon Attack Officer:”Don’t add the word Jiang after my name!”

He finished this sentence subconsciously Afterwards, Nangong Nayue suddenly frowned.

Prison attack officer:”Why do you know my name?”

Bai Ming:”Kanae has already explained it before. Under the influence of quantum mechanics, information from the world where the group members are located flows into my former world, and then I see We’ve got information about you and the world you live in.”

Lao Mo Na:”And it’s still being spread in the form of animation or novels.”

Prison attack officer:”Just that kind of thing?”

She really couldn’t believe this kind of fantasy..

But Bai Ming called out her name after all, and also said her most annoying”pet name”. And this nickname is only known to those who know her well.

But she doesn’t have such a big boss around her who can make her fall into trouble. Maybe…Is it really true?

Please confirm again.

Prison attack officer:”How to prove it?”

Bai Ming:”You have always wanted to be freed from the prison barrier, right? Nayue Jiang.”

Seeing this sentence, Nangong Nayue’s heart tightened.

This is her deepest secret. The first genius of the Crimson Demon Tribe:”The prison barrier sounds so cool!”

The Discharge Girl:”Ah this…Why does it sound like the newcomers are the ones locked inside? Bai Ming:”

That’s true, but Yue-chan is not a prisoner, but a guard. It’s just that he can’t leave from there.””

Lao Mo Na:” Why?”

Bai Ming:”Because you signed a contract with the devil, when you gain power, you need to pay a price, and this price is the responsibility of the watcher, and you can never wake up.”

Nightmare Elf:”So that’s it.”

Discharge Girl:”Wait a minute, since you can’t wake up, why can you still communicate with us?”

Prison Attack Officer:”This is my magic clone. I have transferred all my thoughts and consciousness to this clone.”

Seeing Bai Ming tell his information without missing a trace, Nangong Nayue also wiped away the last bit of distrust.

Prison Attack Officer:”In that case, what does this group do?”

Discharge girl:” Master, what do you do.jpg.”

The number one genius of the Crimson Demon Clan:”Of course the chat group is for chatting.”

Nightmare Elf:”In addition, there are group tasks and lottery functions. The lottery requires points, and if you participate in the tasks, you can get points.”

Nightmare Elf:”But in comparison, I think Mr. Bai Ming is the most precious existence in this group.”

Discharge Girl:”Indeed, after reading the information related to us, he is already a person in our group who has a status comparable to that of a giant panda.”

No one would reject a mind that can predict their own future.

What’s more, Bai Ming’s attitude is that he will tell them about the future that will be unfavorable to them in advance, so that they can prepare for it. If this is not possible, group missions can also come in handy.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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