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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 130

Chapter 130 Sharper fists.

Chapter 130

“Sorry, Mr. Bai Ming.”

After the swimsuit party, Akeno Himejima and Bai Ming stood side by side and apologized softly.

“What happened before has caused you a lot of trouble, please don’t pay attention to those words.”

“But what if I take it seriously?”

Bai Mingming knew what Akeno was referring to.

It was nothing more than the so-called”going further with him” when he was arguing with Rias.

And such explicit hints at that time were just the girl’s remarks to stimulate Rias. Faced with it Himejima Akeno’s expression was slightly startled by Bai Ming’s teasing, and two blushes appeared on her fair cheeks. She admitted that she had a good impression of Bai Ming.

But it was far from going any further.

Things like applying sunscreen in front of her face were… It has exceeded Akeno’s expectations.

“Just kidding, it wasn’t me you were looking at at that time, but Rias. Bai

Ming said with a chuckle.

“Why do this?”

Hearing this, Himejima Akeno breathed a sigh of relief.

“..Rias is too passive. The same goes for her last engagement with the Phoenix family. She could refuse the engagement as long as she asked Lord Lucifer, but she insisted on settling it on her own. If it weren’t for you, she might have married someone she didn’t like. Got it”

“Moreover, Mr. Bai Ming, you can also see it, right? Rias, she likes you very much……So as a friend and family member, I don’t want her to remain passive like this.”

“In this kind of matter, the more she retreats, the easier it is for her to lose. Maybe even Ravel will be able to get ahead of her.”

“Moreover, Rias has always been responsible for her problems alone. As her best friend, I also hope that she can find a man who can protect her from wind and rain.”

Hearing this, Bai Ming couldn’t help but sigh, Himejima Akeno is really a good best friend. In order to fulfill her best friend, she even sacrificed her own appearance.

But it’s a pity.

He has a big appetite, and it’s not limited to just one person.

“so I hope…”

Himejima Akeno lowered her voice and was about to continue speaking, but was interrupted by Bai Ming

“how about you?”


Himejima Akeno was caught off guard by the rhetorical question. But after thinking about it carefully, she shook her head with a wry smile.

“I can’t do it now because there are some things I haven’t finished yet.”

At this point, the look in the girl’s eyes clearly turned into strong resentment. She cannot be happy until she has complete revenge.

Seeing this, Bai Ming said directly:”Yes It’s because of your mother.”

Hearing this, Himejima Akeno’s pupils shrank, and she raised her head reflexively. Her burgundy eyes looked at Bai Ming in disbelief, and she murmured:”How did you know about my mother? thing?”

This is the deepest secret she hides in her heart. Even Rias doesn’t know it. But she never expected that a person who just came to Kuoh Town would know her past?

Then, Akeno looked like Thinking of something, his body gradually stiffened, his slightly dilated pupils were fixed on Bai Ming’s face, and his rosy face gradually lost its color.

“Are you one of the five great clans?……”

Immediately afterwards, Akeno saw a very evil smile on the corner of Bai Ming’s mouth.

“Haha, after hiding for so long, you finally discovered me, Himejima…Akeno~”

The past memories were opened again.

Himejima Akeno will never forget that her mother was forced to a dead end by people from the five major religions in order to protect herself.

Bai Ming is indeed from that side. She had known it for a long time.

It was impossible for the five major sects to let her live freely. Even under the protection of the devil, they could not tolerate a grain of sand in their eyes!

She, with the blood of fallen angels flowing in her body, was the most important thing in the eyes of the elders. Shame and stain!


Just when Himejima Akeno fell into painful memories, she seemed to suddenly remember something and looked at Bai Ming in disbelief.

“Mr. Bai Ming, you are lying to me!”

“Haha, did you finally react?”

Bai Ming had a smile on his lips.

Akeno’s reaction just now was indeed interesting.

“Well, the five major sects cannot tolerate sand in their eyes. Anyone with powers other than Shinto arts and spiritual beasts, even blood relatives, will be dealt with mercilessly, and your power, Mr. Bai Ming, does not belong to any of them.”

The attitude of the five major sects towards heresy is to nip it in the cradle.

At that time, if I hadn’t run fast enough and escaped to the territory protected by the devil, I’m afraid there would have been no one named Himejima Akeno in the world…….

“..Mr. Bai Ming, what do you mean by suddenly saying this?”

“If I have time, maybe I’ll go take a look. Bai

Ming said with a chuckle.

There is also a plot about the five major sects.

The Hero Faction in the Disaster Group, in order to conduct an experiment to summon the great red and divide the power of Orpheus, chose the location of the experiment where the five major sects are entrenched. Kyoto.

And his original intention is to get Ophis.

In addition, there are several girls in Kyoto who cannot be ignored. Himejima Zhuli, and the general of the demon world, the nine-tailed fox Yasaka


Hearing this, Akeno Himejima’s eyes showed surprise. But then came ecstasy.

Bai Ming’s hidden meaning couldn’t be more obvious.

Maybe his original intention was not to help her, but no matter what, combined with his previous behavior, it is possible that he would collide with the five major sects.

By the time…

Thinking of this, Himejima Akeno became even more excited

“By the way, what’s the situation on the devil’s side now?”

Hearing this, Himejima Akeno immediately responded

“I heard from the minister that the main god from Northern Europe seems to be visiting soon. The specific content is not clear.”

“Got it, let’s part here.”

The girl didn’t ask any more questions. After bidding farewell to Bai Ming with the others, she left in the opposite direction. Back home.

Bai Ming thought about the next plot.

The visit of the Nordic god Odin to the biblical forces would cause Loki’s dissatisfaction. Will attack Odin on the road and launch Ragnarok. However, Bai Ming is not interested in dusk or dusk. What he cares about is that in order to successfully kill Odin, Loki specially brought his son Fenrir, the God-killing Fang..The legendary magic wolf with god-killing teeth.

In the Ragnarok of Nordic mythology, it even swallowed the holy father Odin.

Although the myths of this world are not exactly the same as those that Bai Ming knows, judging from the expressiveness of the original It seems that even the armor of the Sekiryuutei, who has been transformed into a forbidden hand, is as soft as tofu under Fenrir’s teeth.

If it can be absorbed, it may be able to make his fists sharper. The forbidden The reason is actually that I wrote the full name of the animation, which is outrageous…


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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