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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 139

Chapter 139

What happened just now? correct.

It must be because my body is too weak.

After not replenishing any blood for more than a thousand years, it is normal for the strength to weaken.

The original soul used these reasons to convince itself.

Then I became naturally angry again.

“Insignificant mortal! Don’t be complacent because of this trick, you will pay the price for your stupid behavior!”

The next second.

The atmosphere distorted and the mountains shook.

Above the head of the original soul, the unstable space shattered the rocks. With a bone-chilling chill, a huge figure as transparent as a glacier appeared out of thin air. The upper body of a human female , the lower body is in the posture of a fish.

Wings grow on the back of the human form, but the fingertips are sharp claws like raptors.

The whole body is covered with icy cold air.

This is the ice mermaid, or the legendary demon bird.

The summoned beast that emerges in the atmosphere like a heat wave is the twelfth familiar beast of the Fourth True Ancestor, symbolizing the”Bellow Ice of the Enchantress” of Pisces. 027

“You humble mortals, it’s not too late to apologize to me now!”

The narrow space echoed with the wild laughter of the original soul.

A solemn look appeared in Nangong Nayue’s eyes.

Although she was not an enemy of the True Ancestor in the past, the current performance of the Fourth True Ancestor is worse than the demons she killed in the past. Countless times more powerful.

Even the vampires of the old generation, the familiar beasts they summoned were as powerless as babies in front of this weird familiar beast. Although in the past, I was confident that I could be on par with the true ancestor level familiar beasts, but after all, Just a guess.

Compared to Nangong Nayue’s calmness.

Feeling the magic power contained in the atmosphere, Nagisa and Xiao Yacheng, headed by Liana, had uncomfortable looks on their faces. The rich magic power oppressed the surrounding oxygen. , making it impossible to breathe.

The biting cold air eroded in all directions, and even the leaves were covered with a layer of frost.

However, the fear stemming from biological instinct made them unable to even escape.

After all, their legs were already shaking to the point where it was difficult to stand. Degree

“He actually summoned a familiar beast…Even if it has been sealed for more than a thousand years, does the True Ancestor still have this level of magic power?”

Xiaoyacheng protected his daughter.

He tried his best to maintain his stability in the wind and snow.

With his face full of bitterness, he already regretted taking this job. He even regretted that he should not have agreed to Liana’s request in the first place. Nagisa was also brought to such a dangerous place.

But when he looked at Liana and was about to leave, he found that she was staring ahead blankly, with the dreamy familiar beast in her eyes.

“Don’t you want to give up even at this time?”

Xiaoyacheng shook his head, complaining about this ungrateful woman in his heart.

He tried to call the other party’s name, but there was no response.

The latter was fascinated by the posture of the Fourth True Ancestor at this moment.

The dreamy bird in front of him The beautiful familiar beast is no worse than the Forgotten War King.

If we can get her power, the title of the Karyana family will definitely come back!

On the other side.

After summoning the familiar beast, the original soul can clearly see everyone’s expressions.

That expression of fear, solemnity, and longing made her extremely useful.

That’s right.

That’s it.

Weak creatures are only worthy of groveling to her like they are now.

If she is in a happy mood, she can also reward her with a few drops of essence and blood to make her a His own blood servant.

But when he thought about the”blood servant”, the expression of the original soul became angry again.

This ungrateful man. He dared to lie about her existence and touch her with his dirty hands. Touching her noble body!

There is no respect for herself in her eyes, words and deeds!

She will use her actions to let these ignorant mortals know (cecf) how serious the consequences of offending her will be!

After that, she still She will let the world know after a thousand years.

She, the great fourth true ancestor, will eventually rule this land!

Haha! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)



“Do vampires seem to love fantasy?”

At this moment, the understatement of the voice broke the original laughter.

The laughter stopped, and the original person who raised her eyebrows looked at Bai Ming with hatred.

At this moment, she was eager to show her strength, but she did not notice that among the people present, Bai Ming was the only one. No one was affected in any way.

Only the windbreaker rustled under the storm

“Humanity! You need to pay the price!”

Being interrupted again and again, Yuanchu couldn’t bear it any longer.

She would use her actual actions to let everyone in the world know that the Fourth True Ancestor cannot be insulted!

The words fell.

The ground shook and the mountains shook.

The gravel rustled. Falling, like an earthquake, countless cracks appeared on the ground.

“Ha ha ha ha…belch!”

After saying that before, the original soul that continued to laugh wildly fell silent for an instant like a drake being strangled by the neck.

I don’t know when.

The dazzling blue light bloomed quietly, and invisible pressure enveloped the whole place.

Nangong Nayue’s face suddenly changed. Change, with a face full of surprise and uncertainty. A feeling even worse than confronting the True Ancestor kept welling up from the bottom of my heart.

At the same time, a scorching wind suddenly rose from the ground, instantly blowing away the extreme cold brought by the Enchantress’ Blue Ice..

The ice cubes melted and turned into water droplets that soaked the soil.

In just a moment, the temperature of the atmosphere rose by dozens of degrees.

The instantaneous rise in temperature directly caused everyone nearby to break out in hot sweat.

“Bai Ming…”

Nangong Nayue subconsciously called Bai Ming, but when she looked closely, she found that there was a man in front of her.

Just when she was wondering, an unpleasant feeling emerged from her heart.

The sunlight shining down from the top of the head disappeared without knowing when, leaving the depths of the ruins in darkness.

The original soul’s heart is ringing with alarm bells, and the warnings from instinct are constantly warning.

But the pride of being a true ancestor made her insist on not trembling.

At this time.

Pale lightning flashed across the clouds, illuminating the dim ruins and people’s faces, and then a thunderous sound came from the sky.

Everyone looked up.

I don’t know when.

The originally clear sky was covered with dark clouds, and thick thunders surged in the clouds.

It’s not just them.

Residents and tourists on the island of Gozo have also noticed the sudden change in weather.

People stood on the street and talked about the weird weather, while some people took pictures of the sky.

But at this moment.

The scalding strong wind started blowing from nowhere and swept across the entire island.

Thanks to EUEU2 for the tip! The boss is in good health!.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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