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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 149

Chapter 149

Night falls and the lights dim.

Bai Ming and Nangong were eating in a remote restaurant that month.

Compared with the fast food restaurant at noon, the style of this restaurant is obviously much more luxurious.

Because the venue was specially reserved, there were only three of them in the entire store.

But Nangong’s appetite was not very good that month.

I don’t know if it’s because of this magical clone or the upcoming transaction.

At this time.

The wind outside the window suddenly became noisy for a moment.

There was faint movement in the distance. Bai Ming turned his head and took a look, then put down his coffee cup.

“finally come”


Nangong Nayue narrowed her eyes.

If the demons in the world could be ranked, then the snakeman Dimitriye Vatra would be the first person she hated the most.

Agurola on the side also started from the very beginning. The shivering turned into an excited posture.

I don’t know when.

The girl’s blue eyes were stained with flames, and her delicate and pretty face wore a mature smile that was not what this appearance should have.

“567 Blood Descendants in the King of War Domain…Is that the guy named Snake?”

Yuanchu’s deliberately lowered voice sounded.

While speaking, the fangs at the corners of her mouth were slightly exposed.

Yuanchu, with the blood of the true ancestor flowing in her body, was telling her that the vampire with the blood of the enemy was approaching.

Although after the signing of the Holy Land Treaty, several There is also an armistice agreement between the famous ancestors, but how could the fourth ancestor, who was sealed more than a thousand years ago, abide by such a thing.

The moment he woke up on Gozo Island, the original soul carried The belief in revenge.

Later, due to Bai Ming’s intimidation, she temporarily restrained it.

Now the arrival of Demitriye has once again aroused her ferocity.

“You’re out, Yuan.”

The voice came from above the head.

The expression on the original soul’s face suddenly froze, and he shrank his head subconsciously.

But Bai Ming didn’t care about her little movements.

And Nangong Nayue, who was opposite, was about to say something.

A pure white flash suddenly erupted from the ground not far away.

Huge magic power rose from the body of the handsome young man, and the surging magic power stirred the atmosphere.

In just an instant, a crazy storm surged in the lonely street.

Flash It rushed straight towards him at a speed that exceeded the limit of the naked eye.

As he got closer, Bai Ming could clearly see the true face of the flash.

The shining flame snake was a snake-like beast whose whole body was covered with energy like magma.

It was like a lightning strike from a star stream. The released beasts caught everyone except Bai Ming off guard.

Amid the storm of scorching temperatures, flaming snakes as thick as telephone poles roared out.

Even if they were not in contact with the ground, the scorching heat still transformed the landscape on both sides of the street. The tree ignited.

There was a trace of scorch on the ground paved with tiles.

The beasts came straight to where Bai Ming and the others were!

If an ordinary person was entangled by such a rock snake, within three seconds, he would become A charred corpse.

But Bai Ming just raised his hand slightly and made a slight stroke towards the air in front of him.

His divine power turned into an invisible blade, splitting the suddenly rising rock snake into two.


Rock Snake The wind waves caused by the explosion swept through the entire restaurant and nearby streets in an instant.

Bai Ming’s clothes rustled, and his flowing black hair was blown randomly by the strong wind.

The fire storm swept along with the air waves.

But in the air When the waves first rolled up, they calmed down like a tamed cat.

Even so, Nangong Nayue and Agulola could still feel the scalding heat around them.

“Nayue-chan, it seems that your popularity is not very good.”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Bai Ming put down his arms with a teasing (ceec) smile on his face.

Everything happened so fast.

No one would have thought that Demitriye would launch an attack, even if The same is true for Nangong Nayue.

Not long ago,

Demitriye, who received the news, set off from the War King’s Domain. After getting off the private plane, he came to the agreed place alone.

The closer the distance, the more blood in his body. It was boiling.

Leaning on the side of the window, the girl with long blond hair and a fairy-like appearance was recognized by Vatra at a glance.

The connection between vampires and true ancestors is inseparable.

Even if they are not directly affiliated, the feeling is still strong

“You actually brought No. 12 here, witch of the gap, what on earth are you playing? Vatra frowned slightly.

But soon, he no longer thought about the fact that had happened.

Instead, he paid attention to the man sitting next to No. 12.

After all, it was difficult not to notice that man’s presence..

The pure black hair and regular facial features, as well as the temperament that permeates from every gesture, are as eye-catching as the gold mixed in the stone. Although the identity is doubtful, since he can compete with the Gap Witch and the Fourth True Ancestor Sitting next to each other’s bodies was enough to prove that the other party was definitely not an ordinary character.

At this time, his steps paused slightly.

Vatra seemed to remember something.

After the incident on Gozo Island, he forgot the message that the King of War gave him and Perixiu.

——The majestic giant that descended on Gozo.

Although most people guessed that it was a familiar beast summoned by the fourth true ancestor, Vatra guessed from the expression of the first true ancestor at that time that the giant might not be a familiar beast of a vampire.

“So, this man is most likely the user who summoned the giant beast.”

Vatra thought inwardly.

Although he could not feel the extra vampire aura, summoning familiar beasts is not a vampire’s patent.

Any life with magical power can sign a contract with a familiar beast from another world.

And vampires and other races The difference is that the former has an infinite lifespan and can pay the price of servitude at will.

If other races want to use the beasts, they can only spend their own lifespan.

In the past wars, it is not that no one has done this.

But Without exception, all are short-lived ghosts

“Then test it out.”

Thinking of this, Vatra released his magic power.

The space rippled, and then a pure white flash erupted.

The monster residing in the blood of the vampire came to the world as a condensed body of magic power.

“Go ahead.”

Watra ordered the beast to attack.


The snake-like beast twisted its body, roared and burst out of the air, shaking the air.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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