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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 153

Chapter 153

After this information was circulated, screened, confirmed, and verified to be correct, it was passed to Peri Ruixiu.

He was about to fall asleep.

But after receiving the news from his confidant, he immediately jumped up

“What did you say? Duke Demitriel is dead?”

Perui Xiu’s first thought was that it was impossible.

The demonic aura was revealed unnaturally, making the little official reporting the information in front of him tremble uncontrollably.

After so many years in politics, he had never seen Speaker Peri Xiu show such an expression.

“yes…Yes, the news came from the border special forces. When they arrived at the scene, the Duke was confirmed to be dead. There were signs of fighting at the scene, but…but no one”

“Where are the witnesses?”



“Okay, you go down.”

After receiving the order, the confidant couldn’t wait to leave.

Perisio stood there and thought for a long time.

He couldn’t figure out who could kill Dimitriye even if he thought about it.

Although in his opinion, Dimitri Ye’s strength is far inferior to that of the True Ancestor, but if all the Familiar Beasts are fused together, he can get a powerful Familiar Beast that can rival the True Ancestor level.

And in this case, who can kill him? He?

In Perixiu’s mind, the figures of the second true ancestor and the third true ancestor immediately appeared.

Since they can receive the news, it means that the other two true ancestors have also received the news.

Yan, who is related to the fourth true ancestor It is not impossible to participate in the Banquet of Light on a whim.

According to Perixiu’s guess, the most likely murderer is the third true ancestor, the Chaos Princess. The

Chaos Princess is ever-changing and often changes into other appearances to go out for private visits.

With Vatra His bellicose temper might also offend the Third True Ancestor.

However, Peresio decided to report the matter to the Forgotten War King.

Since Demitriye is dead, the paper cannot contain the fire, and the news will come sooner or later. Spread.


Peruixiu came to the palace of the First True Ancestor and met the Forgotten War King here.

Then, he told the truth in detail.

After listening, the Forgotten War King was silent for a long time.

“Are you sure the news is true?.?”

“Reporting back to Your Majesty, it is confirmed that Duke Demitriye did indeed die in a foreign land, and the physical body of the Fourth True Ancestor he carried has also disappeared.”

Peruixiu continued to remain silent after he finished speaking.

Having served the First True Ancestor for many years, he could feel the repressed anger of the First True Ancestor.

However, it is difficult for anyone to remain calm about this kind of thing.

Dimito Although Duke Liye is warlike and has devoured the blood of his own clan, he is still the right-hand man of the First True Ancestor. In the past few decades, he has fought for the War King’s domain, pacified the restless small countries around him, and made great achievements in battle..

Although there is a lot of criticism of Demitriye internationally, due to the power of the King of War domain, no one dares to say anything more.

This sudden death, no one would have expected such a result.

The first true ancestor did not Without speaking,

Perui Xiu lowered his voice and asked,”Your Majesty, what should we do next? Need to investigate further?”

Do you want to investigate?

This is not a problem at all?

Of course you have to investigate!

Not only do you have to investigate, but you also have to investigate clearly.

Dimitriye is not a dispensable role.

He is a warrior. The Duke of the King’s Realm is the highest-ranking noble, and he owns his own country and is the head of a country.

His position is not only the second in command, but also the third in command.

What’s more, Duke Demitriel is still under the order of the First True Ancestor. Went to investigate the matter of the Fourth True Ancestor.

However, only one day passed, and news of his sudden death came, which was tantamount to a slap in the face. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) and the past territory of Earl Karjana The invasion by the Huns is different.

Last time, political negotiations were made in private, and Count Karjana was treated as an abandoned son.

This time, the War King Realm cannot remain indifferent.

To investigate this matter thoroughly, we must even be prepared to dispatch Army, prepare at all costs!

“Speaker Peresio, who do you think did it?”

The Forgotten War King finally spoke.

“The Second True Ancestor, Eye of Extinction, and the Third True Ancestor, Princess Chaos, are both possible…Also, as neighboring Aldykia, they also have motivations and abilities.”

Although Aldykia is a small country, the level of magical technology is among the top in the world.

Moreover, the women of the royal family have been the best psychic mediums for generations.

This also resulted in that, despite being sandwiched between the Extinction Dynasty and the King of War Domain, it is still for the sake of having a place

“Really, but can you tell me the reason why you didn’t consider the Gap Witch?”

The Forgotten War King said

“Gap Witch…Although she was a witch who made a deal with the highest-ranking demon, she was at best on par with Duke Demitriel. Moreover, it was precisely because of the witch’s invitation that Duke Demitriel left the country.”

Perui Xiu explained

“~Although there is a motive, doing so is too obvious.”

“What you said is indeed true, but it is not impossible.”

The Forgotten War King shook his head

“As soon as there is news about the Gap Witch, please notify me immediately.”

Hearing this, Pei Ruixiu was shocked.

“Your Majesty, do you want to go in person?”

Perisio did not receive a response, but this wordless silence was the best answer.


The death of Duke Dimitriye is too strange.

Not only that, once the news is exposed, it will inevitably ferment quickly. If the war The king’s domain is still indifferent, which will definitely make people doubt the prestige of the true ancestor.

Just ignore the establishment of the Xionggui country.

Smart people can see that a political exchange must have been made.

But the death of Duke Demitriye, if If we just let it go, we will definitely not be able to convince the public in the future.

Due to both emotional and rational reasons, (those who promise money) must investigate clearly as soon as possible, and catch the murderer in advance before public opinion fermentes, and publicly execute him. As a warning.

Not long after Perui Xiu left, he hurriedly returned.

The Forgotten War King looked at him in confusion.

Peri Xiu looked embarrassed:”Your Majesty, I just received news from the border that the Cossas military base of the Extinction Dynasty was attacked.”


Hearing this, Forgotten War King was a little confused.

The Cossass base is quite close to the country’s border and is the most important strategic base of the Extinction Dynasty, so it is equipped with a considerable number of troops.

The only one with the ability to attack the base is War King Realm Faint.

But…Without his order, it would be impossible for the border troops to launch an attack. then.

The border defense base transmits information directly to the royal family through secret lines.

Live images are projected on the screen.

The scene that greeted their eyes deeply shocked them..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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