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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 162

Chapter 162

“How can it be? hallucination…Can you actually see me?!”

The moment she was watched by the boy, the strongest fear struck Anbainai.

While she screamed, her consciousness also retreated from the spiritual vision.

“Anbai Nai-sama!”

Behind the curtain, Xian Guyong was very worried when she heard the scream.

During the spiritual vision, she saw big beads of sweat flowing on An Bai Nai’s body. Now, there was a sudden scream, which made her think that something happened. What

“There’s no need to come over, it’s okay.”

An Bainai sat up on the floor. Her head was in pain, and it was also swollen, as if it was going to explode. She calmed down her mind, and it took a while before she regained her composure.

The feeling of experiencing reality made her feel extremely Feeling at ease, but once he recalled the scene he saw through his spiritual vision, his body began to tremble subconsciously.

That was definitely not something that existed in this world.

At the same time, it also showed that what the Forgotten War King said was true.

“Anbai Nai-sama, what did you see?”

Xian Guyong suppressed his curiosity and slight uneasiness.

“…Gods are not mutated dragon veins, nor are they a collection of divine energy worshiped by humans, but real living gods walking on the earth.”

Anbai 24 said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the others were stunned.

They couldn’t see spiritually, so naturally they couldn’t see what Anbai saw.

A living god?! Does it really exist?

But Since even Anbainai said this, is it true?

There was a long silence

“So, a god who cannot even match the power of the First True Ancestor is on the way to Genkami Island on that plane?”

As Xian Guyong said, he felt his head start to get hot.

“That’s right.”

An Bainai said bitterly.

“…The War King Realm is actually good at making decisions about this kind of thing!”

The first reaction of the Three Saints was anger towards the King of War Realm.

If this is the case, wouldn’t they have thrown a hot potato here?

No, it’s not just a potato, but a nuclear bomb that will detonate at any time!

Although it is not stated clearly, The three saints, including Anbai Na, were worried and cursed in their hearts that the War King Realm was a scourge. If they couldn’t solve the problem themselves, they would be sent to Genkami Island.

Did that damn First True Ancestor think that the War King Realm was a disaster? Will everything be fine this way?

“…Action must be taken as soon as possible now. How many Wuweiyuan are currently practicing in the Forest of High Gods?”

Xian Guyong said.

No one answered.

Even though Xian Guyong is the head of the Three Saints

“Anbai Nai-sama?”

Qualifications and experience made Xian Guyong make modest but doubtful questions.

Then, the girl only heard the wry smiles from the other two saints.

“What action do you think we can take? Send Wu Weiyuan to monitor him and assassinate him as soon as there is any abnormal movement? Do you think a god who can easily defeat even the First True Ancestor really cares about that? If you offend the other party by then, maybe even your own country will sink.”

“But you can’t just let it go.”

Xian Guyong, who just took over, said stubbornly.

“Then show kindness and attitude as much as possible, and pray that the God of Destruction can have a good time on String God Island.”

An Bainai shook his head.

The Three Saints who just took over are indeed too young.

On the other side,

Bai Ming withdrew his gaze.

He happened to meet Nangong Nayue’s hesitant face.

“What happened to you just now? Who are you talking to?”

“Is one of the owners of the dating agency”

“Dating agency?”

Nangong was even more confused that month.

Did she hear it wrong?

“Just kidding, I just thought of something.”

Bai Ming said with a smile. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He is very much looking forward to what the Lion King agency will do after seeing his true nature.

But this expectation will be left for now. Let’s untie it again

“In short, let’s get off the plane first, you can’t miss the next twenty-four hours.”

When I crossed the continent and the ocean from the War King’s Domain and arrived here, it was already dawn due to the jet lag. There were lights and colors all over the city, and it was a lively and joyful scene.

“It’s the holidays again?”

After getting off the plane, Bai Ming asked.

Hearing this, Nangong Nayue suddenly said:”I have forgotten about the Bolongyuan Festival. This is one of the largest festivals on Xian Shen Island. It is almost the same as the New Year.”

“Then I have to enjoy it”

“But these bodies…Would it be too conspicuous to take it out?”

Nangong was a little hesitant that month.

All the demons who come to Xian Shen Island need to be equipped with demon landing bracelets, so that they can be easily managed. What’s more, there are ten identical girls.

If you go out, you will definitely attract a lot of attention.

But Bai Ming shook his head and said there is no need for it now.

Compared with ordinary demons, these bodies have a high degree of self-control. As for other aspects, just be more conspicuous, and it won’t be in the way anyway.

Nangong Nayue said so casually.

After all, it would be troublesome to apply for certificates now.

Bai Ming doesn’t have much time, so he has to hurry up and take him to visit a few more places, and this is the best way Nangong Nayue can treat guests now.

The group of people did not Stay and use Nangong Nayue’s space control magic to leave the airport.

Arriving at the noisy streets, the city was decorated with colorful ribbons.

The girls who saw such a scene for the first time were stunned.

Even those with indifferent personalities Although they can control 160 beasts, they are still children after all.

Passers-by looked sideways. After all, anyone who sees ten identical girls will be surprised.

Especially Agu. Laura has a beautiful appearance, like a character from a fairy tale.

More and more people stopped to watch, and some even started to take out their mobile phones to take pictures.

“It’s indeed a bit too conspicuous. Then Yue-chan, let’s take them to change clothes first.”

Hearing this, Nangong Nayue waved his hand, and several people disappeared from public view in an instant.

In the clothing store.

Nangong Nayue, as the foreman, took the Agulola to choose new clothes.

“Which piece of clothing should I choose as a gift?”

At this time, a girl with short silver hair and a blue sailor uniform came into view. She was as gorgeous as the bright moonlight, giving people a holy impression.

Her name naturally came to mind.

——Hayase Xia Yin.

But now Bai Ming has no idea of contacting her. He is leaving now and there is no need to have too many encounters.

All until next time.

When the girl noticed Bai Ming’s gaze, she was slightly startled for a moment. She blushed slightly and bowed politely towards him.

Bai Ming also smiled at her, laying the foundation for their future encounter. ps: Thank you for your tip and I wish the boss good health..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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