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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Model Na:”Sister Kuang is very strong. I am the only ordinary person in this group, eh eh eh.”

Nightmare Elf:”It’s just relative to ordinary people. When I meet a truly strong person, I can’t The only option is to escape.”

Kurumi Tokisaki thought of the Origin Elf again.

In the past, she had always thought about revenge.

But he never thought about whether he could defeat the Origin Elf.

After being enlightened by Bai Ming, he slowed down and read in his spare time to supplement himself, trying to see if he could become stronger through practice.

After all, she has not practiced any practice in the past few decades.

However, humans have developed magical devices that can rival spiritual power, and some powerful people can even rival her.

Bai Ming:”Maybe the problem of insufficient points will be solved in the chat group later.”

Discharge Girl:”Oh? Since the administrator said that, it means it is true.”

Bai Ming:”?”

Bai Ming:”Forget it, whatever you think, I’ll leave first because I have something else to do.”

After saying that, Bai Ming exited the chat group.

Leave the bedroom and come to the living room.

Before I even got close, I could already hear the TV blaring.

Later, Linali, dressed in cool clothes, underwear and hot pants, was lying lazily on the bed, eating potato chips and watching TV with gusto.

Because Bai Ming held back his breath and walked lightly, Linali didn’t notice his presence until he stood behind her.

Soap opera?

Since when did this fallen angel like to look at these things?

“Ahem…Only you?”

The sudden voice behind her startled Linali, and the potato chips in her hand spilled all over the floor.

However, the reaction of the fallen angel also made her immediately roll out of the sofa, roll forward gracefully, and then The jet-black wings stretch left and right, looking quite shiny.


The girl shouted angrily.

But after she saw it was Bai Ming, her voice suddenly became as soft as a cat.

“host…Master master? When did you come back?”

Of course, it’s more like I was scared.

“Just now.”

Bai Ming glanced at the sling that had slipped from the girl’s shoulders, and showed a faint smile.

He crossed the sofa, walked to the front and sat down.

“Why are you alone?”

“oh…Asia went to school. The teacher in the home economics class was on leave today, so I stayed at home.”

Linali, who was caught on the spot, looked a little embarrassed.

Although she knew that Bai Ming was very kind to her, the encounter when they first met still left an indelible shadow in her heart.

Linali closed her eyes and waited for punishment.

But she only heard a chuckle. She opened her eyes suspiciously.

But at this moment, her body was uncontrollably restricted by external forces.

The shadow in her heart lingered, and the sight of the demon being crushed into flesh made her She couldn’t help but tremble.

But then, she felt arms hugging her from in front of her.

Realizing what was going to happen, Linali carefully opened her eyes and smelled the smell coming from Bai Ming’s body. My body naturally softened…….Ten thousand words are omitted here…

After one hour.

Bai Ming also learned from Linali that nothing special happened during the two days he left.

If you think about it carefully, it’s normal. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The old Demon King faction was wiped out by Bai Ming, and the news that the three major forces successfully shook hands and made peace has just begun to ferment.

Even if you are a group of disasters, you have to be honest for a while.

On Rias’ side, she and her family went to school as normal. However, during the past two days, there were black cats wandering around the area. When Linali approached, the black cats had already run away.

Bai Ming guessed that it was Heige’s disguise.

Maybe it was to remind myself of something.

But it happened that he was not here these two days.

Of course, Bai Ming also knew what it was about.

After the old Demon King’s faction was wiped out by him, Vali was unable to lift the table at the signing of the peace agreement, but with Vali’s character, he would definitely not give up so easily.

Maybe in the past few days, I have contacted the Disaster Group and made a new plan.

After all, the Disaster Group also needs a suitable time to appear and announce their existence to the world.

As for Kuroka.

Probably he wanted to take advantage of the troubled waters at that time and take away the Tacheng kitten.

It’s much easier to handle things when you can guess what might happen next.

In the evening.

Asia was out of school, and at the dinner table, the news that summer vacation was coming came.

At the same time, Rias also asked Asia to convey an invitation to Bai Ming

“…Minister Rias said that during the summer vacation, she and the student council president would have a ranking game competition in the underworld, and hoped that Mr. Bai Ming could attend.”

It seems that the Disaster Group is planning to appear at that time, which coincides with his guess.

Bai Ming thought to himself

“Then go take a look and be a little curious about the underworld.”

As for Rias’s invitation, Bai Ming had no reason to refuse.

Not only could he develop a relationship with the girls, but he might also be able to get news about Ophis from the Disaster Group.

The next day, Asia 610 was full of heart. He happily told the little cat about Bai Ming’s promise, and then it reached the ears of Rias.

After learning that Bai Ming agreed, Rias and Akeno were naturally very happy.

After all, for them, especially For Rias, Bai Ming has been regarded as a mentor in her life.

He taught her that freedom should be grasped by herself, introduced her to ranking games, and used it to defeat Lessa of the Phoenix family. The engagement matter, for Rias It is very important to her.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to regard Bai Ming as a life mentor.

Therefore, she wants to invite Bai Ming to participate in her official first battle, hoping to let him see her progress.

Of course, in addition, The girl also has her own selfish motives.

Last time she failed to express her feelings in the swimming pool, Xenovia was allowed to get in first.

But this time, she is also prepared accordingly.

If she can be on the field, she will rely entirely on her own strength. Defeating his opponent means that he is finally qualified to repay Mr. Bai Ming.

The figure of the black-haired boy appeared in his mind.

His body felt a little hot involuntarily.

“Mr. Bai Ming…”

Under the night, the dark red-haired girl was tossing and turning..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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