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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Summer is coming.

The day is noisy.

Rias, a dark red-haired girl, appeared in front of Bai Ming.

Different from her usual school uniform, Rias was wearing casual casual clothes at this time, with a white upper body and a mid-length skirt suit.

The colors match each other perfectly, and the skin on the exposed arms is also fair and dazzling.

“Mr. Bai Ming, thank you very much for agreeing to my willful request.”

The honorable Gremory family succeeded Bai Ming as the sect leader and greeted Bai Ming respectfully.

“During this rare summer vacation, Asia and the others also wanted to go to the underworld. It just so happened that I had not officially been to the underworld.”

To be honest.

Bai Ming is still a little curious about the underworld.

Although he has been there once, it was because of Ravel’s kidnapping, and it is also a border. Apart from the stronghold of the old Demon King’s faction, there is no scenery to speak of.

“I will arrange the itinerary for you, and please allow me to be your tour guide.”

Rias smiled.

She didn’t hear any reluctance in Bai Ming’s tone.

“Although there is no magnificent sky in the underworld,177 other scenery is rare in the human world and will definitely make your trip worthwhile.”

“Then I will look forward to it as a tourist this time. Bai

Ming said with a chuckle.

Then, everyone boarded the car prepared by Rias and took Bai Ming and her family members to the direction of the Kuoh Town train station.

On the way, Rias also introduced the reason to Bai Ming..Although you can directly use the teleportation array of the Supernatural Research Department to go to the underworld, strictly speaking, that is not the correct entry route. There is a train to the underworld built by demons underground in Kuao Town.

Although the name is very tempting. Complaints, but in fact, as long as guests visit, there will be a special route, instead of using the teleportation array directly.

Passing through the public platform with many pedestrians and tourists, Rias led Bai Ming and his party to Gremory’s house A private train.

The train is engraved with patterns representing the devil and the Gremory family, and the interior decoration is also full of luxury.

Asia, who experienced it for the first time, opened her eyes wide and was quite curious about everything in front of her.

Accompanied by the high whistle. The sound sounded and the train started slowly.

Rias seemed to have really turned into a tour guide and kept introducing the words.

“It will take another hour to reach the destination. At that time, we will pass through the dimensional wall and enter the underworld from the human world. The first time may feel a little strange, but don’t worry, that is normal.”

The girl said in a familiar tone. It was not until more than ten minutes passed that the introduction was completed.

Noticing that the expression on Bai Ming’s face had not changed, Rias breathed a sigh of relief.

This time it can be said to be a formal invitation.

If Bai Ming felt She will only be hit if she is bored


While drinking water to moisten her throat, Rias heard Akeno’s voice next to her.

“What’s wrong, Akeno?”

Rias looked at her in confusion.

Seeing the girl looking at her, Himejima Akeno sighed softly, with a look of helplessness on her pretty face:”If this continues, you will get farther and farther away. , whether it’s Xenovia, me, or even Ravel, they will come from behind in the end, leaving you alone.”

“so…What do you mean?”

Rias was even more confused.

Why are you playing riddles with her all of a sudden?

“Rias, if you like Mr. Bai Ming, you should be more proactive.”


Hearing Himejima Akeno’s words, Rias finally reacted.

While her face was slightly red, she was also very puzzled. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Her performance just now, Isn’t that proactive enough?

When Zhu (ceci) saw her like this, she even showed an expression of hatred for steel:”Longing is the farthest distance in the world.””

“But that’s good, at least I have one less competitor”

“What do you mean, Akeno?”

Rias felt a little unhappy.

Ever since the misunderstanding between Himejima Akeno and Shiro Ming was resolved, she has become more and more aggressive. In the swimming pool, if she hadn’t fought with her before, it wouldn’t have been Xenovia’s turn. Get there first

“It’s just a piece of advice. When you can reach Xenovia’s level, come and compete with us again.”

Himejima Akeno finished speaking with a chuckle, then stood up, swaying her plump figure and walked to the seat next to Bai Ming and sat down.

While joking, her body couldn’t help but press against Bai Ming.

This woman!!!

Rias couldn’t help but clenched her fists, and the light red arrogance overflowed restlessly from her body.

But then she suddenly became confused.

Did she really not do enough?

Soon after, under the confusion of the crimson girl, and Asia and the others are looking forward to it.

The train crosses the dimensional wall and enters the realm of the underworld.

Because there is no ocean in the underworld, the land surface area is larger than that of the earth.

The territory of the Gremory family alone, It is as large as the territory of an island country.

It is undeniable that the human world coexists with this kind of force and can only be qualified to be ruled.

Regardless of technology or magic, it is far from the extraordinary existence.

Soon after, the radio in the car rang.

“We are about to arrive at the main residence of Gremory. Thank you for coming.”

Lifting the car curtain, Asia looked out of the car.

“good…So many people.”

The girl’s soft call caught Rias’ attention.

She got out of the car first and looked outside the family mansion, then frowned slightly.

Although every time she came home on vacation, a servant would come out to greet her, but this time the momentum was too much. It was a bit grand.

Demon soldiers in military uniforms stood on both sides of the road with solemn expressions.

This was a pomp that would only be given when guests with distinguished status arrived.

And this was not what surprised Rias the most.

At the front of the honor guard, several familiar figures came into view.

Her parents, her brother Sirzechs, Lady Leviathan Serafuru, and even the executive officer Gurefia!

Normally, she She was so busy with official duties, so how could Shenlong have time to show up at her home?

Then, Rias seemed to have thought of something, and subconsciously looked at Bai Ming

“It seems they are all waiting for me.”

Thanks to the God of Sleep in the war for the reward, and wish the boss good health.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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