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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 177

Chapter 177

After leaving the quiet venue, the noise outside the street could be heard, and the demon residents on the street walked past him one after another.

When she noticed Bai Ming’s appearance, the female demon blushed shyly.

Some of the bolder girls are even ready to strike up a conversation.

However, before they could react, Bai Ming’s figure had already walked away and completely disappeared into the crowd.

“What a silly cat.”

In the crowd, following the familiar aura, Bai Ming sighed slightly.

He had clearly told her the misunderstanding between Tacheng Kitty and her before leaving last time, but he still took the risk to sneak into the underworld.

Heige is here He knew exactly what he was thinking. He just wanted to pick up the kitten and didn’t want her to stay in the underworld anymore.

It seemed that his last advice fell on deaf ears.

Even if he didn’t have to take the other party away, he could resolve the past.

Unfortunately, Ono The cat’s IQ level is not very high.

24 But she took the risk to sneak in and used spiritual energy to attract the Tacheng kitten. She never thought about how she would be treated if she was discovered by the devil.

After all, Heige is now He is still a wanted criminal in the underworld.

Once discovered by the devil’s soldiers, he will be executed on the spot.

Bai Ming’s steps are light but very fast. He left the city in a short while and entered the nearby dense forest.

“Is it there?”

After determining the specific location of Heige, he walked towards it.

Most of the areas in the underworld are undeveloped natural areas.

There are criss-crossing flowers, plants and trees, and the endless green ocean can be seen at a glance. The jungle will also become the best camouflage.

On the soft lawn, a slender black cat is lying lazily on it, yawning and making human sounds.

“Baiyin will come over soon after noticing my spiritual energy. I wonder if Baiyin still can call his sister”meow” after not seeing her for so many years?”

Although she doesn’t care on the surface, Kuroka has begun to look forward to it in her heart.

The nearly ten-year reunion has not made her miss her sister weaker. On the contrary, it has deepened as time goes by.

She hopes to see Baiyin soon. At the same time, Bai Ming’s figure came to mind again.

Recalling what happened at that time, Heige felt embarrassed and ashamed, and her little black tail couldn’t help but sway.

But the exchange afterwards made her have further feelings for Bai Ming. At first , she was wary of Bai Ming’s detailed understanding of everything, but then she was able to detect the other person’s concern for her.

The misunderstanding between her and Bai Yin could be explained face to face.

Therefore, she took advantage of the misfortune. Before the regiment started taking action, they took Baiyin away in advance.

After all, once the war started, it was easy to become indistinguishable between the enemy and ourselves.

Kuroka, who had not seen him for many years, secretly peeped at Baiyin, and had already unknowingly developed overprotective feelings. mentality.

In her eyes, nothing is more important than her sister.

“It should be coming soon, nya.”

Heige’s golden pupils flashed with excitement.

She also made plans for her future life.

After taking Baiyin away, she went to the man’s house.

He promised to take in the cat!

In a few seconds Finally.

Heige suddenly came back to reality.

Huh? Why did the surrounding area suddenly become dark?!

“Where did the black cat come from? It looks delicious.”

The light coming from the intricate treetops was blocked, and the black cat suddenly raised his head.

I didn’t know when a human face appeared directly above him.


The huge fright made Hei Ge jump up from the ground.

The black cat’s back arched, its hair exploded, and it made a frightened hissing sound, just like a real wild cat. (Read the novel and fly up. Lu Novel Network!)

If it were normal, Heige would not be like this with her courage.

But now, in order to take Baiyin away, she has already set up barriers around her.

If there is any trouble, she will be there as soon as possible. Perceived.

In such a situation, a human face appears unprepared above the head, no matter who it is, it will be frightened.

Heige stirs up the demonic power in the body, and the figure moves away like a ghost, leaving its original position in an instant.

Ten fingers stretched out, the sharp nails flashed with cold light, and at the same time, multiple formations appeared behind her.

The life of being hunted in the past had made her develop conditioned reflexes.

What’s more, cats’ reactions are already extremely fast.

But in Heige When he was about to attack, he found that the face in front of him looked familiar.


After being confused for half a second, Heige was stunned for a moment, pointed at Bai Ming and spoke

“It’s the powerful man who took Kuroka’s first time away and promised to take him in, nya!”

“There is no need to add so many prefixes, just pronounce my name honestly.”

Bai Ming pressed his palm.

The strong demonic power in the atmosphere dissipated instantly.

The strong wind subsided, dots of light illuminated the jungle, and everything returned to calm.

“Looking for a kitten?”

Heige was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

“The underworld is no longer safe, so people want to take Baiyinmiao away in advance.

Then, she seemed to think of something 907, and said:”I have been looking for you before, but only those two girls were at home.”

Bai Ming did not explain:”It seems that you didn’t listen to what I said last time.””

Hearing this, Heige scratched his face in embarrassment:”I didn’t mean it, but I saw you were not at home all the time, and the Disaster Group had new actions, so they planned to take Baiyin first. Take it away and talk about it later, meow”

“If you take the kitten away now, she will only hate you even more.”

Bai Ming said

“So what should I do?!”

Heige said very distressedly.

“Now follow me to see the kitten. If you have any questions, you can tell me face to face.”

Bai Ming’s words were concise and to the point.

“Can…But he is now a wanted criminal in the underworld. If he is discovered, he will be executed!”

Heige shook his head subconsciously.

However, Bai Ming had no intention of explaining at all, but turned back the way he came.

Seeing this,

Heige understood what he meant.

Follow him, which represents the new couple.

Staying here, or leaving, symbolizes Rejection.

The dense jungle was completely silent.

Heige could only hear his own heartbeat.

Noticing the man walking further and further away, Heige gritted his teeth, stamped his feet in place angrily, and then took steps to follow Go up…


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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