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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 180

Chapter 180

The Nordic God Odin.

His gray beard almost hangs to the ground, and he is wearing a simple robe that cannot be called luxurious. Although he is leaning on a cane, it does not give people the impression of dying. Instead, he has a sense of majesty.

The most eye-catching thing is the artificial glasses embedded in the left eye socket~.

It was a creation of runes, replacing the function of the eyeball.

In the past, Odin sacrificed his left eye to the Fountain of Mimir, thus gaining supreme knowledge.

“snort! A group of young guys can’t even greet the elderly?”

Odin said in a half-joking old-fashioned tone.

But as soon as he finished speaking, like the positive and negative poles of a magnet, his eyes involuntarily looked in the direction of Bai Ming. He was dressed in a silver windbreaker, with black hair and black eyes.

But look carefully Go, but there is a blue shimmer hidden.

In addition, he seemed to feel something, and he stood there in a daze.

After a long time, Odin asked in an inexplicable tone:”You young people, you like to scare me. This kind of old man?”

The left eye sacrificed to the Fountain of Mimir allowed him to gain supreme knowledge.

But Odin’s brain still couldn’t tell who the boy in front of him was.

The creation of Rune Technology made Bai Ming appear with a hearty smile. On the crystal, he looks like an ordinary human being.

However, how can such a degree of oppression be possessed by a mortal body?

Odin subconsciously clenched the crutch in his hand.

This is his weapon. , the spear of the Lord God – Gangnir. It is usually covered with a cane, but if there is any abnormality, it can be used to fight at any time.

But in Odin’s eyes at this moment, the smiling man in front of him is no longer a human being, but an alien wearing human skin.

He is obviously a slender individual, but he exhibits a strange sense of existence.

It is not magic or divine power.

It does not even belong to any power system known in the world.

There is only an indistinguishable, huge sense of oppression.

Notice that Ou Ding’s action made Bai Ming shake his head.

“Don’t pay attention to me, I’m just visiting the underworld.”

He considers himself to be in the lawful camp and is not interested in Odin.

However, the arrival of the Nordic god also indicates that Loki must be secretly preparing to assassinate Odin.

That evil god, and his Fenrir The wolf is my target

“Sightseeing guests.”

Odin grinned.

Do you think I will believe it?

But after all, Odin is also the main god of the Nordic gods, an ancient god who was at the same time as the God of the Bible. After experiencing strong winds and waves, he quickly regained his composure.

Then, he looked at Sirzechs who was smiling wryly.

“It seems that the three major forces that have always been hostile to each other can be as happy as they are now, and something unknown must have happened.”

“Long time no see, Lord Odin, the Nordic god.”

Sergex stood up to greet

“Various things happened in the middle. For the sake of the situation that may change in the future, we decided to have a truce with Michael and Azazel. After all, if this continues, there will be no winners.”

“You can see clearly. If the God of the Bible was still alive, he might be surprised by the current situation.”

Odin stroked his beard.

His eyes swept across Serafru and Gurefia.

Then the conversation changed.

“Can you introduce this new guest to me, an old man?”

The meaning couldn’t be more obvious.

After all, no one can ignore Bai Ming’s existence.

Odin was also puzzled.

Could it be that he has been in northern Europe for too long and has fallen behind the times?

Hearing this, they did not answer directly, but looked at Bai Ming. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

To reveal the identity, you need to at least seek the opinions of the parties involved.

Of course Bai Ming has no objection.

Revealing one’s true identity in the underworld before was a means of demonstrating deterrence and presence.

Then, Sirzechs and others introduced Bai Ming’s identity to Odin.

When Odin heard with his own ears that the boy in front of him was actually the giant who fought with the Great Red in India at that time, an incredible expression appeared on his old face.

Although Odin thought he could accept all answers, after learning the truth from the Demon King, he still overestimated his ability to bear it. His emotions that had finally been stabilized were easily provoked, and Odin, who could no longer maintain his majesty, opened his eyes. His big eyes were astonishing as if he saw an ordinary old man who didn’t understand things.

Even the crutch in his hand was unsteady.

With a crisp sound, it fell to the ground and rolled to Bai Ming’s feet.

“…Is this young man the giant who caused such a fuss?!”

Odin, who thought he had heard correctly, confirmed it again.

But it is no wonder that Odin showed such an expression.

Everything in the world is in turmoil.

The world is peaceful on the surface, but there are undercurrents.

Different gods divide the earth. , occupying one side, like a warlord in the age of war.

Under such circumstances, the power of the major gods will naturally be compared.

At the same time, some good people combined the performance of the gods in the divine war in the past to create a quite Credibility ranking of global powerhouses.

Although some rankings are highly controversial.

For example, Shiva, the God of Destruction in Indian mythology, and Emperor Shakti are of equal status and have performed very well in different wars.

Each other. Supporters believe that the god they believe in is the second most powerful person in the world.

Apart from these controversial rankings, there is only one that everyone has no objection to.

The Infinite Dragon God Orpheus.

No He knows when he was born and when he wandered on the earth.

Orpheus, who has inhuman power, naturally attracted the attention of some gods when walking on the earth. There are countless actions such as recruitment, suppression, expulsion and even assassination. Count.

However, even if the gods at the main god level took action, they could not last for a minute in the hands of Ophis. As the news spread, strong men came to challenge one after another.

But without exception, they all failed.

And this is why , the reason why the Infinite Dragon God Orpheus is feared.

There is no doubt about the power of Orpheus.

However, above it, there is a being even more powerful than the Infinite Dragon God.

——Great Red.

In other words, the real Red Dragon God Emperor.

The legendary crimson dragon that controls dreams.

This is where the name Sekiryuutei comes from.

However, even the God of the Bible is afraid of the Red Dragon Emperor. In front of the Red Dragon God Emperor, the difference in power is like that between a baby and an adult..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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