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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 183

Chapter 183

Bai Ming:”What happened?”

Discharge Girl:”What happened?”

Nightmare Elf:”?”

The essence of humanity is revealed again.

I am not a Loli God:”That Fool God Son can really piss me off to death.”

Lao Mo Na:”So, what happened?”

Baek Ming:”I guess it’s because of the Gorgon Stone.”

Prison Demon Attack Officer:”Gorgon Stone? The mythical Gorgon?”

Bai Ming:”You actually know about Gorgon?”

Prison Demon Attack Officer:”Of course, although the world history I live in is different from yours, but The mythological stories are almost the same, of course they are all made up.”

Nightmare Elf:”I remember when Athena first joined the group, she seemed to have said that she also had other gods, but they were temporarily lost.”

Discharge Girl:”Oh oh , so what is the Son of Fool? I only know that the Son of Fool refers to human beings.”

Bai Ming:”The Son of God is the son of God, and it specifically refers to the God-killer there, so I guess Athena, you haven’t even thought about it until now. Is there a way to get the Gorgon Stone?”

I am not a Loli God:”That God Killer is really stupid. He is obviously being used by ordinary people, but he still wants to stop me, and allows me to threaten or explain, but he will not Give me the Gorgon Stone!”

Discharge Girl:”Wait, God Killer? Doesn’t it mean what I think?”

Bai Ming:”No doubt, it is true that God Killer is an ordinary person. The extraordinary person who was killed by the gods and usurped the power of gods.”

Laomuna:”No wonder he is called the Son of Fool, I understand!”

Nightmare Elf:”So, in other words, the newcomer’s things are in the hands of the god-killer, but You hit a wall when you were about to come back, right?”

Prison Attack Officer:”It sounds weird to ask God to ask for something from God-Slayer.”

Discharge Girl:”In this case, God and God-Slayer should be mortal enemies. Right? It’s normal if the thing doesn’t come back~.”

I’m not a Lolita God:”But it’s my treasure, not to mention that I really can’t understand the God-killer’s fallacies.”

I’m not a Lolita God:”Obviously it is my most important treasure, but I still speak righteously. It really makes me feel sick.”

Athena, who had rarely spoken after joining the group, complained in the group.

Bai Ming could probably guess what happened.

The last time Athena took the initiative to chat with him privately, she learned the location of the Gorgon Stone.

Although she kindly reminded her, Athena still stubbornly said that she would give it a try.

But now

, when he could no longer negotiate peacefully, he fought with Kusanagi Godou, the god-slayer, in anger.

Then, the defense was broken.

After all, Athena is not a complete body.

The current Loli Goddess only possesses the power of the Night Goddess, while the Gorgon Stone contains the power of the other two gods.

It would undoubtedly be unwise to fight a God-Slayer in such an incomplete situation.

What’s more, it’s normal for Athena to be unable to defeat Kusanagi Godou.

After all, even if he got the Gorgon Stone and regained his godhead in the original work, he would still be hung up and beaten.

After this, Athena was resurrected and fought World War II.

However, it still ended with the failure of the goddess.

If you can beat it now, it will be a ghost.

Butterfly Chane:”…I can’t understand it. Bai Ming:”

Let me explain, it’s like your most precious treasure is accidentally lost, but when you ask for your own things from the picker, the other party won’t give it to you, and the money and salt won’t come in.” Bai

Ming:”For example, let’s take Misaka-san, who thinks that the lost thing is an out-of-print Gutai doll. When you encounter this kind of situation, you can’t reason with her, and you can’t fight her again and again. What will you do?”

Bai Ming:”Similarly, just put yourself in my shoes.””

Nightmare Elf:”It’s hard, the fist is hard. Prison attack officer:”

If that’s the case, it’s really disgusting.””

Lao Mo Na:” Why is this happening? It’s completely harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself! Even elementary school students know that when they pick something up, they have to return it to someone else.”

Discharge Girl:” Even if I can’t beat him, I still can’t swallow this breath! If anyone steals my Gutai doll and doesn’t return it to me, just wait until I electrocute him and twist him like a frog! angry.jpg.”(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When I saw the example Bai Ming gave, Misaka Mikoto, who didn’t quite understand it at the beginning, instantly had her blood pressure rise.

Just thinking about it made her feel irritated.

The Red Demon Clan Genius on the first day:”If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to swallow this breath!

Prison attack officer:”Do you want to issue a mission?” After all, it is a very important thing. If you don’t get it back, it will be troublesome if it gets damaged.”

I am not a loli god:”……”

See here.

Athena looked hesitant.

If it was in the past, she would have refused without hesitation.

Who is she after all?

Great goddess of Hades, night, and wisdom!

The goddess Athena, who is famous all over the world, carries the wisdom of heaven and the authority of the mother goddess of the earth.

There is no god in heaven or on earth that can reach it.

Let her ask others for help? joke!

In this case, where should she put her name as Athena?

But that God Killer is really troublesome.

With her current authority, it is really not easy to steal it.

What’s more, those magic societies also used secret techniques to seal all the breath of the Gorgon Stone.

Even she only had a faint sense of it.

And during Bai Ming’s last mission, she also peeked into the screen several times.

A demigod who can defeat even the True Ancestor is qualified to compete with the God Killer and the God of Disobedience.

If we let this person come over and join forces together, we might have a chance to take back her”~snake” poncho from that abominable God Killer (Qian Liao Zhao).

While Athena was hesitating.

Everyone in the chat group has begun to discuss the situation in her world and whether she should go there after the mission starts.

Nightmare Elf:”If you accept the mission, you will probably have a conflict with the God-killers, right? What level of strength should those God-killers have?”

Prison Attack Officer:”Since they can kill even gods, they should be no better than The True Ancestor must be weak.”

Lao Mo Na:”It is indeed very powerful! But what does this have to do with me being a little transparent?”

Discharge Girl:”Trouble, is this another kind of opponent who is not at the human level? Maomao sighed.jpg.”

Since joining the group, Misaka Mikoto has broadened her horizons, but she has also been hit by tons of blows.

The electromagnetic gun that he was so proud of was nothing more than child’s play in the eyes of those true ancestors or gods..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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