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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 184

The 184th first genius of the Red Devils:”I really want to try it, but there is a high probability that I won’t have time!” It’s my first time here at Axel.

On the first day, I finally joined the adventurer team with my profession as a magician.

But after one adventure, he was fired at the speed of light.

This made her face shameless and speechless when facing Jiangdong’s elders.

After all, she boasted that if she didn’t find a suitable team to join, become a great magician, and reach the pinnacle of life, she would be digging her toes into the ground in embarrassment.

Prison Attack Officer:”Gods and God-killers, that sounds interesting.”

Prison Attack Officer:”But I can’t get away from it. Even though the problem has been solved, I feel even more tired than before..”

Nightmare Elf:”I won’t go either. I can’t help with a battle of that level.”

Although the points are quite tempting, Tokisaki Kurumi is also very self-aware.

Not only can’t I help you, but I might even be a disservice.

Anyway, she has a calm mind now and is honestly verifying the impact of the space-time paradox, lest something goes wrong at 920 and it’s too late to cry.

After all, she must change history and avoid the tragedies that were committed because of her youth in the past.

Bai Ming:”So, I am the one who has the most leisure time.”

Discharge Girl:”How can I? Solving problems for friends is not leisure, and for some reason, I have a bad feeling. Is there someone who is planning to plot against me behind my back?”

Discharge Girl:”It’s probably that old fox Aleister!”

Bai Ming:”Are you so sure?”

Discharge Girl:”Of course! A girl’s sixth sense is very good. That’s right, I’ve been so calm recently, that old fox must be trying to test me.”

Discharge Girl:”After all, that’s how it’s played in the movies.”

Nightmare Elf:”No matter what, Misaka-san, be careful.”

Model Worker Na:”Be careful! Don’t let the weirdos succeed!”

Discharge Girl:”Sounds weird? Forget it….Anyway I will be careful.”

I’m not a loli god:”Wait a minute, you have already made arrangements? You don’t even ask me for my opinion?”

(ceej) Model Na:”Ah! The Loli God shows up!”

I am not a Loli God:”I am not a Loli God, I am a god with the name of Athena, don’t let me repeat myself again.”

The number one genius of the Red Demon Clan:”I can only give zero points for this self-introduction. If necessary, I can think of a more handsome slogan for you.”

I am not a Loli God:”?”

Athena felt like she couldn’t keep up with the brain circuits of some people in the group.

I am not a loli god:”I don’t need any cool slogans or assistance. I will take the snake from the enemy by myself.”

And at this moment.

A sudden reminder broke the harmony in the chat group

【Group message: It is detected that the group member”I am not a Loli God” will encounter a life crisis, and the group task is now released】

【Mission content: After the mission is started, the portal function will be activated. Group members who receive the mission can go to other places and face the crisis together with the group members who are in crisis.】

【The main goal: to ensure the survival of the group member”I am not a Loli God”, to retrieve the”Gorgon Stone”, which is cherished by the goddess, so that the group member”I am not a Loli God” can regain his strength.】

【Secondary objectives: Kill the god-slayer Kusanagi Godou, kill the god-slayer Marquis Woban, and kill the God of Disobedience……】

【Secondary Objective 2: Kill the Last King】

【Secondary objective 3: Kill the goddess Pandora】

【Secondary objective 4: Kill the Goddess of Destiny】

【Mission reward: For each enemy magic association member killed, gain points +10, for each kill of a divine beast, gain +200 points, for each kill of a divine ancestor, gain +600 points, for each kill of a disobedient god or The God Killer will get +6000 points, killing the Last King will get +10000 points, and killing the Goddess of Destiny will get you a one-time SSR ticket. 】

The suddenly refreshed task occupies most of the chat group page. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After reading it briefly, Bai Ming was a little surprised.

The tasks released by this chat group are really detailed.

Not to mention the God of Disobedience and the God-Slayer, he even revealed the King of the Last, Pandora, and the Goddess of Destiny.

Is this an official spoiler for the chat group?

And with Athena’s wisdom, after reading the mission objectives and rewards, you will definitely not be able to avoid thinking too much.

I am not a loli god:”?”

I am not a Loli God:”Is this insulting me? Even if I am not in a complete posture, I still have the God of War in my heart. Even if the God Killers are a group of dangerous beings, I will not fall easily!”

Mainly The content of the target made Athena feel that her dignity was insulted.

As the God of disobedience, equipped with wisdom and force, how could she need others to ensure her own safety?

And this chat group would actually issue tasks without her consent, which is very disrespectful to the goddess!

What a joke!

I am not one of those stupid fellows who can only be swayed by the desire to fight in their hearts.

She knows how to use wisdom, use strategy, and use force at the right place, so that every battle will turn into a beautiful war like the Trojan War.

Although she had been defeated in the previous confrontation with the enemy God Killer, Athena was confident that she would never fall behind again next time.

She is fully prepared to welcome the return of the”snake”!

But then again.

In this chat group, everyone even knows about the existence of the King of the End.

And also issued a mission to kill the Last King?


Athena’s beautiful silver eyes fell on the words”Goddess of Destiny” on the page.

She is no stranger to the goddess of destiny.

No matter in which mythology, there is a figure of the goddess of fate.

Even part of her own godhead has authority similar to”destiny”, although it is not as powerful. never mind.

Let’s chat privately with Bai Ming later.

In short, although Athena looked calm and even wanted to laugh, she still had some thoughts in her heart.

Bai Ming had previously told her not to act rashly, but he didn’t take it seriously. Then he was defeated in the confrontation with the man named Kusanagi Godou.

Now the release of group tasks will have some impact.

Shouldn’t it…Will he really be defeated by the fledgling God Killer and become the nourishment for the growth of the son of Epimetheus?.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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