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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 190

Chapter 190

However, it’s useless.

The pillar of frost melted and cracked before it came into contact with Bai Ming.

The next moment, with Loki’s expression of fear and hatred, the blue spiral impact completely covered his figure.

A brilliant and dazzling light suddenly rose, and all the colors disappeared from the eyes in an instant.

The hurricane roared, and the strong wind pressure blew up the debris and debris of the broken earth. Odin and others could only use defensive techniques to block the fragments that were as powerful as cannonballs.

After a long time, the chaos subsided.

The scene before him was a huge, scorching red pit that encompassed the entire street. Its boundary extended all the way to the outskirts of Kuoh Town, and dozens of surrounding mountains were smashed like tofu.

As for Loki among them, not even the bones can be seen.

Also disappearing at the same time was Fenrir’s body.

This is the result of Bai Ming’s deliberate actions.

After all, soul extraction cannot be done in front of others.

That would be too scary, and it would expose unnecessary trump cards and cause unnecessary suspicion and trouble. have to say.

Fenrir, who is a transcendent, and Loki, the main god who is almost a transcendent, provide him with much higher soul energy than Kokabiel and the minions of the old Demon King sect.

As for the harvest, Bai Ming has not yet experienced it in detail.

It’s not too late to take stock of the harvest after the funeral arrangements have been taken care of.

Bai Ming thought casually, and after releasing the transformation form of the giant god soldier, his eyes fell on Odin and the others not far away.

In fact, he had already noticed their arrival, and at the end he also noticed Odin’s attempt to stop them.

But Bai Ming didn’t care.

Just like last time, Azazel sent Vali to recover Kokabiel.

Bai Ming doesn’t have to care about the feelings of these related parties at all.

What’s more, this time it was Loki who took the initiative to attack him.

And Loki died.

After reacting, Odin and Rose Sewe were both stunned.

The former is a little confused, but he is still a god-king after all. He paid his eyeballs and exchanged wisdom with the Fountain of Mimir, and he also knows what Loki’s attitude is.

Odin has long known about the idea of secretly debugging monsters in an attempt to overthrow his own pantheon.

However, it is human nature to protect one’s shortcomings.

Even if Loki wants to rebel, now that the age of gods is weakening, Odin doesn’t want to let the Nordic pantheon lose a main god.

Even if he really rebels, all he needs to do afterwards is seal him away forever.

Unexpectedly, it was still a step too late

“Loki…grown ups…”

Rose Sewei couldn’t understand either.

The Lord God Loki not only came here, but also brought the dangerous monster Fenrir, and also clashed with Bai Ming.

What’s even more unexpected is that Loki, who possesses Fenrir and is at the level of a main god, is easily destroyed by Bai Ming.

Azazel was also a little dumbfounded.

He was thinking the same thing as Rosethaway.

Lord God Loki is dead now?

At the same time, I suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu in my heart.

The night wind blows.

The originally boiling hurricane has turned into a cool night breeze.

Bai Ming’s short hair swayed and his clothes rustled.

The crisp sound of footsteps is especially noticeable at night.

Looking at Bai Ming coming over, the three of them couldn’t help but took a step back in unison.

“Don’t be afraid, I just sent an assassin away.”

Night attacks him.

If it’s not an assassin, what else could it be?

Then, his eyes fell on Odin again.

Bai Ming looked at the old man in front of him, his eyes half smiling but not smiling.

“However, the assassin just now seemed to be related to Norse mythology. At the beginning, he introduced himself as Loki, the god of trickery.”

Hearing this, Odin felt even more bitter in his heart.

And Azazel screamed in his heart.

Damn it, this young man.

He killed someone else’s main god and even asked the god king if he was the one. This is a bit too courageous.!

But he has courage.

Excluding the unhappiness of the Kokabil incident, he actually likes this guy of unknown origin. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Odin, I think I need an explanation”


Hearing this, Odin sighed.

Loki originally stayed in the Nordic God Realm. As soon as he left Asgard, he followed him here.

He knew exactly what he was thinking.

But before breakfast started, he died in the middle.

As for what Bai Ming said about being attacked, it is most likely true.

After all, Loki was already hostile to the gods of other pantheons, and he had been persuaded several times in the past to send troops to attack other mythical forces.

He opened his mouth and said,”I’m sorry, I didn’t discipline my subordinates well.”


“I will order someone to compensate you for your losses.”

Compared to Loki, Odin is very calm.

Although Loki’s death is also a big loss, it is easy to say that at least it delays the time of Ragnarok.

Although it hurts at first, at least it is not all bad. The influence.

Hearing this, Bai Ming nodded slightly.

This old man is quite honest.

It’s not like Azazel, whose men caused such a big mess and didn’t give any compensation at all.

“I heard that your Nordic runes are very advanced and are much more powerful than the spells used by demons and fallen angels. I have seen it this time.”

Bai Ming said.

After hearing this, Odin felt helpless and had to add some chips afterwards.

If you want it, then give it to him.

Anyway, when several major forces establish an alliance in the future, it will not be a secret..Give it to him now, and at least he can gain Bai Ming’s favor.

It’s not entirely a bad thing.

“It should be okay to leave the rest of the matter to you, right?”

Bai Ming looked back.

Although he had tried his best to hold back, his opponent was a transcendent after all, and he also had a main god, so he couldn’t let himself go too deliberately.

“…I will contact the demonic side to handle it later.”

Azazel sighed.

They have dealt with a lot of things like wiping their butts afterwards.

In the past, the damage caused by the struggle during the period of hostilities would eventually be restored or repaired using magic.

This is the project. The volume may be a bit large.

Construction of dozens of kilometers in length cannot be completed in one night.

It will take at least half a month.

“By the way, if possible, try to make my house as spacious as possible.”

Remembering that in the future, I might get to know more beautiful girls. If the house is too small, many things will be inconvenient.


Bai Ming’s eyes fell on Rose Sewei.

The girl who was stared at by the boy’s eyes began to feel her cheeks involuntarily. Her face turned rosy, and the shock and fantasy about Bai Ming were intertwined.

This made Rose Sewe show a rather awkward, yet coy look.

Seeing her nymphomaniac look, Bai Ming didn’t say anything.

Rose Sewe Wei’s feelings for him are probably the same as Xenovia’s at the beginning. Even if he doesn’t do anything, she will fall in love with him. Please give me flowers and monthly tickets!! Husband!.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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