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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 202

Chapter 202

In the past, in the luxurious hotel converted from the mansion of the Princess of Savoy.

A secret meeting was taking place in some large room.

The time is daytime.

However, the curtains in the room are tightly closed. If you are sensitive to the power of magic, you will also notice that there is a magic barrier nearby to isolate you from exploration.

Several figures sat down around the huge conference table.

There are young people and there are old people.

Although the number of people is small, no matter who is here, it is enough to shake the country under their feet.

Because they are all commanders or high-ranking figures of the most mysterious magic association that has come from the hidden realm of reality for thousands of years.

There are two old people in total.

They are the commanders of the magic associations”Old Lady” and”She-Wolf” respectively.

Even in this country where the magic world is exciting, these two magic associations are magic associations with a long history and considerable power.

In addition, there are several young people who are slightly younger.

One is the commander-in-chief of the Knights”Lily City”.

The other two people are the commanders and senior leaders of the”Red Bronze Black Cross” and the”Bronze Black Cross” respectively.

Paul Browntree, and Deanna Milito.

And the reason why they gathered here is all because of the”Gorgon Stone” that they personally handed over to the God Killer not long ago.

After the ancient obsidian badge was unearthed on the west coast, it was sent to the headquarters of the Southern European Magic Association overnight.

Magic societies from all over Italy gathered in Milan. After deliberation for a long time, they still could not come to a conclusion on how to deal with this badge.

A capable witch has seen through it, and this badge will attract the powerful god of disobedience.

Even though they can use the magic barrier to hide for a period of time, it is not a long-term solution.

Moreover, if it is discovered by the disobedient god who is looking for the badge after this, it will definitely attract the wrath of the god.

By then the whole of Italy may be greatly affected.

The only ones who can resist the disobedient god are the god-slayers of equal status.

Although their Nangong Magic Association has sworn allegiance to a god-killer, they have been unable to contact the god-killer for several months.

Just when they were at their wits’ end, news of the birth of the seventh God-killer came from the Italian island of Sardinia.

So, after a series of investigations and tests, these people unanimously decided to hand over the hot potato that could attract the disobedient goddess to the newly born God Killer for safekeeping. certainly.

To say it is being kept on behalf of others is nothing more than risk transfer.

Although the research value of the Gorgon Stone is very high, it is nothing compared to the losses caused by attracting disobedient gods.

Soon after.

They received word that the god-slayer had clashed with the goddess and fought him off.

And this makes them even more grateful that they made a wise decision.

And just a few days ago, the god-killer had already taken a plane and returned to his country.

“In this way, the goddess will also leave this country with the breath of Gorgon Stone.”

The risk has been perfectly transferred to the island country in the far east.

This makes them feel very lucky.

Therefore, this meeting, rather than a summary, can be called a simple celebration party.

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As for whether that country will suffer, it depends on them. What does it matter? As long as it’s not you who suffers the consequences.

“Paul Browntree, your Erica Browntree is indeed excellent. If she hadn’t been the first to notice the birth of the seventh God Killer, we wouldn’t have reacted quickly.”

The speaker was the commander of the female wolf.

Hearing this, Paul, who had always been known as the Holy Knight, smiled bitterly and shook his head:”Although she is already quite outstanding among her peers of this generation, she still has many immature places.”

Having said that, when it comes to Erica Browntree, Paul, as her uncle, still feels a little proud.

After all, Erica is the youngest knight in history so far.

A knight with average talent , he will never be able to reach this level in his life. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And in the eyes of people, talented players need to be at least thirty or forty years old to obtain the rank of a great knight.

And Erica -Brontree, however, won this honor at the age of sixteen.

I think he will be able to inherit the title of”Crimson Devil” from him when he reaches adulthood.

“Not only Erica Browntree is an equally outstanding person, our Bronze Black Cross Liliana Kranichal also achieved the rank of Grand Knight at a young age.”

The person who spoke was Deanna.

And the Liliana in her mouth was the proud daughter of the Bronze Black Cross. She was similar in age to Erica, and her talents and talents were extremely outstanding.

“However, this incident has nothing to do with your Bronze Black Cross. After all, isn’t your leader loyal to the Demon King of the Balkans?”

Paul said with a smile.

“And I heard that your disciple, that girl, was sent by you to dress as a marquis, right?”


Deanna couldn’t refute this sentence.

530 Others also smiled indifferently.

The Bronze Black Cross and the Bronze Black Cross used to be one organization.

However, they were divided into two factions during a certain revolution, and they have not been in contact with each other since then. Even if they see each other, they always ridicule or ridicule each other.

This rare gathering is purely because they are all members of the Italian Magic Association.

And just then.

The door to the conference room was knocked from the outside.

“Come in.”

The door opened, and then a man in a suit walked in.

“My Lords, there are reports that irregular fluctuations in spell power were found in Lane XX in Milan.”

“Can’t you just handle such a small matter by yourselves?”

The commander-in-chief of the old lady frowned slightly.

This kind of thing happens from time to time. If they were bothered by everything, they would be bored to death.

“However, according to speculation, the aura of the curse is very similar to the disobedient god that the witch saw earlier.”


“Actually…Still in Italy?”

“How is this going?”

After hearing the reports from their subordinates, the commanders who were originally calm showed looks of astonishment on their faces.

Didn’t the Gorgon Stone already cross the ocean and be taken to the island country by the God Killer?

Why ?…Is the goddess still here?.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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