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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 205

Chapter 205

Pure doubts lingered in my mind.

If it was related to God, as a descendant of the Knights Templar who served the demon god Baphomet, there was no way he wouldn’t be able to detect it.

But if it weren’t for a god, would he have lost so miserably?

After hearing Bai Ming’s words, a strong sense of humiliation and powerlessness came to my heart.

Known as a genius witch, it would be fine for her to fail when facing gods. But now, facing someone who is not even a god, she falls into the same panic as ordinary people.

As a result, the girl began to doubt her own talents and strength.

She is just like those mortals.

“What happened to her?”

Athena said doubtfully

“Geniuses begin to doubt ~ life is all.”

Bai Ming chuckled.

Erica has lived in a favorable environment since she was a child, and coupled with her excellent quality, she naturally developed a character that thinks highly of herself.

However, the previous confrontation directly stunned this genius.

But he didn’t care about Erica’s reaction at this time, so he said bluntly

“Continuing with the previous question, you gave the Gorgon Stone to the God Killer, right?”

There was silence for a few seconds.

Erica nodded with difficulty.


Getting the exact answer, Athena was the first to react.

“Didn’t you consider the consequences of offending me by stealing my belongings without authorization and handing them over to the Godslayer?”

The dim light swayed due to the anger of the goddess.

Erica’s face became more and more frightened.

Erica, who miscalculated the situation in front of her and rashly came alone, regretted her actions.

But now she has no regrets. Room.

Her life is no longer her own.

“Just scare people, don’t actually do it.”

Bai Ming stroked Athena’s hair

“We still expect her to find the Godslayer.”

“…snort!” Athena snorted coldly.

She put away her divine power. If Bai Ming were not here, she would have given death to the woman in front of her who didn’t know how high the sky was.

“Thank you for your generosity. Erica

‘s face was livid, and at the same time she was grateful that she had escaped.

But soon she heard Bai Ming’s voice again.

“Now that you know, it’s much easier to handle. Since you handed over the Gorgon Stone, you are responsible for bringing it back.”

Although she was mentally prepared, she still couldn’t help but panic after hearing these words.

The goddess in front of her was indeed the oldest goddess in the witch’s spiritual vision!

She thought that her speed was fast enough.

But she didn’t. Thinking of it, they were still found.

The gods who brought disaster to the earth did not pursue the badge that drifted across the sea to the island country where the Godslayers were, but instead turned the target on them.

After all, under normal circumstances, no The gods will not set their sights on mortals like them.

Thinking of this, Erica glanced at Bai Ming again.

Is it because of this man?

“What’s the answer? My patience is good, but Athena’s patience is bad”

“My patience is not bad, don’t slander me at will.”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After hearing Bai Ming’s words, the first person to express dissatisfaction was Athena herself.

But Bai Ming ignored her.


Hearing this, Erica’s thoughts turned rapidly.

If it were anyone else, she would have used her ingenuity to confuse the audience and delay time, but using these little tricks in front of the God of Disobedience would lead to death.

After all, your life is still in the hands of others.

The girl thought for a while and made a decisive decision.

“With all due respect, my lords, although the Gorgon Stone was given to the god-killer by me, it was not what I wanted.”

“You two adults must also know that the God Killer is the devil on earth, the overlord of the world, the earthly king, the president, or my hundreds of years of magic society, but it is as powerless as a baby in front of the devil. The situation is just as it seems to me in the eyes of you two”

“At the same time, the God of Disobedience is the old enemy of the Demon King, and the Demon King will get the nourishment for evolution by defeating the God of Disobedience. This is why the King of Swords we serve and the Demon King of the Balkan Peninsula are all famous in the world. Looking for the figure of the disobedient god”

“And the person to whom the Gorgon Stone was handed over was the seventh Demon King who was born not long ago. The Demon King who had just tasted the feeling of killing gods, after learning that we had the Gorgon Stone, he became tough Asking us to offer it to him”

“Therefore, it is not our intention to hand over the Gorgon Stone to the enemies of the goddess.”

What Erica said was vivid and convincing, like an actor with outstanding acting skills in a stage play.

“Even if you two take my life here, we can’t get the Gorgon Stone back from the hands of a demon king.”

The girl’s tone was a little sad, just like those low-level slaves who were oppressed by the nobles in the past.

If Bai Ming didn’t know the plot, he would really be deceived by Erica’s superb acting skills.

After all, the God Killer is indeed the overlord of the world. It’s true.

Of course, no one dares to refuse something if they want it.

Erica saw the expressions of Athena and Bai Ming in her eyes.

In order to save her life and the safety of the whole Italy, she could only decisively sell Kusanagi Godou.. However

, the girl who did such a thing has no psychological burden.

As a god-slayer, while enjoying the rights, she should have the obligation to fight against the disobedient god.

Otherwise, there would be no one in this world The Magic Knot Society willingly bows to the God-Slayers.

As for whether Kusanagi Godou can defeat the goddess, that is not something Erica should consider.

In short ,…First pass all the risks to others!

“The location of that demon king is the island country XXXXXX.”

Erica reported Kusanagi Godou’s address.

“I hope what you said is true.”

Bai Ming smiled.

Erica looked at the man’s half-smiling eyes and was shocked. She lowered her head and said,”It’s absolutely true.”

“In this case, then arrange a plane to take us there, and…You come too”

“Okay, about the plane…Huh?!!!”

Hearing the unexpected answer, Erica reflexively opened her eyes, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

“Have any questions?”

Bai Ming asked back.

“No…No, nothing…”

Seeing Bai Ming’s expression, the girl could only suppress the ten thousand reluctances in her heart..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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