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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 214

Chapter 214

“Is this the realm of speed?”

As for the setting of God Killer, Bai Ming also has a certain understanding of it from novels and fans.

Being able to stand on top of the world in modern society will definitely not be that bad.

Especially Kusanagi Godou, the reason why It is able to stand out among the gods-killers.

Although its ten incarnation powers are just one power, it is actually no different from having ten powers.

No matter which incarnation, it can exert considerable power.

The incarnation of the Phoenix.

Can increase its own speed to the realm of super speed.

The incarnation of a camel.

Can instantly acquire god-level martial arts.

With the assistance of other authorities, it can defeat the god of disobedience with the power of ten incarnations. In mythology, it is at least the main god level. Of course, this is also for ordinary people.

For Bai Ming, that’s it.

The figure in his eyes shuttles between the speed field and reality.

It is as looming as a flexible fish.

The God Killer in battle, his battle His instincts increased by more than a level.

In the previous confrontation, Kusanagi Godou realized that Bai Ming was even more powerful than the goddess.

In order to be on the safe side, he entered a state of divine speed, looking for the opponent’s weaknesses and waiting for opportunities to attack.

A huge 190 mana power It surged inside his body, filling his body, allowing Kusanagi Godou to experience an unprecedented sense of fulfillment.

Although the incarnation of the Phoenix had the side effect of not being able to be used for a long time, the improvement it brought was unparalleled. Although it was not as fast as God, it was still lightning fast.

At this moment, the world in front of Kusanagi Godou seemed to be at a standstill. Even Hakuaki, whom he had been staring at, was as rigid as a piece of wood and motionless in place!

This is the power of divine speed!

There is no corresponding countermeasures or divine speed force. His power was simply unable to compete with him now!

Kusanagi Godou was in the state of divine speed, and even his consciousness was accelerated.

Even in his body perception, more than ten seconds had passed, but in reality, even one second might have passed. None

“good chance!”

Seizing the gap behind him, Kusanagi Godou used a whip kick.

The void atmosphere was exploded by him, but in the divine speed field, even the speed of the sonic boom could not be compared.

The kick from the enhanced magic power Even a god’s body can be kicked to pieces. Even a half-meter-thick steel door will be shattered like glass! (cecj) And at this moment.

Kusanagi Godou saw Bai Ming turn his head. A face that could put any man to shame showed a pleasant smile.

Seeing this, Kusanagi Godou opened his eyes in disbelief.

As he entered the realm of speed, even in this world, few people could keep up with him. The speed.

This was the confidence that the power of the ten incarnations gave him.

But after less than a blink of an eye, facing the kick that came like a missile at a speed of more than 300 kilometers per second, Bai Ming just stretched out his finger lightly. And placed his fingertips on its path.

The smile on Kusanagi Godou’s face completely froze.

The powerful blow that combined the phoenix and camel incarnations was actually stopped by a mere finger.

While the committee, Erica and others In people’s eyes, the situation that happened in front of them was just the result of lightning.

After Kusanagi Godou recited the words, the two sides fought together.

But the result was something no one could have imagined.

Not even a single blow. In the middle, Kusanagi Godou gritted his teeth, and then launched an offensive like a violent storm.

His figure loomed like a demon, and with the martial arts of the divine realm, even the martial arts king Luo Hao, who had perfected his martial arts to the limit in the human world, could not surpass this.

But Bai Ming It’s still easy.

Of course he doesn’t have martial arts at the divine level.

But he has his own way of fighting.

Parry, defend, counterattack. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In just a few seconds, Kusanagi Mamoru Tang launched thousands of attacks, but to no avail.

Bai Ming is not an ordinary god.

He is a giant divine weapon that represents destruction and violence. The power of the phantom god is greater than that of the god of disobedience, not to mention himself. He also absorbed the power of souls above the main god level many times.

After dodging another attack from Kusanagi Godou, Bai Ming focused his attention on the man with the phoenix incarnation highlighted, and said with a slight smile.

“I’ve already given you a chance.”

The ball of light formed by the Golden Sword exploded towards Bai Ming like a floating cannon.

But the power of destruction had already appeared, shattering Kusanagi Godou’s Golden Sword power in an instant.

At the same time, the huge divine power suddenly rose, Kusanagi Godou’s figure pressed downwards

“…Chance! Don’t say it so nice, you are invaders, and I just want to protect my country!”

Clenching his teeth, Kusanagi Godou’s body continued to emit light caused by the spell.

He temporarily suppressed the side effects caused by the Phoenix incarnation and slowly straightened up.

“Oh, what does that have to do with me?”

Listening to Kusanagi Godou’s words, Bai Ming smiled mercilessly.

This unemotional sarcasm made Kusanagi Godou unable to remain calm anymore.

“I am the strongest and hold all victory in my hands! Regardless of whether it is human or demonic, I will defeat any enemy who stands in my way! O cow with shining golden horns, give me aid!”

Behind Kusanagi Godou, the shadow of a golden bull with beautiful horns appeared.

The use of the bull incarnation gave Kusanagi Godou the power to move even mountains.

He shattered the huge pressure exerted on his body, and then acted like a bull. He rushed towards the figure in front of him.

Bai Ming stretched out his five fingers and pressed down on Kusanagi Godou’s head.

He could feel that the opponent’s power was still increasing.

The level of improvement of the bull incarnation was that the stronger the opponent’s strength, the more The bigger.

Bai Ming, who is under normal conditions, can’t help but feel the gradually increasing push.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

Kusanagi Godou let out a low roar.

“Send it back!”

The power surged, and the shadow of the golden bull bloomed with brilliance.

“Yeah, that’s a pity……”

Bai Ming’s sigh could be heard in his ears, but there was no verbal regret on Bai Ming’s face.

If it weren’t for the fact that he didn’t want to continue playing, he would have wanted to let Kusanagi Godou realize his wish first, and then forcefully push back. Just look at Kusanagi Godou’s expression at that time. no.

I can’t think about it anymore.

Bai Ming, who always felt that he was going further and further in the direction of the villain, cleared this thought from his mind.

“Game over.”

The words fell.

Bai Ming’s appearance gradually changed.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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