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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 216

Chapter 216

I don’t know if it was an arrow of light, but the spear of the Sun God fell from the sky.

The Hummer galloping in the sky, carrying the scorching heat, rushed towards us as fast as the sun was setting.

The huge energy shocked the Tokyo area, and the sound of burning flames sounded from the sky.

People in pain raised their eyes.

I saw a huge, sun-like ball of light falling from the sky.

The obstacle that tears apart the atmosphere comes in an extremely terrifying manner

“This is…God’s punishment!”

The shocking scene made the nearby residents collectively lose their voices.

They seemed to have forgotten the physical pain. Even if their eyes were stimulated to tears by the bright light, they still stared blankly at the scene that transcended reality.

And Kusanagi Godou was also affected by this strange power. He was encouraged by the situation.

He clenched his fists and shouted”Two sixty zero” with righteousness.”

“This is the final blow! Eat my trick! Evil God!”

The sun turned into a white horse finally fell towards the Titan Soldier, stirring up the atmosphere, and a sharp and earth-shaking scream resounded through the sky.

However, facing this”sun” that seemed to be able to burn the entire Tokyo Bay, Bai Ming seemed not to have noticed, still facing Kusanagi Godou in front of him. The divine power from the depths of his soul suddenly burst out.

Holy hand – critical strike!

The huge right fist with blue bright light seemed to contain boundless power

“Melt Him!”

Kusanagi Godou shouted loudly

“”The sun” set before Bai Ming’s attack.

Then, the roaring impact set off a violent hurricane, and the atmosphere was shaken by irresistible force. There was only a vast expanse of white in front of everyone’s eyes. It was like thunder exploding in the ears.

Seeing The figure of the Titan Soldier was submerged in the flames. Just as Kusanagi Godou was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a sudden change occurred.

It was not that his power was evaded.

The only way to keep up with him in the Speed Domain and avoid the lock of the sun was to It proved that the power of the Titan Soldier was extremely comprehensive.

But the scene that happened in front of him made Kusanagi feel unbelievable from the depths of his soul.

The Titan Soldier just raised his other hand and relied on his majestic body to stabilize Block the huge energy of the falling”sun”

“…Give up, you can’t defeat me with just your strength.”

Bai Ming sneered.

His left hand felt burning, which was caused by the power of the white horse.

Apart from that, there is no way to go further.

Flame, impact, and high temperature cannot have any substantial impact.

“But your performance just now is satisfying. To be honest, if I were the audience, I would applaud your passion and hard work.”

“However, for the current situation, the only thing that I can praise you for is”courage”.”

The words fell.

Kusanagi Godou’s sense of crisis as a biological instinct immediately issued a warning.

The level was far stronger than when he faced Mekar and Welleslana.

Then he subconsciously used the Phoenix Incarnation.

The power he repeatedly used made him The overwhelmed heart was working overload.

The beating speed of the heart was over 200, and the blood was rising as if it would explode at any moment.

But Kusanagi Godou could not care about so much anymore.

However, no matter how Kusanagi Godou dodged and adjusted his position, I can’t get rid of the feeling of being locked in.

“I won’t die that easily!”

Kusanagi Godou shouted at the top of his lungs.

The power of the curse surged, and the power of power completely activated the power of the curse throughout his body. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Those who are hard to get close to with sharp teeth will be given a hammer of destruction to those who violate the contract!”

Immediately afterwards, the space above became distorted.

A crack appeared between the reality and the other world that should not exist.

Then a huge wild boar with jet black fur appeared roaring.

However, just like this, in the eyes of ordinary people, The wild boar, which looked like a monster, was as small as a toy in front of Bai Ming.

His right fist fell.

Under the mighty blue impact, the wild boar that had just been summoned was instantly defeated. Before the punch even got close, The shell of the divine beast that could even defend against nuclear bombs let out a broken scream under the divine fist with the god-killing characteristics.

Kusanagi Godou’s power was useless.

The divine beast that could easily destroy even cities was silently annihilated in the domineering force. Under the power of destruction.

The next moment……

Facing the unstoppable Titan Soldier’s fist, all the confidence and ferocity on Kusanagi Godou’s face disappeared, replaced by the same despair and helplessness as ordinary people when encountering danger.

But he still has the power of the Aries.

The last time he fought Mekar, he also fell into death.

But he was still saved by this power.

As long as he doesn’t die this time, next time, after he kills more disobedient gods and becomes stronger, he can come and deal with this evil god.

The moment when thoughts fly by.

Kusanagi Godou suddenly realized that there was some authority locked on him.

That was a power far higher than what he had, a power that could capture his own immortality, the tenacity of the God-Slayer, and even his soul. so…… boom!

Except for Athena, the overbearing shock wave overturned everyone in the distance. The smooth concrete pavement at Tokyo Airport and the tall buildings were all broken under the influence of the divine power.

In front of everyone’s eyes, there was only a vast expanse of white, and in their ears there was only the sound of blindness after temporary deafness.

I don’t know how long it was until the past.

The smoke and dust cleared.

The committee members who had recovered their eyesight and regained their five senses looked at the scene in front of them and were deeply shocked.

Because what came into view was a piece of scorching red earth so huge that it completely destroyed half of the machine field.

Its boundary extends to the coastline farther outside the airport, and the mountains and trees along the way are all penetrated from the middle by unparalleled power.

Even standing here, you can see the shocking red material flowing like magma in the shocking hole.

A scene like the end of the world appears in people’s eyes.

At first glance, it is shocking.

The vibrations and loud noises it caused were even transmitted to Osaka and other cities.

People thought there was an earthquake, and there was no sign of anxiety on their faces. Instead, they walked out of the building laughing.

No one expected that Tokyo Airport would lose its functions.

Together with the seventh God Killer, who was just born in their country, they have already fallen under the power of the God of Destruction..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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