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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 218

Chapter 218

Dispelling those thoughts, Bai Ming returned to Athena’s side and spoke half-jokingly

“Fortunately, I live up to my fate”


After hearing this, Athena no longer looked at him with strange eyes, but spoke with emotion.

“You are so hidden that even our enemies can be dealt with so easily.”

Having actually fought against Kusanagi Godou, she knew how difficult he was.

Especially the golden sword that made her heart palpitate.

If she was hit, she would only die. At the same time, there were also others from The fierce white horse summoned from the east.

It was also a targeted blow to her who possesses the Godhead of the Night.

Previously, Bai Ming said that she would be defeated repeatedly. The goddess still didn’t believe it, but now she believes it. What

Kusanagi Godou has Almost all powers can restrain her.

And not only the white horse and the golden sword, but also the combination of divine speed and kicking skills used by it are enough to make her drink a pot.

After sighing, she felt happy.

If she had not joined If there is a chat group, maybe she will be the one who dies in the island country.

“It’s really rare to hear praise from you.”

Bai Ming said unexpectedly

“Humph, I am just telling the truth. I will never be stingy with capable warriors.”

Athena glanced at Bai Ming with a somewhat dissatisfied expression.

She always felt that she was treated as a child in front of Bai Ming.

But she only looks like a child now, which is just a shortcoming caused by the loss of the trinity of godhead.

However, the goddess In Bai Ming’s eyes, making such a gesture can only be described as charming.

No wonder Zeus had thoughts about his daughter in mythology

“It’s time to deal with the next thing.”

Bai Ming stretched.

The battle with Kusanagi Godou was not as easy as Athena said.

At least it made him take it more seriously. What’s more, Kusanagi Godou is just a fledgling god-slayer. He will meet him in the future. Other Godslayers, maybe he has to be a little more serious in every game.

Suddenly he misses the feeling of toying with the enemy in the past. What’s going on?

The goddess and Bai Ming each had their own thoughts, left the ruined airport and walked towards the committee. Where they were.

Although she was not injured, Erica, who was soaked in wet clothes, saw the two people leaving and quickly followed them.

However, her delicate body that was still trembling still proved that her state of mind at the moment was far from normal. So calm on the surface

“This is…Do you not obey the power of God?”

Until now, Erica still regards Bai Ming as the god of disobedience.

The girl’s face has the same blush, her eyes are a little obsessed, and her eyes are also focused on Bai Ming’s back.

But the coldness from the outside world also makes her heart Extremely entangled.

The weak rely on the strong.

The power Bai Ming showed was enough to make Erica admire him.

But in this world, it is normal for them mortals to be attached to the God-killer.

But Erica changed her mind.

They red copper Black Cross, isn’t it said that she is a descendant of Baphomet who serves the demon god?

In this case, even if she chooses to rely on the gods, it should not be considered a decision that goes against her ancestors.

Besides, the reason why this world has not taken the path of relying on the gods is purely It’s because the disobedient gods who descended in the past were all mortals who couldn’t communicate normally. When they met, they kept saying”just mortals”.”,””Give you a glorious death” and other useless dialogues. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In this case, the disobedient god cannot be relied on.

Choosing a god-killer is also a last resort. That’s all.

Of course, Erica is just thinking about it at the moment.

Although her heart is surging with Bai Ming’s performance, it is a bit unreasonable to ask her to show her loyalty now. There is a long way to go, let’s have more contacts.

As for Kusanagi Godou.

Ai Rika only prayed silently in her heart and mourned for a few seconds when he died.

After all, she and Kusanagi Godou met by chance. They only got to know each other because of the God of Disobedience, and they were far from separated by life and death. level.

If there was an unforgettable common experience, Erica might still shed tears for him.

But now, it is still most important to focus on the present.

Bai Ming and Athena soon came to those committee members who still could not accept the reality.

Until The aura shown by Athena made them feel the bone-chilling chill before they woke up. But after waking up, they looked into the eyes of the god, and they were sweating every step of the way, as if their spines had been poured with ice water, and they were in a thorough state of mind. Sluggish in the cold fear.

After witnessing the desperate scene where even the Godslayer was completely crushed and the mountains and the earth were shaken, no one would think that they could resist the giant god soldier.

After all, even Athens How could they, who were helpless, have any way to deal with the greater terror?


Athena didn’t care about these men and women who were just like weeds.

The goddess’s eyes swept over them lightly, and finally stopped at Yuri Banriya was wearing a shrine maiden uniform.

Saya Miyaxin, who knew that resistance was useless, gave up resistance early and just sat on the ground, waiting for the final decision.

Yuri Banriya’s pale palms couldn’t help but let go. , the obsidian badge inside immediately flew into Athena’s hands

“~This is the snake in ancient times. I have finally taken back my past.”

Athena showed a beautiful smile.

The night wind blew up, but it was no longer as cold as before, but it also brought some warmth.

(Wang Lihao) Everyone can clearly feel this joy.

Then Athena flew into the sky, and her sweet voice began to sing about the goddess’s past.

This is a necessary measure to return to the Trinity

“The concubine sings, chanting the hymn of the Trinity Goddess. Connecting the sky, earth and darkness is for reincarnation and wisdom”

“The concubine sings, singing the song of the belittled goddess. Being a queen but being regarded as a taboo snake is a sigh for the queen.”

“The concubine sings, singing the goddess’s poems about being torn apart physically and mentally. Being humiliated by a noble father is the humiliation of a loving mother”

“My name is Athena, the daughter of Zeus, the patron saint of Athens, and the eternal virgin.”

“In the past, for the mother earth that gave birth to all things! In the past, he was the Lord of Hades who controlled the darkness! In the past, she was the Queen of Wisdom who understood the wisdom of heaven! I swear, Athena will soon return to the original Athena!”.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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