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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 220

After Chapter 220.

Bai Ming asked the people on the committee to arrange a place for them to go.

After hearing his instructions, the people of the official history compilation committee did not dare to disobey him, and their attitudes became more respectful than the others, even to the point of flattery.

When there was the God Killer before, his attitude was so tough and confident, but now his posture is so humble.

They were once again transported back to a time when there were no Godslayers.

Everyone was extremely depressed.

But just like what Bai Ming said to Kusanagi Godou before.

What does this have to do with him?

If I had known this, wouldn’t it be enough to return the Gorgon Stone to Athena from the beginning?

The committee people are fast.

The highest-end hotels in Tokyo were emptied out overnight. Those usually glamorous celebrities and Internet celebrities were of no help in the face of government power. Even if someone clamored to expose this behavior later, no one cared.

Compared with the God of Disobedience, even the leader of a country seems less important.

After all, there are only two types of existence in front of God: Godslayers and mortals.

What do celebrities complain about?

Mobilizing fans to face a siege of government verbal abuse online?

What’s the use?

Besides, whether it can be sent out is another question.

What are the consequences of disobeying God’s anger?

The result was that Tokyo Airport and the land to the coastline were completely destroyed.

Regardless of whether some unlucky person will die due to the power of God, the economic losses are the biggest cause.

Tokyo Airport handles hundreds of thousands of passengers every day.

Dozens of flights were affected in one day.

It will take at least four months to repair Tokyo Airport.

These four months have undoubtedly dealt a considerable blow to the economy of the island country.

The arrival is disaster, the attack is destruction.

The human army has nothing to do, not even nuclear bombs will help.

A minor injury at most, but what after that?

The god of disobedience is not a fixed target.

Before the second nuclear bomb is launched, the God of Disobedience can end all military weapons.

It is for this reason that humans rely on the power of the Godslayers and bow to them.

What’s more, we have to consider the consequences after the God of Disobedience is angered.

By then, not just a city, but the entire country may be destroyed.

It is precisely because of considering this consequence that the members of the committee begged Bai Ming and Athena for mercy, hoping that these gods could treat them more”gently”.

In addition to serving the God of Disobedience, he also had to explain the disaster in the Tokyo area.

However, before Athena and Bai Ming arrived, the official announcement was made, so a press conference without any substantive content was quickly held.

Coupled with intelligence controls, all mainstream media have published content published by the island government.

However, there are no detailed reports on the huge flash of light and the Titan Soldiers photographed by some people.

At the same time, videos shot by some people in the Tokyo area were quickly deleted from the Internet.

Although there are many people who are very confused and want to find out the truth, they are all suppressed by the island government. certainly.

Although the response from the people is not important, for some ancient beings living in the island country, the appearance of the two disobedient gods has actually affected all aspects.

The four major families of the island country.

The Qingqiuin family, the Saya Palace family, the Jiubozhong family, and the Liancheng family.

These four ancient families, which existed on this land before the island government was officially established, collectively fell into silence after learning the unfortunate news from Tokyo.

The current heads of the four major families gathered together to discuss the next response. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But after a long discussion, we couldn’t come up with a reason.

No matter how old a family is, they don’t have the strength to cope with the pressure of a disobedient god.

What’s more, the island nation has relied on the strong since ancient times. After the death of the God Killer, they instinctively seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and sincerely want to surrender to the two disobedient gods.

However, these are not things they can have the final say on.

Nor, of course, the Prime Minister and Parliament.

Rather, it is the existence that truly controls this country from behind.

In the eyes of the conjurer, he is the god who lives in the”realm of life and immortality”.

Of course, He also has a more resounding name


Until now, no one knows exactly when Susanoo appeared on this land.

And from the oldest books of the four major families, there are also records that they have respected Susanoo’s destiny for generations.

Gods who can communicate and issue instructions to the human world without causing disasters are considered real”gods” by the ancient families.

They obey the instructions of Yuhuo Gong and have been managing the country.

Until now, only the four major families, and a very small number of magicians and high-level government officials know who the real ruler of this country is.

The four major families quickly conveyed the situation of this incident to the gods through the instruments they inherited.

Then began the long wait.


The realm of life and immortality.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a chaotic and disorderly alien world.

But if anyone really sets foot here, they will find that the scenery in the underworld is no different from the real world.

The fragrance of soil and trees fills the atmosphere, and the trickling stream is so clear that even spiritual fish can be seen swimming in it.

The sky was blue, with white clouds like cotton candy floating above.

Anyone who comes here will be confused with reality.

However, the Netherworld is the Netherworld after all.

There is no sun here, and there are no stars at night. In addition, the oxygen content in the atmosphere is extremely low.

When ordinary people arrive here, they will die from lack of oxygen within a few minutes.

After all, the reason why this place is called the Netherworld is because this is a world where the spiritual body is ranked higher than the physical body, and the spiritual body is ranked higher than the physical body.

Only gods, elves and other extraordinary beings who are beyond the level of mortals can live here without being affected.

In the lush green mountains, a wooden house stands alone.

Inside, inside the antique room.

Sandalwood, good tea, the three figures swayed in the dancing candle shadow.

One person has an old face and is wearing a rough kimono. His long black hair is messy in front of and behind his head, giving him a bohemian impression.

But despite his old appearance, his muscles are as bulging as a rock, making even a bodybuilder pale in comparison.

The other person’s body was covered in black monk’s robes, and his exposed skin was extremely dry and looked like a withered figure.

The last person is a gorgeous princess wearing twelve separate clothes, with an exquisite appearance..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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