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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Luo Hao was the number one warlock in the Celestial Dynasty before he became the God Killer.

Maybe it’s hidden somewhere right now.

Bai Ming looked around subconsciously and began to search.

Then, he quickly discovered the clues.

A tiny lizard hanging on a tree trunk.

Perhaps because the skin color is so similar to that of trees, no one except Bai Ming noticed it.

But if you look closely, you will find that the lizard’s eyes contain a human aura.

He looked even a little aloof, like a king patrolling his territory.

But as if it noticed Bai Ming’s gaze, the lizard’s eyes blinked, and then like a frightened animal, it quickly climbed towards the height of the tree trunk.

Bai Ming withdrew his gaze and chuckled, but did not pay attention.”Two two seven” If nothing unexpected happened, the lizard that escaped should be Luo Hao.

The other party is different from other god-slayers.

In addition to his power, he is also good at various magic arts. In addition, he is also the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Transformation and all that couldn’t be simpler.

At this time.

A voice came from ahead.

A petite girl wearing a miko costume came from a distance.

Holding a small white sword in his arms, it looks somewhat similar to Yuri Banriya.

The girl’s name is Wanli Guguang.

Because of her outstanding talents and potential as a witch, she was sent to Xitian Palace to practice.

After all, mikos are believers who serve God. Contact with the sealed ape god is also very helpful in developing the talents of mikos.

“let’s start.”

Seeing that Jiufa Tomb still wanted to say something, Bai Ming was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

His goal was the ape god.

That is, he did not follow Sun Wukong.

He was not here to listen to them tell historical stories.

The manipulated Jiufa Tomb, that is, Lu Yinghua himself saw that Bai Ming was a little impatient, so he ordered Wanli Guguang to lead the way.

The shrine is the first entrance to Xitian Palace.

To open this first entrance, you need the assistance of the witch Youyuan.

Wanli Guguang seemed very nervous. After taking a few deep breaths, he gently placed his hand on the rope under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Then the thick rope hanging in mid-air fell to the ground, and no more magic power was emitted from the shrine.

“That’s awesome. Does this mean the seal is lifted? Erica sighed subconsciously

“No, this is just the first barrier to seal the gods. It cannot be completely eliminated. It will be restored after time passes.”

Jiufozhong explained.

However, in Bai Ming’s view, it is complete nonsense that only Yuan Miko has the ability to lift it. If it were him, all he would have to do is break the rope.

Of course, since there is someone to lead the way, he is too lazy to do it himself for the time being..While talking, the young Banri Yaguang opened the door of the shrine.

It was dark inside, and you couldn’t see your fingers. At the same time, there was a breeze blowing from inside.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll be in front…..Well…”

Before Jiufa Tomb finished speaking, Bai Ming walked in first.

It was even darker inside, and even the road half a meter in front of me couldn’t be seen clearly.

But this has no effect on Bai Ming and Athena.

Both have the ability to see at night

“the feeling here…It’s a bit similar to Netherworld.”

Athena murmured beside Bai Ming.

“How could a mortal build such an alien world?”

She was a little confused, and then looked at Bai Ming with silver eyes.

As a prophet, he should know this kind of thing. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Because of the help of the gods hiding in the netherworld, these people were able to seal the God of Disobedience here. Otherwise, how do you think it is possible to seal the God of Disobedience with just the weak power of a spellcaster? It has been sealed for hundreds of years without any problems.”

Bai Ming said

“Who is the god hiding in the underworld?”

Athena continued to ask

“The royal husband can also be said to be Susano’o. Although there are no god-slayers in this country, it has always been ruled by other disobedient gods.”

Bai Ming laughed.

The chuckle was especially harsh in the dark environment.

“Do you think I’m right? Miss Saya Palace, the feeling of being ruled by God should be pretty good, right?”

Hearing this,

Shaye Gongxin, who was walking behind her, stiffened, and a look of disbelief suddenly appeared on her pretty cheeks.

Only a few people know the secret of Yu Husband……..

It was only when she was elected as the next commander-in-chief of the Saya Palace family that she heard this secret from the elders.

Their country is actually controlled by the God of Disobedience behind the scenes.

But how do these alien gods know?

What would you do after you found out?!

What will be the fate of this country in the future?

In the darkness, only Bai Ming could clearly see the change in her expression.

But then, Erica’s shocked exclamation sounded again.

A country ruled by a disobedient god?

Erica had never heard of such a thing!

She originally thought that her idea of personal loyalty to the God of Disobedience was already against the decision of her ancestors, but what she didn’t expect was that this island country was even crazier than she imagined.

Is it because there is no protection from the God Killer that he seeks the protection from the God of Disobedience?!

Crazy, so crazy!

Erica suddenly recalled the god-slayer Kusanagi Godou.


Kusanagi Godou was deliberately ordered by the god who ruled the island country and was sent to die.


But the girl quickly gave up the pity in her heart.

For the god-slayers who can be manipulated by their magic societies and disobedient gods, it would be a good thing to die early.

Soon there was light at the end of the darkness. 4.2 Everyone left the dark corridor and saw a building that looked like a stable.

“ah! There’s a monkey there!”

Wanli Guguang, the youngest, pointed to the corner of the stable in surprise.

There was hay on the ground, and lying on it was a monkey with golden hair.

The hair was very bright, and it was about eighty centimeters long. It looked lazy, but it gave people a A faint sense of oppression.

Although he is very weak, he is indeed a god of disobedience.

Noticing someone coming over, the monkey turned over and then spoke

“Welcome to my palace, it’s been a long time since I’ve had a visitor, eh…A kin, a god-slayer, and a…Huh? I actually can’t see through you.”

When his eyes fell on Bai Ming, the originally lazy monkey immediately opened his eyes wide, with a humanized look on his face.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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