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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 227

Chapter 227

But compared to the monkey’s reaction, Athena frowned slightly.


Is this wild monkey’s brain damaged by a seal?

Where are the Godslayers at the scene?

But as soon as this idea came into his mind, a sense of crisis from his old enemy burst out from Yue Hung.

A dark wind stirred up, and the entire Xitian Palace area was plunged into darkness in an instant.

Only the candlelight not far away is burning weakly

“Huh?! What happened?”

The power of the spell suddenly oppressed the atmosphere, and the majesty from the oldest goddess immediately caused disaster to nearby humans.

Jiufazhong was in a daze, and then fell to the ground.

Wanli Guguang covered his tight throat and sat on the ground with an uncomfortable expression..

When she met Athena previously, the goddess restrained her aura and did not have any impact on the surroundings. However, now that she sensed the presence of her enemy, the God-Slayer, her side as a disobedient god was automatically revealed.

Erica and Shaye Gongxin all stayed away.

Even after they had experienced it, their faces were still pale and their legs were numb.

“It has been more than three years since we last met. Your superb skills in subduing dragons and snakes are still fresh in my memory.”

A lizard lying on the railing, opening and closing its mouth, making a beautiful female voice

“this voice…Is it possible…how come? Why are you in this place?!”

Shaye Gongxin covered her mouth and couldn’t help crying out.

Her delicate body was shaking even more violently than before.

“snort! Only now can I see my true nature. Has the Japanese nation of this era fallen into this?”

Just like a modern movie with five cents special effects.

White smoke emitted from the lizard’s body, and in the next moment, the little reptile transformed into a girl with a world-famous appearance.

The girl’s appearance can be described as”peerless”, with long black hair Her hair is as smooth and beautiful as tassels.

She is wearing a graceful and luxurious Hanfu, which is incompatible with modern people’s dress, but when worn on a girl, it gives people a complementary impression.

Seeing the visitor, Sayaka Gongxin’s face became even paler.

As an island nation He is the head of the committee in the Tokyo area, how could he not know the identity of the peerless girl in front of him?

“…God-killer, it’s a shame that you were able to hide until now without being discovered by me. It seems that you are different from the young God-killer before.”

Athena’s eyes were extremely sharp.

“I am the wisest goddess, Athena, the god of night and the underworld. God-slayer, tell me your name.”

“…I have been wandering on the earth so far, and I have not been able to let you hear my name. It was my mistake, so I will tell you my name and remember it with your life.”

The beautiful oriental girl uttered a beautiful voice, but her eyes were as fierce as the tyrant of the ancient kingdom.

“My surname is Luo, my given name is Cuilian, and my courtesy name is Hao. I am the leader of the Holy Sect and the pinnacle of Jun Linwu.”

“snort! Luo Hao Mo…I remember your name.”

Athena snorted coldly.

“I will pay homage to you in the dark night on this day next year.”

One person and one god, the two women looked at each other.

If looks could kill, they would have fought hundreds of times.

“When I was in Lushan, I heard that a god-killer was born in the Japanese country, and two gods also landed at the same time. In other words, the god-killer in the Japanese country was killed by you, right?”

Luo Hao narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold tone.

“so what? Do you want to come and avenge him? In this case, I am happy to accompany you to the end.”

Athena raised her eyebrows and stared at her beautiful pupils.

“ridiculous! How could I avenge a mere god-killer from the Japanese kingdom?!”

Luo Hao became angry and stared back at Athena.

You can insult me, but you cannot insult my personality.

So far, countless islanders have died in her hands. Back then, she even killed the Japanese pirate soldiers who invaded the country. Tens of thousands. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If she hadn’t disliked the trouble, she would have crossed the South China Sea and crossed the border to massacre the then island government.

After the war ended and she was in seclusion for decades, she came again from time to time. Go here to find a way to lift the seal and kill the Monkey King who was sealed in the Japanese country to prevent him from continuing to be embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Luo Hao turned his spear and glared at the monkey with hatred

“As a heroic god of his own country, he has become so small and humble, and is being kept in captivity by the Japanese like an animal! You should be a bit measured even if you are cowardly! You shameless thing!”

“No, even if you say so, I can’t help it. As you can see, I am just a beast now.”

Facing Luo Hao’s sharp words, Monkey felt nothing at all.

“There’s nothing wrong with that.”

Listening to the bickering between the two, Bai Ming couldn’t help laughing.

Then, Bai Ming felt the death stare from Luo Hao.

However, he was not afraid of the cruel demon king who was rumored to rip out people’s hearts. Instead, he looked at her with interest. The other party.

Compared with Rias, Akeno and the others, although their figures are good enough, their waistline is much worse, but they do have a few more ethereal celestial beings.

Dressed in Hanfu, they look a bit heavenly. It tastes like a fairy.

Of course, it would be better if it could be gentler

“..717. God! Were you thinking of something bad just now?”

Women are quite sensitive at certain times.

What’s more, Luo Hao, who has been tempered for many years,


Bai Ming nodded and admitted straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Luo Hao was also stunned. She never thought she would receive such a response.

Then, the girl with beautiful cheeks became even more fierce.

“Don’t think about it!”

“No, do you even care about other people’s thoughts?”

Bai Ming grinned.


At this time, Athena on the side also covered her mouth and chuckled in time.

“I thought that the leader of the martial arts alliance was someone with a broad mind, but I didn’t expect that he would be so obsessed with spending money. It seems that I still think too highly of you.”

Seeing Luo Hao being embarrassed in front of Bai Ming, Athena smiled happily than anyone else.

Although the two of them had no grievances, who made her the god of disobedience and the other was the God-killer?

I was embarrassed!

I was so embarrassed!”

As if she wanted to vent out all her frustrations with Kusanagi Godou, she even sent a private message to Bai Ming.

I am not a loli god:”I suggest you increase your efforts!”


Bai Ming was stunned.

When did this goddess learn to use Internet words?.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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