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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 234

Chapter 234

“snort! It’s up to you! It’s up to you!”


A cute girl with beautiful blond hair is sulking at Bai Ming in the picture.

The dark purple dress, paired with the cute face, gives people an incongruous beauty.

Although she looks young, she is exposed everywhere. The charm of magic.

The girl is the goddess Pandora.

The holder of the usurping ring is also the”mother” of all god-slayers.

Whenever an unruly god is eliminated in this world, the usurping ring will send out a response, and then it will be controlled by Pandora started the reincarnation ceremony of the God-killer.

After the death of the disobedient Monkey King, Pandora naturally felt something.

However, when she saw the God-killer as a dark red giant shadow, she was stunned.

What is this? Huh?

Pandora was still confused at first, but after seeing the red dragon transform into a human form, she recognized Hakuaki as the being who had killed Kusanagi Godou not long ago.

Although she was only a mother in name, but for Hakuaki’s murder Pandora also had a grudge against her own”child”.

When she saw Bai Ming again, she naturally didn’t have a good attitude.

However, one code should always be considered. 463

Although she has a”personal grudge” with Bai Ming, Pandora will treat everyone fairly. A god-slayer, giving them the rewards they deserve after killing gods.

However, it is not that she does not want to hold a ceremony for Bai Ming, it is simply because the usurpation ring cannot be activated normally.

“Well…The feedback came back that there was a human aura, but it couldn’t be activated.”

Pandora also felt weird.

After all, logically speaking, Bai Ming, who has that power, can no longer be a human being, so even if the God of Disobedience is killed, there will be no feedback.

But this time there is a reaction. , but could not perform the ritual.

The situation was really weird.

Pandora suddenly thought of a term popular in the human world

——Schrödinger’s theory.

Is it possible that this person is in the Schrödinger state where he is a human but not a human?

“Moreover, with your strength, you don’t need the power of gods at all, huh!”

He retracted his eyes angrily, but after recalling the trembling feeling caused by the red dragon’s gaze, he hurriedly retracted his gaze.

Bai Ming did not notice Pandora’s gaze.

But even so, he could guess (cfbi) The other party was looking at him.

Of course, she was just a goddess staying at home, so she was not a threat.

He took a look at the completely destroyed Xitian Palace, and then joined Athena and Erica.

Everything happened here Forget it.

Then Bai Ming walked away with his sleeves.

After that, the people of the Official History Compilation Committee stood outside Sunlight Mountain, looking at the mess on the ground and the completely disappeared Toshogu Shrine, and they felt like crying.

The head of the Saya Palace Xin was wearing a witch costume and looked at the huge crater in the distance that looked like it had been hit by a meteorite. She was silent for a long time.

Soon after, she received a loss report from her subordinates:”Chief, the loss report has come out. Dongzhao The palace and surrounding scenic spots were completely destroyed, with no possibility of repair. Although there were no casualties,…Economic losses could reach $5 billion”

“five billion…Still US dollars.”

Hearing this number, Shaye Gongxin couldn’t help feeling dizzy.

This is just a preliminary investigation result.

When the final report comes out, there may be more

“What about last time?”

“Last time…The cost is approximately US$500 million, but the damage caused by subsequent repairs and the impact on the domestic economy have not yet been fully determined.”

Shaye Gongxin was even more dizzy.

Just a few minutes of fighting caused the country to suffer such heavy losses.

If there were a few more battles, the national economic level would be set back for several years.

But she did not dare to complain. She could only She comforted herself with the fact that there were no casualties.

Then, she waved off her men and planned to be alone. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shaye Gongxin looked at the sky.

The dark clouds have not dispersed yet, and it seems that they will come at any time. It can bring rain.

At the same time, I also began to hate Susano’o’s inaction in my heart. He has obviously dominated the island country for such a long time, but after the arrival of the two gods, he did not even dare to let go.

It is better to directly worship the gods as a whole country. Surrender.

This would also allow her to advise her to be a little gentler when fighting in the future.

After getting rid of the monkey sealed in Xitian Palace, she returned directly to Tokyo.

Killed a disobedient god, although she did not become a god slayer. , but Bai Ming’s gains were not bad.

After all, he also absorbed skills from the soul of the giant god soldier, integrated the power of the”Immortal Golden Body”, and enhanced the divine power in his body.

At the same time, it also confirmed his previous guesses.

He has fallen out of the category of human beings and can no longer get feedback from the usurpation ring about killing gods.

In addition, there are mission points released by the chat group.

A disobedient god is worth 6,000 points.

Although he joined midway, But because he took the head, at least there was Sanrenbo.

The only one who was not very happy was Athena.

Although she did ask Bai Ming to help, she did not expect that she would be defeated repeatedly.

Especially when she recalled Even now I feel ashamed of the Haikou I boasted about before.

When I first came to the island country, I was beaten by the god-killer, and after I came to Sunlight Mountain, I was beaten by the monkey again.

The goddess’ face was almost lost to her.

Fortunately, Bai Ming She didn’t come to make fun of herself, otherwise, she would really be ashamed and angry.

On the other side,

Luo Hao, who had been injured and comatose before, also woke up slowly.

Although he was seriously injured and fell to the ground, the physique of the God Killer cannot be generalized to that of ordinary people. It looks serious, But even if the muscles and bones are broken, it only takes a few days of training to fully recover.

Bai Ming went to the room to see her.

Then he was stared at by Luo Hao who woke up.

Until a few seconds later, as if he had gone through a fierce inner process Struggled with thoughts, his fair cheeks instantly turned red, and he lowered his head.

“I lost.”

The voice was as soft as a mosquito’s moan.

But it was enough to make the martial arts king who had been arrogant in the past bow his head and admit defeat, which was enough to prove Bai Ming’s weight in her heart.

“From now on, if you want to kill or behead, you have to do whatever you want.”

Luo Hao looked generous and sacrificed.

“I never thought about killing you.”

Bai Ming chuckled, sat on the chair and picked up the tea cup to drink tea.

Then, Luo Hao raised his eyes and stared at Bai Ming for a while. This time, even his neck and earlobes were dyed with a thin layer of cherry color.

“…Unknown God, even if you look at me lustfully, I will accept it completely. After all, I am the loser, you are the winner, and the winner has everything the loser has.”

“No, since when did I look lustful?”

Bai Ming was speechless.

Although I am interested in you, are you too narcissistic?”


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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