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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 239

Chapter 239

Obelisk-Giant Soldier!

The name of the God of Destruction thundered for nine days, and blue thunder spread from the clouds. In just an instant, the storm and lightning summoned by Woban were defeated.

At the same time, a scorching wind that was more violent than the storm blew from the end of the world.

The dampness and coldness brought by the violent wind and rain were instantly dispelled, replaced by the burning heat that made people sweat profusely.

Not only that.

More astonishing upheavals followed.

Bai Ming walked leisurely in the deserted streets at first.

But with every step he took, his body wrapped in blue energy grew larger.

But in one breath.

Accompanied by unparalleled tyranny, the blue-black giant grew from small to large, standing like Mount Tai on the narrow streets of Tokyo.

And it continues to grow.

When he was about to reach the falling skull wolf head, the giant god soldier stretched out his two giant arms, up and down, and directly grabbed the upper and lower jaws of Fenrir’s wolf skull.

The huge wolf head weighing 10,000 tons was like nothing in Bai Ming’s hands. It was held up in just an instant, and he easily neutralized the killing move of Marquis Vauban.

Inside the hotel.

Luo Hao stood in front of the window, letting the scorching wind blow her long hair.

Although it was some distance from Qingye Terrace, she could still feel an extremely powerful spell here, even comparable to her own.

And in this world, apart from Woban, there is no other god-killer who can compare with her.

The huge wolf’s skull was reflected in the eyes of the graceful girl, and she felt a little emotional in her heart.

On the first turn alone, summon your trump card.

There can be no doubt that the Marquis de Vau was cornered.

In order to win, he will neither run away nor hide.

And this can also explain that in just one encounter, Marquis Vauban was forced by Bai Ming to the point where he had to go all out.

Luo Hao recalled the scene in Sunlight Mountain yesterday.

After thinking of what Bai Ming said, I finally woke up belatedly.

“turn out to be…This is how he looked at me at that time.”

The”go all out” she said at that time was just the end of her power, and Bai Ming could see it at a glance.

But he would have mistaken it and thought he was a lecher.

Even today, he did the same thing He acted out of the blue and mistook him for a prodigal son.

As soon as he thought about it, Luo Hao couldn’t help but blush and feel ashamed.

But now is not the time to care about the love between his children.

For Woban’s arrival this time, Luo Hao would not repay anything. Thoughts.

After all, even she was easily defeated by Bai Ming, and Woban’s ending was not much different from hers.

Of course, Luo Hao didn’t feel sad about the death of a rabbit. God-killer is a high-risk profession.

Even if he doesn’t die in the battle with the gods, , will also die in the dispute with the same race. In

London more than a hundred years ago, I should have fought to the death with Woban, whom I met for the first time. If Lady Elsa hadn’t blocked it, maybe it was either her or Woban in this era. Ban is still alive.

When Woban transformed into a wolf head and prepared to destroy Bai Ming and the entire Tokyo, after seeing the gradually growing giant god soldiers, he felt a turmoil in his heart. The feeling of suffocation was like falling into the abyss. Completely submerged.

This is…Does it make him feel the nature of a strong threat?

Even in the form of a giant demonic wolf skull, Woban felt the deep fear of the Titan Soldier in his heart.

Just looking at it made him tremble to such an extent.

What kind of monster is this?!

Thoughts flowed rapidly.

When he came back to his senses, Woban felt the giant divine soldiers supporting the upper and lower jaws of the skeleton.

The huge force made him unable to move. Even with the increase in spell power, he could not continue to fall even one meter!

What an exaggeration!

You must know that the momentum of this skull’s fall alone has reached 10,000 tons, regardless of the impact power of its power itself.

However, what he never expected was that he would be restricted like this.

Strong anger and unwillingness (cfej) made Woban roar in despair. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Recalling what happened to him as an orphan in the past, and the supreme authority and status he gained after killing the god, a stronger spell burst out from the depths of his soul.

At this moment, his Ragnarok Wolf power was actually upgraded.

Like a balloon, the volume of the skull further expands!

In just a few seconds, it more than doubled in size.

At this time, Bai Ming was also shocked.

“You actually exploded during the decisive battle. Are you the protagonist from some hot-blooded comic book? The God Killer is really something.”

Bai Ming’s thoughts were equally fast.

If nothing else, Woban has completely surpassed all other God-killers now, and is he comparable to the Monkey King who uses the simplified version of the Covenant Technique?

This strength is absolutely He can be regarded as truly arrogant.

The number one god-killer in the world!

But it’s a pity

“If you are not my enemy, maybe I will let you go, but if I let you go this time, you will definitely seek revenge on Athena after I leave.”

The reason why Luo Hao was let go before was because the other party was not hostile during the fight.

If the other party was determined to kill him and Athena, Bai Ming would have no choice but to destroy them with his own hands.

“But after living for so long, it’s time for relief.”

Bai Ming didn’t speak.

But when his thoughts were turning, the incarnation of the giant god soldier let out a low roar like thunder.

At this moment, Woban, who was labeled by Bai Ming, only felt horrified for a moment and his scalp was numb.


Already The giant god soldier holding the wolf’s head exerted all its strength with both arms. The nearby residents only heard a crisp cracking sound, and the huge skull was torn open from the middle of the mouth by Bai Ming. The white bones and debris fell to the ground quickly.

You know this The wolf head was transformed by Woban himself. When the wolf head was torn open, it meant that his body was also torn apart.

But then,

Bai Ming saw a forty-meter-long bone from the torn bones in half. The small black dragon appears.

This is the power Woban usurped from”Inanna”. After it is activated, even if the body turns to ashes, it can be resurrected intact. After the black dragon appears, it turns into a stream of light and flies towards the distance.

This For a moment, Woban also realized that there is no need to worry about having no firewood to keep the green hills.

The gap between the enemy and ourselves is too huge, so it is better to go first. It will not be too late to wait until more gods of disobedience are killed, and then settle the accounts.

But Bai Ming cannot He would watch helplessly as Woban escaped.

In an instant, the aura of the God of Destruction was increased several times, and his scarlet eyes flashed violently.

The blue light of the divine fist flashed, and the destructive power contained in it was enough to sweep everything.

Then he punched out.

The divine fist penetrated the atmosphere, and the raging energy frenzy swept away the storm in an instant, and even the dark clouds in the sky were separated.

If you look out from the surface, you will also find two shocking white lines.

Divine Hand – Storm Hit!.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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