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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 254

Chapter 254

Those people in the dark bullet world only hate gastrea animals, but because they are afraid of those monsters, they instead target young children who will not resist adults.

No matter whether it was Oni Wu Tsuji Mukai or those people in the dark bullet, they were all guilty of unpardonable crimes.

Nightmare Elf:”Bai Ming, is this really the case? If only a small number of people are like this, it would be understandable. After all, no matter where, there will be psychological distortions.”

Bai Ming:”It is true that only a small number of people are like this.”

Discharge girl:”Huh…That’s okay, after all, scum are everywhere. If you go there later, just find them and kill them.

Bai Ming:”Most people are actually worse than a few of the people in the information I uploaded.””

Bai Ming:”For example, can you imagine the scene of drowning a newborn child because the daughter was born infected with gasterozoa virus?”

The animation of Black Bullet has not been described.

However, in the novel, there has been a one-sided description.

Some mothers cruelly threw their newborn babies into the river and drowned them because their children had red eyes infected with the virus.

For a while , , the 680 rivers outside New Tokyo City are almost filled with the bodies of drowned babies.

And this kind of behavior is just the tip of the twisted iceberg.


Model Na:”Please tell me this is not true!”

Discharge Girl:”How is this possible?! Although my parents are a bit irresponsible, they occasionally come to Academy City to see me, which is pretty good.”

Nightmare Elf:”Why would any parents have the heart to treat their children like this?”

Bai Ming:”It’s very simple, because those parents think that the children they gave birth to are not children, but monsters. So you should understand, right?”

It’s not infection. After getting infected by the virus, it will definitely turn into a monster.

If there is only a trace amount of the virus, the human body’s immunity can still suppress it.

However, this virus cannot be eliminated by immunity and will continue to increase over time.

If a woman becomes pregnant while infected with the virus, the fetus will also become a carrier of the virus.

And these babies infected with the virus are the cursed children.

Bai Ming:”In the beginning (cfdj), when these babies infected with the virus grew up, because they had physical fitness that surpassed ordinary people, they were once considered to be the sons of salvation and were sought after by the world. However, after the erosion of the virus accumulated to When it reaches a certain point, it will turn into a monster.”

Bai Ming:”Since then, the Son of Savior has become the Son of the Cursed.”

The first genius of the Red Demon Tribe:”But even if this is the case, you can’t blame the child? He was born. When they are infected, they themselves cannot decide whether they will be infected!”

Butterfly Kanae:”Indeed, those children are innocent.”

Discharge Girl:”Strictly speaking, parents who gave birth to children even though they knew they were infected. He’s the culprit!”

The prison attack officer said:”But from the perspective of a bystander, the Cursed Son is indeed easy to be discriminated against. After all, the humans in that world had just been killed by gastrea animals and their families were destroyed, and the birth of the Cursed Son , and naturally became an outlet for hatred for those who survived.”

Nightmare Elf:”Mr. Bai Ming, even a small number of people will treat children like this, what about the majority of people?”

Bai Ming:”Human nature. The darkest part, about this, you can actually know by searching on the Internet, and the hatred of the mainstream consciousness of the society towards the Cursed Children has deepened the persecution of them.”

Rao Mo Na:”It is really abominable! Can’t we find other ways?!”

Bai Ming:”Of course there are scientists working on a vaccine, but there is almost no progress.”

Prison attack officer:”The official inaction probably accounts for a large part of the reason for this situation.”

Bai Ming:”Indeed, although it means that the cursed children still have certain human rights, once the erosion rate reaches the end, they will transform into monsters. If the government will not intervene, then we can only rely on the people to reduce the suffering. The number of children of the curse has increased.”

This is the potential consensus of most people in the dark bullet world.

Except for those drowning babies.

The residents abused and abused the cursed children, and even if the police saw them, they would only verbally dissuade them.

What’s more, some police officers will join in, take away the cursed child on official business, and then shoot him. besides.

Because most of the Cursed Children are homeless and can only live on the edge of the city. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Some people in society who have guns will go to the suburbs to massacre those who are hindered in the name of justice.

And these are all tacitly approved by the post-apocalyptic authorities.

As for the heroine of Black Bullet, the Prime Minister of the island country is Saint Emperor.

Although she is a rare Virgin who fights for the rights of the Cursed Son, as a vase, she is only a spokesperson elected by the bureaucrats after the end of the world.

Discharge girl:”Why did you make me laugh so hard?”

Rao Mo Na:”When I read the text, I felt like my head was buzzing. After hearing Mr. Baek Ming’s explanation, now I can’t think of anything else. Got it!”

Nightmare Elf:”…I really want to let all those scum die right away.”

Headless female killer:”You can never kill all the bad guys. Only by eradicating the source can we avoid new tragedies.”

The number one genius of the Red Demon Clan:”This is…Newcomer?”

Headless female killer:”Hello everyone, because I was very suspicious of you before and thought it was the influence of the Teigu, so I haven’t spoken.”


” Bai Ming was slightly startled when he saw the familiar words.

Then the dusty memory was released, allowing him to recall the works about Teigu.

——Cut the red pupils.

This is another anime that is as depressing as”Dark Bullet”.

It tells the tragic story of an assassination organization called Night Raid, fighting against the corrupt empire, and ultimately the death of all members.

The newcomer’s nickname includes the word”killer”, so he must be a member of the night attack organization.

As for”headless”.

Most likely it’s cutie Chelsea.

In the plot, after the assassination attempt on Black Eye who was working for the empire failed, and he was counter-killed, his body was eaten by the biological Teigu, and his head was cut off and stuck on a railing to be paraded through the streets of the empire.

It can be described as a miserable death..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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