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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Although Bai Ming recognized the original protagonist of this series – Satomi Rentaro, he did not want to have too much contact with him.

Just like those indignant adults, no matter who it is, they will be identified by Athena’s power in the end, and then he will give the corresponding ending.

On the other hand, Bai Ming found the two vigilantes an eyesore, so he directly controlled them with servants of power and death, and ordered the killing of their fellow vigilantes who had the same idea as themselves.

It was not until Bai Ming and his party left that these people recovered from the bone-deep obedience and fear.

Then, as if he had run a marathon, he gasped and collapsed on the ground, his chest and back already soaked with cold sweat.

I don’t know how long it took.

A middle-aged woman wearing home clothes murmured to herself:”Monster! It must be a monster, it must be those two monsters!”

As the woman took the lead, other people also came to their senses.

“Did you see it? The two girls next to that man must have turned into monsters! Be the king of monsters! The King of Monsters has infiltrated our city!”

“We must tell the army that they must be eradicated as soon as possible!”

“That’s right! Otherwise our lives will not be protected at all!”

“I don’t want to be killed by a monster controlled by the King of Monsters in the middle of the night!”

In just a few minutes, this group of people who were previously afraid of their appearance turned the absurd emotions spreading in their hearts into hatred for the Cursed Child.

The crowd clamored for the Sheriff to arrest the two monsters.

But the manipulated Sheriff had already driven away, preparing to return to the Sheriff’s Station to kill.

However, these people did not pay attention, but gathered together and began to march on the street.

This wave of claims to execute all the Cursed Sons , and gradually attracted many other people to join.

Faced with such a situation, Satomi Rentaro was still able to maintain a certain degree of calmness. Although his mind was equally chaotic, his instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages prompted him to urgently stay away from this place.

“Yeonju, let’s go home..~..”

But when he looked down at the girl, he was startled by Lan Yuan Yanzhu’s angry expression.

“Why didn’t Rentaro save that girl just now!”

Under the excitement, both hands turned into light red.

Noticing the nearby people looking here, Satomi Rentaro yelled at the people around him:”What are you looking at! No matter what your business is!”

After saying that, he forcibly dragged Aihara Enju and ran into the alley.

Compared with the clean streets, there was a nauseating stench in the alley.

But Satomi Rentaro didn’t pay attention to this kind of thing.

He lowered his head and explained. :”I can’t help it. In that situation, if we were exposed, even we would be besieged by those people.”

“But you waved away the girl’s hand asking for help!”

Alan Yuan Yanzhu also understood this truth.

But what really made her angry was that the man in front of her did not choose to turn a blind eye, but chose to slap the girl’s hand away.

“I’m not omnipotent! What’s more, that guy did something wrong! No matter how bad the living environment in the outer area is, you can’t steal things!”

Facing the angry little girl, Satomi Rentaro couldn’t help but start preaching

“That’s just an excuse! If you don’t want to help, you don’t want to help! And you are also a civilian peace officer, so you had every reason to rescue the enemy!”

Lanyuan Yanzhu shook his head vigorously

“Don’t push your childish fantasies onto me! I simply can’t do it!”

Satomi Rentaro emphasized his tone.

He didn’t want to do anything wrong by helping!

If he helped, it would only bring trouble. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Moreover, hasn’t that guy already escaped?!”

The strange combination just now.

In retrospect, he also felt weird.

Why did the crowd disperse as soon as they arrived, and how could they easily remove the handcuffs, and the Sheriff also let them go?

Could it be that they were really among the monsters ? King? King of Gastrea?

Satomi Rentaro, who was thinking to himself, came back to his senses after thinking about it.

But at this time, he discovered that Enju Aihara, who was staying here just now, had disappeared.

And just when he was at a loss what to do , a call came in.

After the call was connected, a somewhat irritable female voice came in

“What are you doing?! Where did he go!”

Tendou Kisara.

Currently, he is the president of the private security company where he works, and he is the only employee under her.

“never mind! The situation is urgent and a new job has arrived. No matter where you are now, go to the government building immediately!”

After saying that, he hung up directly.

On the other side,

Bai Ming and Athena continued to wander around other places in New Tokyo.

Although at first the group members still lamented that the post-apocalyptic city was almost nothing like peace. There are differences, but the deeper you go and the longer you stay, the more you can feel the distortion and darkness hidden under the light surface of this city.

This is evident from the fact that no one speaks in the live broadcast room that was originally quite lively. It was enough to tell.

Because along the way, she saw too many cursed children being treated unfairly.

Some of them were looking for leftovers in the trash can. When they saw Bai Ming and the others, they seemed frightened. He ran away in a hurry like a mouse.

But apart from that, the most touching thing was the young girl begging at the overpass.

The gangsters kicked over the can she was begging for money from, but the little girl thought it was a charity from a kind person. , thanked them.

The reason for (Zhao Zhao)’s condition is that she can’t see anything in her eyes.

Generally speaking, the physical constitution of the cursed child is very good, and it is impossible to have congenital defects.

Therefore, let The reason why she couldn’t see was because her parents had filled her eyes with lead, and they abandoned her after being abused.

This was not a plain statement, but a fact stated by the girl herself.

Such behavior made even the darkest side of the nobles visible. Chelsea couldn’t help but feel a little numb.

What biological parents did to their children was simply outrageous.

This was also the main reason for the silence in the live broadcast room.

“The weak wield their swords against the weaker, this world…In my opinion, it is completely rotten.”

Although Athena is not interested in the life and death of humans, she couldn’t help but sigh after seeing what happened to the Cursed Son.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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