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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 279

Chapter 279

The live broadcast screen changes as the lottery page changes.

Soon the ten consecutive rewards will appear in front of everyone’s eyes

【Group message (private): Congratulations on getting Sweet Flower Stuffed Chicken (N)*5 and Novice Long Sword (N)*5. ]

Seeing that everything was a whiteboard, the expression on Bai Ming’s face was stunned.

Not to mention the blue sky and white clouds, there’s not even a hint of blue at all, it’s all white?

Is it because I ran out of luck in the last lottery?

In the first lottery, at least I could still draw an R. Now what kind of trouble is going on with all the whiteboards?

After seeing that all of them were N, the entire chat group immediately became lively.

I’m not a Loli god:”That’s it?”

I’m not a Loli god:”Hahahahaha! I’m laughing so hard! You don’t even have an R, and you dare to talk nonsense before the lottery? The goddess smiles.jpg.”

Nightmare Elf :”This is not funny at all. After all, the prize is six thousand points. I tried hard to hold back my laughter.jpg.”

Butterfly Kanae:”Ah this…Not so lucky. The first genius of the Crimson Demon Clan:”

Why is it that you suddenly feel a little more mentally balanced?””

Lao Mo Na:”I didn’t want to laugh at first, but I couldn’t help it.”

Discharge 463 girl:”Ha! You guys were obviously laughing and never stopped. Of course, I was too, hahaha.

Prison attack officer:”Sure enough, I ran out of luck in the last lottery. After all, it was a good harvest last time.””

Loli sniper:”Ah, brother…What a bad look.”

Headless female killer:”How could you do this? Holding back a smile.jpg. Bai Ming:”

Mistake, this time it’s just a mistake. After all, the previous draws were all the first time the ship sank.””

Bai Ming used this reason to convince himself.

After all, before the first two shipments, the first ten companies were used to worship the sky.

Bai Ming:”Look carefully, the next lottery is my real strength.”

Then, Bai Ming clicked on the second Ten-Link

【Group message (private): Congratulations on getting the Black Magician pre-assembled deck (N)*3, Duel Disk (N)*4 Adventurer’s Pocket Watch (N), a box of Kang Shuaifu instant noodles (N), and the artifact Dragon Hand (R)】


Seeing the results of the second lottery, a question mark appeared on Bai Ming’s face.

Although compared with the first time, there is an R card as a foil, but isn’t it just the standard blue sky and white clouds ending?

And what is the Black Magic Pre-group?

Should he be allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh! with others?

I am not a loli god:”Yes, there is progress, at least the R guarantee is guaranteed, applause.jpg.” The headless female killer:”That artifact seems to be of some use.”

The discharge girl:”How can it be, it’s just It’s just a prop that can increase your strength several times. For Mr. Baek Ming who can destroy the world, it is completely useless garbage.”

Nightmare Elf:”At least there is progress, I can’t help but laugh.jpg.”

Lao Mo Na:”Krang San Sister, you have been laughing and never stopped!”

The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:”No, I really can’t help it anymore.” The prison attack officer:”Laugh, Mr. Bai Ming has pulled out so many good things before , it’s time to return all the luck, in a daze.jpg.”

Butterfly Kanae:”This…Keep up the good work, there is still progress after all.”

“Is there something wrong with the lottery?”

After the second lottery result, Bai Ming was a little doubtful about life. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If not a UR, at least an SR.

Bai Ming thought about it for a few seconds, and then thought about it. All the other cluttered thoughts were thrown away.

What’s the point of drawing a lottery?

If you win, you will be a young model in the club, but if you lose, you will work in the sea.

The last ten draws in a row!

The light is turning. I don’t know why, but this time the process of waiting for the draw is a little longer than before. some

【Group message (private): Novice long sword (N)*5, tactical display unit (R)*2, third eye (cceh) shadow knife (R), snow cloud wolf (R), ancient mantra (UR)】

“oh? Is the small guarantee finally shipped?!”

Seeing the last flashing UR indicator, Bai Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

A shipwreck is a small matter, but a shame is a big deal.

In this way, the blue sky and white clouds in the previous two times can be completely interpreted as a preparation for the third shipment.

Bai Ming:”Everyone, I am not a lolita god, screenshot.jpg.”

Discharge Girl:”That’s too much! He even jumped in the face like a seal!”

Nightmare Elf:”Oh no, let him pretend.”

Prison Demon Attacker:”Although it is a happy thing for a group of friends to ship goods, why do I feel a little sad?”

Mouna:”Because we didn’t even draw points! The first genius of the Crimson Demon Clan:”

It hurts my heart!” So when will there be a suitable task for us? This chat group doesn’t give the poor any way to survive at all!”

Butterfly Chane:”Congratulations on the shipment.”

Loli Sniper:”Brother finally got lucky.”

Headless female killer:”At this time, you should be like me, suck, suck, suck! Absorb the luck of the boss!”

Discharge Girl;”It’s useless. If I could get better luck by smoking like this, my luck would have changed a long time ago. And have you noticed a problem? Has Miss Athena disappeared?”

Lao Mo Na:”Yes! Could it be because his mentality exploded?”

Nightmare Elf:”After all, Bai Ming drew a UR in the third lottery, but Miss Athena who secretly drew the lottery may have sunk.”

Prison Demon Attacker:”The only two people in the group who can draw the lottery at present are one who has drawn UR twice in a row and the other who has sunk twice. If it were me, I would have an explosive mentality.”

I’m not a Loli god:”Ha! I never said there was going to be a lottery this time.”

Athena actually wanted to win the lottery at first.

But after seeing Bai Ming’s third shipment, she began to murmur in her heart.

Did she also save the points until she could draw three times and ten in a row? Start the lottery again?

Bai Ming:”Haha, it doesn’t matter, I understand, I understand everything.”

And at this moment, a group message was suddenly pinned to the top

【Group announcement: Since the number of people in this group has reached ten, the function optimization and upgrade has been completed.】

【Optimize the difficulty of obtaining points and increase the recycling function: you can recycle group members’ own abilities, items or abilities drawn from the prize pool, and various props seized during the mission. The points recovered depend on the value.】

【Optimize the task function and reduce the difficulty of obtaining points during the task】

【Added a virtual reality function in the live broadcast room. Twenty points are required to use this function once. 】

The appearance of several group prompts successfully changed the topic of the lottery..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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