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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 283

Chapter 283

After playing for several days, the girls are still very enthusiastic.

On the other hand, Himejima Akeno became more and more silent. Seeing this, Bai Ming also suggested that he might as well revisit his old place.

Himejima Akeno nodded in agreement, and Bai Ming did not let Rias and others follow.

Only Linali serves as a follower.

Considering her position, it was not convenient for Rias, as the Demon King’s sister and Gremory’s successor as the sect leader, to get involved in Himejima Akeno’s family affairs.

I’m afraid, this is also the reason why Himejima Akeno’s father, Bai Qiu, didn’t attack the Himejima family after rushing home in a hurry.

Different positions, after all, you have to consider more than the person who is alone.

Of course, this does not prevent Bai Ming from treating him as a coward.

If you can’t even protect your family, how can you protect others?

As the sun sets and the moon rises.

Hakuaki and Akeno Himejima also came to the residence where the girl once lived with her mother.

On a hilltop that can be seen everywhere outside Tokyo, there is a little-known shrine.

After passing the torii gate, the mountain path leading to the top of the mountain is overgrown with weeds.

Himejima Akeno slowed down, as if reminiscing���, looking at the surrounding bits and pieces with a sad expression.

Not much has changed in the past few years, except it has become more desolate.

Not even the footsteps of tourists were seen.

It wasn’t until the top of the mountain that I noticed something different before arriving at the shrine.

Compared with the messy mountain road, the inside of the shrine is much neater. There are only some withered yellow leaves and a thin layer of dust on the ground.

Himejima Akeno, who was struck by the scene, looked surprised.

Her mother has been gone for a few years, and she has also been away from Tokyo for a few years.

According to her imagination, this place, not to mention dilapidated, was at least overgrown with weeds and covered with thick dust.

When you enter the house, the Japanese tatami is spotless.

Himejima Akeno looked at other places, which were also neat and clean, as if someone had just cleaned them not long ago.

But how could the Himejima family send servants to clean it?

“Someone is coming outside~~.”

Bai Ming looked out the window.

The perception of divine power has already enveloped the entire mountain range. If there is any trouble, he will be able to detect it immediately.

“Are they the lackeys from the five major clans who monitor us?”

Himejima Akeno looked cold.

“No, it should be someone else.”

Bai Ming said

“Maybe, even the person who cleans this shrine”


Shortly after.

Accompanied by the moonlight, a tall figure appeared at the entrance of the shrine

“Huh? is her? Himejima

Akeno stared intently, and with the help of the moonlight, she finally saw the face of the person coming. Linali on the side transformed into the dark wings of a fallen angel, and flew towards the person on the night wind.

Linali has been very busy recently. Not happy.

Ever since the eldest lady of the Gremory family met her master, she has been trying every means to get closer to Bai Ming for three days.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see why.

And the more this happens, the more Linali notices As her status becomes lower and lower, her status as a bed-warming girl and a cooking maid is no longer enough to satisfy her.

Now she needs to show more value to make her master realize that only she, Linali, can She is the best maid for the master!

And she learned from the previous gossip that Bai Ming came here to cause trouble.

Who else is related to the shrine besides the five major sects.

Therefore, the movements in her hands are naturally not polite at all..

No matter who he is, he should be caught and interrogated first!

But just when she was about to pounce on that figure, a scorching strong wind swept the atmosphere and came towards her.

“want…About to hit!”

Liana, who was flying past at an extremely fast speed, couldn’t brake for a moment, and could only watch the ball of flames crash into her. She will die!

She must die!

Even if she doesn’t die, she will definitely be seriously injured!

Even if it’s a few seconds apart, Even Linali could feel the scorching heat.

At the same time, she also saw the figure in front of her, a spell conjured from her hand, with spiritual power flowing on it that made her heart palpitate.

But at this moment, the atmosphere suddenly became As thick and heavy as mud, the figure who was about to release the spell was stunned.

Then in just an instant, the blazing flames that rushed towards Linali dissipated like a breeze.

At the same time, Linali’s shoulders were also held down, Prevent yourself from being so funny that you fly out and hit the wall.


Linali felt aggrieved and embarrassed. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“You can just do housework honestly from now on. Fighting is not suitable for an intermediate fallen angel like you.”

It hurts my heart!

Linali, who wanted to express herself, kicked the iron plate. From now on, she will just be a cook.

“who are you?! Why does it appear here?”

A loud and sharp beautiful voice came from the figure’s mouth.

The atmosphere seemed to become hot due to her spiritual power, and more spells appeared in her hand.

“You don’t need too many questions.”

Bai Ming turned around and looked over with a leisurely expression.

What caught his eye was the black hair that was reminiscent of ink, which seemed to be sparkling as if wet.

The vermillion-toned uniform jacket, even under the moonlight, It was also so bright that people thought it was a cluster of flames.

The peerless appearance, the aloof expression on his face, and the proud figure hidden under the uniform were enough to make countless women feel ashamed.

Bai Ming’s eyes fell on the pair of tall and tall Mount Fuji.

There is no special reason.

After all, it is too conspicuous.

It really deserves to be in the DXD world.

The female characters that have appeared in the past have more graceful figures.

If this was the Riban world, with their astringent figures, they would only be pregnant with a child ( Okay) It’s a matter of time.

As for her identity, Bai Ming has already recognized her.

In this world, there are not many women who can look similar to Himejima Akeno.

Suzaku of the Himejima family is the only one today.

“It’s really courageous to break into someone else’s house without permission and want to attack the owner here. Don’t you know that this is the territory of the Himejima family?”

The girl with delicate features looked displeased.

However, the movements of her hands were not loose at all.

Although the man in front of her looked ordinary except for his handsomeness, he could easily blow away her spiritual power, and it was almost stagnant. The atmosphere is proof that it is not easy to mess with.

Himejima Akeno appeared from the room. When she got closer and saw the figure of the visitor, she couldn’t help but be stunned for a second.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar woman in front of him, Himejima Akeno was dusty. The memory was opened, and a look of surprise appeared on his face

“Cousin Suzaku!”.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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