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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 291

Chapter 291

Bai Ming:”Shurima, your emperor is back.”

Laomuna:”Welcome to His Majesty the Emperor, long live our emperor!”

Discharge Girl:”Gradually reveal his true nature.jpg.”

Nightmare Elf:”But Having said that, in another world, Mr. Bai Ming is indeed an emperor.”

Butterfly Kanae:”After all, even the entire island country has been incorporated.”

The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:”Why don’t I have this sense of reality at all?”

Headless female killer:”So, I am flattered that I can be in a group with such a giant.jpg.”

Discharge Girl:”Speaking of which, have you trained any superpowers from the information I uploaded before?”

Lao Mo Na:”No.”

The first genius of the Red Demon clan:”No +1″

“300” Headless Female Killer:”No feeling at all.”

Nightmare Elf:”I tried it before and found that I could actually move objects through the air, and then I discovered that it was a new use of spiritual power.”

Discharge Girl:”No way, you can’t even awaken a super power?”

Misaka Mikoto was lost in thought.

Every student enrolled in Academy City must undergo superpower development courses.

But even among the more than two million students in the city, there are more than 400,000 students, which is one fifth People have developed superpowers.

Although most of them are people with low abilities, we can also draw samples with a relatively high success rate.

In her opinion, the members in the chat group speak well and are all talents. It’s strange that no one has developed superpowers.

Discharge Girl:”Is it because you are too old?”

Nightmare Elf:”If you say that, I will be angry.”

Mouna:”I’m only fifteen years old this year!””

Hui Hui:”I am only thirteen years old this year! He actually said I was old!”

Prison Demon Attack Officer:”Having said that, compared with you people, I am indeed not young anymore.”

Although she still has a loli body, she is still an aunt who is two years older.

Bai Ming:”Actually, in terms of age, Athena is the oldest in this group. In comparison, we are all children.”

I am not a loli god:”???”

I am not a loli god:”Bai Ming, what do you mean?”

What does it mean to use her as an example?

Do you dislike her for being old?

I’m not a lolita god:”It’s ridiculous! As a goddess, I will not be bound by time. Age means nothing to me.”

Bai Ming:”After saying so much, don’t you still care about age? I I understand.”

As long as she is a woman, no one will care about her age.

I’m not a Loli God:”Come here, I have a gift for you.”

Bai Ming:”If you don’t go, I’m afraid you’ll bite me if you don’t just go by.”

The headless female killer:”No need. It’s great that you don’t care about your age….I feel like my skin has started to become looser this year.”

Nightmare Elf:”It is indeed a topic that makes people feel heavy.”

Mouna:”Kuansanjie shouldn’t need to worry about this, right? After all, he is an elf who manipulates time.”

Nightmare Elf:”Not necessarily. After all, there are still many differences between me and myself in the past, and I can feel the growth of age a little bit.”

Loli Sniper:”Excuse me, is there any magic that can make people bigger?”

Discharge Girl:” There are still people who want to grow up?”(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Loli Sniper:”Because you can only marry Mr. Bai Ming when you grow up.”

Prison attack officer:”?”

Nightmare Elf:”?”

Discharge girl:”Ah, Bai Ming, do you like younger girls?”

I’m not a loli god:”Haha…Starting to reveal his true nature, even girls of this age are coveting him. No wonder he was so interested in the Cursed Sons before.”

Butterfly Chane:”…hehe.”

Lao Mo Na:”Yeah! This is considered…Propose?!”

Loli Sniper:”That should be the case. Although I am not the only one, I also want to be the first person to marry Mr. Bai Ming.”

Nightmare Elf:”Not a person? Could there be anyone else?”

Loli Sniper:”Yes.

Prison attack officer:”Let me think about it, how many thousands are there in those children?””

Discharge Girl:”I’m not sure, there are just a lot of them anyway……..”

Headless female killer:”So the boss is like this, but even if he is like this, people won’t dislike it!”

Bai Ming:”Forget it, I won’t explain.”

With Tina beside her to stir up trouble, the more she explains, the harder it will be. Can’t tell.

After all, compared to the majesty he erected in the group, the group members who did good things must trust the children more.

And Bai Ming also knew that the group members were more teasing than serious.

Occasionally joking can help bring harmony to the chat group.

At this moment, a familiar reminder sounded.

【Group mission: It was detected that the group member”Headless Female Killer” encountered a life crisis, and the chat group now actively released missions】

【The main goal: to ensure the survival of the group member”Headless Female Killer” and end the rule of the old empire. A reward of 10,000 points (divided based on personal contribution)】

【Secondary objective 1: Defeat the imperial generals Esdeath and Bude, reward points +6000 [divided based on personal contribution]】】

【Secondary goal 2: Defeat the main force of the revolutionary army, points +6000 [divided based on personal contribution]】】

【Mission rewards: +20 bonus points for each dangerous species killed, +100 bonus points for each super dangerous species killed, +2 bonus points for each super dangerous species killed.00 bonus points will be awarded for each kill of the token user. 】

The group message came quite suddenly.

Headless Female Killer:”Huh? I’m finally going to die?”

Headless Female 1.1 Killer:”And the mission goal is to defeat the Imperial General. It’s completely understandable. What about defeating the Revolutionary Army? The promised mission is beneficial to me. ?”

Chelsea was a little confused after reading the introduction to the chat group tasks.

You must know that the camp she is in is the revolutionary army.

If you want to achieve the second secondary goal, wouldn’t you be slapping yourself in the face?

Discharge Girl:”I will reform myself.”

Nightmare Elf:”Don’t worry, the secondary goal is not really necessary and can be ignored.”

Headless Female Killer:”I just remembered, after all, this mission is a little bit different from the main goal. Let’s have a conflict. After all, if the revolutionary army is defeated, it will not be able to end the empire’s rule.”

Bai Ming:”Not necessarily, the revolutionary army has no direct relationship with the existence of the empire.”


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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