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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 308

Chapter 308

“When I look at the world, my heart aches. The hearts of people in this world are more deceitful than anything else. They are so bad that no mortal can understand them.”

“Today I am coming here like a scorching furnace, and all the arrogant and evildoers will be like stubble. They will be burned up in that day, and no root or branch will be left.”

“I hereby declare that whoever sheds blood, his blood will be shed, wound for wound, eye for eye, tooth for tooth.”

The sound spread with the mighty power.

Everyone felt the powerful power contained in the language.

Although it was a language they had never heard before, the majestic sound conveyed the clearest meaning in everyone’s mind. Meaning.

Some people are happy, some are worried, and even some are starting to go crazy.

Especially those who committed crimes in the imperial capital, but were not punished by the law because of the protection of the officials.

No one can anymore serve as a protective umbrella to protect them from doing evil things.

Just because the existence of God has arrived.

The words fell.

The radiance and golden sky that illuminated the world quietly dispersed.

The pale sky and clouds reappeared.

But the influence brought by the gods has just begun.

And this influence , and with Kuang San and Nangong that month, the actions of Esdeath and the others continued to expand. The oppressed people were happy, and only the nobles who had committed crimes were fearful.

They who used to show off their power never thought that there would be Such a day.

If it were the will of mortals, they would use the remaining power and wealth in their hands to exchange for their own lives.

But now, the guards who usually hire huge sums of money will have no effect.

Dare to resist, which means going against the gods..

For a time, the entire imperial capital was in chaos because of Bai Ming’s manifestation.

Bai Ming stood on the top of the palace, looking at the imperial capital with flames of war and gunpowder smoke.

This was a revolution brought by God.

Bloodshed and chaos are also normal.

But these are all steps towards stability.

The current chaos in the empire is just a small pain, and it will pass soon.

Najiexitan and the members of Night Raid.

Chi Tong is still looking at the sky, When she heard Najiexitan’s call, she just looked at him with blank and confused eyes.

“gods…really exist.?”

No one can give a definite answer.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Chelsea and Najesitan.

Suppressing the restlessness in her heart, Najexitan said:”I don’t know if he is a god, but whether it is true or not, the empire will definitely change because of his existence. We just need to accept the fruits he gives us to enjoy. Just fine”

“If I guessed correctly, He will overthrow the old empire, and what follows will be the beginning of a new era. This is God’s warning to us.”

“What about the revolutionary army? Brad asked

“There is no need for the revolutionary army that colludes with foreign races, and according to the boss’s wishes, there will be liquidation with the revolutionary army in the future. Chelsea shrugged.

“Chitong, where are you going?”

Ma Yin looked at the black-haired girl leaving the team and asked from behind.

“go…Kill sinners.”

Red Eyes pulled out the Teigu Murasame and walked towards the depths of the palace.

After showing themselves in front of Bai Mingren, the girls slaughtered the scum more smoothly.

Some nobles even committed suicide out of fear of crime, which saved them a lot of effort..

However, in addition to those nobles and officials who had accepted their fate, there were also a few who began their final madness. The palace was filled with smoke.

The palace, which was still heavily guarded, had completely lost its original functions due to the appearance of gods.

In the past, the ministers The groveling attendants completely ignored their orders and fled from the palace. Some even couldn’t restrain the killing intent in their eyes and wanted to do something to them.

On the way to the royal treasury, the minister encountered a group of rebellious soldiers. , preparing to kill the emperor who controlled the government and was incompetent.

However, they never thought that the minister, who was usually fat and big-eared, like a pig, was extremely skilled in martial arts. He waved his two big hands like cattail fans and could easily kill ordinary people. The man’s limbs were broken.

After killing the group of soldiers, the minister wiped the sweat from his head.

What few people know is that the minister was once an expert at the Imperial Fist Temple, and he only stopped practicing after entering the palace and becoming an official.

But even though In this way, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

But if possible, Minister Ernest doesn’t want to work so hard.

What kind of bullshit gods!

If there is a god in this world, do you have to wait hundreds of years for it to appear?

As for what Bai Ming said The”guilty man” in the words.

The minister never thought that he was guilty.

The empire began to be corrupt hundreds of years ago. He just used power to seek some personal gain for himself. What’s wrong?!

Of course, right and He is not allowed to judge mistakes.

Ernest is also very self-aware of this.

But he still has a chance to turn defeat into victory.

Arriving at the door of the treasure house, Ernest put down the little emperor in his arms.

“Your Majesty, now that thieves are in power, I have no perfect plan. Only you, Your Majesty, have the means to put down those rebellious officials and thieves!”

“yes…is that so?”

The little emperor was already confused by the intrusion of Bai Ming and his party.

“But…God, God said…”

“Your Majesty, that is not a god at all, it is just a little trick played by the revolutionary army to fool people. As long as you can activate the Supreme Imperial Equipment, all monsters and monsters will be wiped out under your power.”

“Well, I believe the Minister.”

The confused little emperor listened to Ernest’s advice.

He opened the door to the treasure house with the inheritance left behind when his parents died.

Then, in the darkness, he entered a small room like a cab. (Okay Li’s)

“That’s good. After the Teigu is activated, I beg your Majesty to kill all those traitors and restore peace to the empire.” said Ernest, who pretended to be loyal. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I will.”

The little emperor hurriedly agreed.


Accompanied by the sound of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking.

The ministers who had already slipped to a safe area looked at the huge figure standing up from under the collapsed palace, their eyes filled with jealousy.

The Imperial Equipment – Protector The God of the Kingdom – The Supreme Throne.

This is the first and most powerful Teigu made by the Empire.

Since it is the origin of the Teigu, it is also the culmination of all Teigu.

Rumor has it that it even has abilities comparable to those of gods.

Ernest once also I want to activate this imperial weapon for my own use, but as early as the beginning of the design, it was designed that only the royal blood can be used.

Therefore, this is an imperial weapon that will only be activated when the status of the royal family is threatened..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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