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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 313

Chapter 313

We were originally discussing points, but were instantly attracted by the newcomers who joined the group.

Butterfly Kanae:”Moses Moses, newcomers, look here. This is a chat group that connects different worlds. For specific information, you can read the uploaded group information. After reading it, if you still don’t understand, you can ask me directly. There are also groups There are other people here.”

Lao Mo Na:”Don’t worry that we are bad guys, we will answer the questions carefully.”

The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:”Well, usually those who say this are bad people.”

Headless Female Killer:” I didn’t expect that new people would join the group so soon. It feels like I joined the group yesterday.”

Loli Sniper:”Actually, a lot of time has passed. If you don’t consider the speed of time, half of it has passed. It’s been over a month.”

Discharge Girl:”So it’s been so long? Maomao is shocked.jpg.”

Headless Female Killer:”I don’t feel this way at all. Half a month has passed inexplicably. I Lost!”

Nightmare Elf:”Although it has been so long, a lot of things have happened.”

Prison Attack Officer:”Tina and Miss Chelsea spent a lot of time, plus the middle Transition, headache, time has flown by so fast, I haven’t prepared the lesson plan yet, I might as well take the exam tomorrow.”

Lao Mo Na 150:”As a student, the last thing I like to hear is the word exam..”

At this moment.

The two newcomers who had just joined the group were groping around in confusion.


A paradise for gods and demon kings, which is only spread in legends in the history of mankind in the outside world.

All gods and demons live here.

As long as I can come to the paradise world.

Even the weakest mortals can acquire superhuman strength such as crushing mountains and crossing rivers.

But those who heard it just laughed it off.

After all, this legend is just the most insignificant of countless stories.

But this paradise is real.

Boundless darkness, endless void.

A world different from any other planet, spinning slowly like a top.

If you could observe the whole picture from the outside, you would find that this world is built on a flat surface, as if it proves the legend that the sky was round and the earth was once round, weird but vast.

This is the legendary paradise of gods and demons.

And in the most insignificant corner of this paradise, there was a person with long blue hair, who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old. It was unclear whether he really had rabbit ears on his head or was wearing a The cute girl wearing bunny girl earrings was confused by the chat group that suddenly appeared in front of her.

As a noble of Hakoden, even Black Rabbit, who lives in the lower class, can be regarded as well-informed.

But this weird thing described as a”chat group” has never been seen in Hakoden.

Therefore, after such a thing appeared in front of him, Black Rabbit’s first reaction was whether he was hallucinating due to excessive stress recently.

The second reaction was, could it be Shiro Yaksha’s prank again?

White Yaksha.

The strongest class ruler in Hakoba Higashi District.

A normal person’s first impression upon hearing her would be that she is quite majestic.

But in fact, at least for Black Rabbit, Shiro Yaksha is a complete disaster maker, and is difficult to deal with.

However, after thinking carefully, Black Rabbit also discovered that this thing did not seem to be what she had guessed.

It’s neither an illusion nor Shiro Yaksha’s mischievous gift.

“So, is the chat group real?”

After confirming again and again, and following the instructions given by one of them, and looking at the contents of the information,

Black Rabbit finally confirmed that he had obtained something extraordinary.

If it is true as the person said, it can connect different worlds.

This Isn’t it a different kind of”Hakowa”?

The Hakowa city she lives in is a special world born from the cross axes of countless universes. It was discovered and established by the gods, and then formed the rich Hakoba city today.

In terms of principles, the two poles are similar.. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After thinking about it clearly, Black Rabbit suddenly became very curious.

She wanted to find out the truth about the chat group.

If it is true, maybe she can use the chat group, Come and help her solve the dilemma that Wuming is currently facing.

The so-called Wuming is the community she is currently in.

The meaning of community is similar to external companies and countries. It is an organization established by a group of like-minded people, either because of interests or emotions.

Wuming It’s not the community code name she gave.

In Hakoniwa, Wuming is a contemptuous term, and it is the weakest community that has lost its past”name” and”flag”.

Because it is nameless, it is weak.

If Kuroto was not a Hakoniwa noble, he could often pick up Going to other communities to hold gift games and recruit moderators, the current nameless community has long since fallen apart.

Generally speaking, the nameless community that lost its flag and name should have disbanded, but Black Rabbit has to shoulder all responsibilities and belief.

And she has been struggling to support it until now.

But not long ago.

The water source was missing, and Wuming, who had to spend all his money, was finally about to be unable to support it. The meager remuneration of Black Rabbit as the host was really unsustainable. The operation of dozens of people in the entire community.

Because, except for her, all the people in the nameless community are young children who have no ability to rely on themselves.

“I hope there is a way.”

Black Rabbit sighed.

If it doesn’t work, then she can only use the precious invitation letter to seek help from outsiders who can break the situation.

But that is not a last resort.

After all, the guests invited by the invitation letter, It is not necessary to join the community she belongs to.

Moreover, after seeing that the community she belongs to is in such a state of decline, the possibility of joining will be greatly reduced.

Even if she lowers her profile and pleads humbly at the beginning, or conceals the truth and deceives customers to join , in the end, it will only be more gain than loss, and even become wary of her.

Thinking of this,

Black Rabbit raised a pair of legs covered by a sexy miniskirt and suspenders and changed its position.

“In short, we can only resign ourselves to fate, but being too pessimistic is not a good thing! Even if there is a one percent chance, people must try their best!”

The expression on Black Rabbit’s face kept changing, and he looked at the new comments on the chat page with an uneasy mood.

The same confusion also appeared on another newcomer.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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