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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 319

Chapter 319

It has to be said that based on the description of Black Rabbit, everyone has a certain yearning for the world called Little Garden.

As long as you participate in the gift game, you can obtain various magical gifts?

If true, it is indeed attractive enough.

He is not the recipient of the rabbit:”You don’t get gifts by participating in the gift game, but you participate and win the game in order to reap the bets as a winner.”

Although Black Rabbit wants to ask others to help Wuming get out of the predicament of collapse, he will not deceive and abduct him..

Some necessary matters are reminded particularly clearly.

Lao Mo Na:”But even so, it’s interesting enough. It’s a gift game that has nothing to do with force. If an ordinary person can win by chance, he will become stronger immediately. I’m so envious…….”

Discharge Girl:”Hey? Is this okay?””387″ is not a recipient of the rabbit:”Although it is not impossible, the probability is so small that it is infinitely close to zero. After all, the more precious the stakes are in a gift game, The process of cracking becomes more difficult. The gift game usually proposed by the mystery requires the participants to combine courage, wisdom and strength before it can be cracked.” He is not a rabbit:”For example, the prize is the ability to crush mountains. , then the basic literacy of the contestants must be at least seven figures, and ordinary people who have nothing may be stumped at the first level.”

Rao Mo Na:”…All right.”

I’m not a Shoutu:”No….However, little things add up, and if you participate in the most basic gift game, you will eventually become a strong person.”

Although I tell the truth, I can’t undermine the self-confidence of others.

After all, Wuming’s revival depends on them.

I’m not a lolita god:”I’m not a shoutu. When will you encounter a life crisis?”

I’m not a rabbit:”?”

The sudden question stunned Black Rabbit. this…Is this a secret code unique to chat groups?

After all, how could anyone say such curse-like words to someone they met for the first time?

I’m not a Loli god:”Can’t you understand? The meaning of concubine is the literal meaning.”

Of course Black Rabbit can understand.

But if all the words are connected, it will be completely incomprehensible.

This goddess, I really hope she encounters a crisis that will put the rabbit’s life in danger!

Nightmare Elf:”Let me explain. When a group member encounters a life crisis, a mission will be automatically released so that other members can go to the rescue. So Miss Athena should be interested in your world.”

I’m not a shoutu:”So that’s how it is…….”

Although someone offered to come over, she was happy.

But why did it happen that it was a life crisis?

The nameless community is not managed well and there are no gold coins to sustain life. Does it count that she, the rabbit, may starve to death?

Obviously it doesn’t count.

In this case, perhaps the only option is to sell points and proactively release tasks.

Bai Ming:”I don’t think so.”

I’m not a lolita god:”?”

Bai Ming:”Hakoniwa is a very special world. There is something called”linga” in them. The soul is equivalent to the soul of a life. The name can also be said to be an ID card. The same soul can also be said to be an ID card. Only one Hakoniwa can exist at the same time.”

Bai Ming:”If there are two, the weaker one will be occupied by the stronger one, or even disappear completely.”

Bai Ming:”Among the Greek gods of the Hakoniwa, there is a main god Athena exists, so if you go there, you may be discovered immediately by her holding the Athena Spirit. By then, at best, your Athena Spirit will disappear, and at worst, your self Will be completely usurped by another Athena, do you think I am right? Shoutu.” He is not Shoutu:”Yes, yes, it seems that such a thing does exist. If it is just the same gift, we can coexist, but But it doesn’t work in terms of spirituality, unless there are inheritances of multiple identical gods in the pantheon.”

Bai Ming:”But this situation is very rare. After all, it is impossible for two Athena to exist in the small garden at the same time, right?”

They are bound to discover each other.

In the end, a bloody storm is inevitable.

I am not a lolita god:”How powerful is Athena of Hakoniwa?”

Bai Ming:”I don’t know, but at least she is stronger than you are now.”

I am not a lolita god:”……”

After saying that, Bai Ming stopped looking at Athena bubbling……….

Obviously, he is either autistic or has gone to practice.

Bai Ming:”My suggestion is that everyone who is curious about Xiaoting waits for a while. After the newcomer’s affairs are resolved, it is not too late to go over and open up wasteland.”

Nightmare Elf:”Well, it’s better to listen to Mr. Bai Ming.”

Then. Everyone else also expressed the same intention.

After all, risks and opportunities coexist.

They are not in a hurry, and there is no need to go to another unknown world to take risks.

After all, even Bai Ming said so.

Not a Shoutu:”…I, I also recommend doing this.”

Seeing the originally high-spirited group members, all of them listened to Bai Ming’s words.

Black Rabbit suddenly felt miserable.

At least one or two should come.

After all, although Hakoba is cruel, it is also really interesting.

Of course, these words You can only keep it in your heart.

You can’t be too purposeful and make the group members doubt yourself.

But wait a minute.

Why does this group member named Bai Ming know something that even she subconsciously ignores?

Who is the aborigine? (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If you have really seen the world information related to her, will her little secret also be seen through?

Thinking of this, Black Rabbit suddenly became anxious.

What should I do? 4.8?

If he revealed the ins and outs of Wuming in the group, would these people still be willing to come?

After all, let alone a group member who met by chance, even she would not be tempted by Wuming. When Black Rabbit was at a loss, the girl holding the rabbit ears suddenly found a new window popping up in the lower left corner.

Private chat…

It’s that Mr. Bai Ming!

Bai Ming:”Black Rabbit, I can also guess that you are hiding the thoughts of the Nameless Community. The reason why you don’t say it is because you are worried about us, right? So, would you like to have a private chat? Just tell me your troubles here. That’s good, after all, if the pressure accumulates too much, it will be impossible to maintain the community.”

Staring at Bai Ming’s private message in a daze, Black Rabbit’s eyes suddenly welled up with a sparkle.

Finally, does anyone know Black Rabbit’s painstaking efforts?!.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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