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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 323

Chapter 323


The people from the Hero Faction were a little confused.

No matter how well he said it, he suddenly shouted to the sky.

Is there anyone else?

Moreover, the commander of the demon world calls others”sir”. Is there anyone with a higher status than her in Tokyo?

Even the god of Takamagahara is not in the same system as monsters like Yasaka, right?

“Georg, what’s going on?”

Cao Cao looked behind him in confusion.

He was an intellectual young man wearing glasses and with wild short hair. The foggy space that brought Yasaka here was the spread of the God-destroying tool”Jue Mist” he held..

The specific ability is the unlimited diffusion of spiritual energy centered on the holder, which can seal any object swallowed by the fog into a different dimension.

“There was no feedback from Juewu. Could it be that the fox demon was pretending to be powerful?”

Others also think of this idiom.

Foxes are indeed cunning. Although Yasaka understands people’s hearts, he is a thousand-year-old fox demon.

“We don’t rule out the possibility, but let’s do it first.”

Cao Cao nodded.

The demon god appeared.���I’m staying in Tokyo now. It would be difficult to lure him here.

Although their goal was the Demon God, they would not let themselves go up there.

Using the energy of the nine-tailed demon fox to summon the Great Red and bring chaos to the world is what they want to see.


Cao Cao unleashed the glory of the holy spear, and a divine aura emerged from his body.

The pure light can dispel even the fog.

The opponent is a fox demon who has been practicing for thousands of years, and only Cao Cao is confident that he can defeat him quickly.

Cao Cao flew out like an arrow from a string.

The Dusk Holy Spear was held tightly by him.

Before the gun arrived, the biting cold light struck first, and Yasaka’s skin was covered with goosebumps due to the strong stimulation.

This move alone would make it difficult for Yasaka to resist.

Not only the opponent’s superb martial arts, but also the divine destruction tool held by Cao Cao.

It is the number one most powerful god-killing tool, the Holy Twilight Spear that is said to contain the will of the God of the Bible!

But Yasaka was not afraid because the adult was already here.

The dragon-like spear tip stopped in front of Yu Chu.

Like a diamond drill bit, no matter how hard Cao Cao tried, he could not move forward.

“How is this going?”

He was shocked in his heart.

With Yasaka’s strength, it is impossible to achieve this level.

Just when Cao Cao was puzzled, strong palpitations appeared on the faces of him, including him, and other members of the Hero Faction behind him.

His body followed closely. Their consciousness rose, and then a thought that made them tremble appeared in their minds.

No….No way.

Could it be that the adult… the next second?

There is a radiant light like the sun that illuminates the misty world and sprinkles on the streets. At the same time, there are faint elves singing carols.

The splendor of gold appeared in heaven.

Then, a majestic sound came down from the sky

“…I have to say that I chose this path to challenge myself in order to gain the illusory glory of a hero. The courage to not be afraid of death alone is worthy of admiration.”

After speaking, the terrifying pressure came like a tsunami.

A strong and scorching wind blew from the alien space cast by the mist.

All the members of the Hero Faction who did not hold the God-killing Equipment were blown dozens of meters away. And unable to get up, they could only lie on the ground reluctantly.

The few holders of the God-killing Gear were also uncomfortable.

Most of their strength was used to resist this pressure, and the rest depended on willpower.

The only thing The only one who can still be considered mobile is Cao Cao.

The light emitted by the Holy Spear at dusk wraps his body.

But it is like a candle in the storm, it may be extinguished at any time.

The suffocating sense of oppression will not affect anyone except Yasaka. everyone drowned

“this…What kind of power is this?”

Holding the artifact, the soul successor of the Greek demigod Hercules is the only human being who is not a god-killing tool and can still stand. Before they come in person, just hearing the sound makes most of them lose resistance.

How can ordinary gods have such terrifying pressure?

In other words, this can be regarded as the”god” described in mythical stories!

Then, the voice continued to sound. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“As a reward for you, let my men play with you first. If you perform to my satisfaction, you may be able to leave me alive.”


Such teasing and completely ignoring them made everyone in the Hero Faction feel unwilling to do so.

But there was nothing they could do about it.

The next second, they were surprised to find that the pressure on their bodies was The pressure had disappeared.

But the uneasiness in their hearts was still strong.

Then they saw two tall figures appearing in the fog.

“Do you want to be a heroic messenger of justice? I hope you can make me happy.”

Esdeath is holding the holy sword given by Bai Ming.

Although the Bible can only be used by qualified people, Esdeath may be acclimatized and can exert the full power of the holy sword.

Although it cannot be improved too much, But it’s still much better than fighting with weapons made of ice.

“Suzaku, leave that man to me, and you can take care of the rest.”

After saying that, Esdeath rushed over

“Lord Suzaku, I am here to help you.”

Yasaka was not idle either. The nine tails exuded powerful demonic power.

For a moment, the entire Juewu space fell into a melee.

Although the number of people sent by Bai Ming was at a disadvantage, under the previous pressure, the members of the Hero Faction It is already known that they cannot resist the power of God, and the combat effectiveness they can exert is only half of the usual.

The battle between Esdeath and Cao Cao was also extremely fierce.

The holy spear and the holy sword collided fiercely, although Esdeath’s actual combat He has more experience, but after all, his opponent is not as high-quality as here, and Cao Cao is also the strongest member of the Hero Faction. For a while, he and Esdeath were at odds.

Although in Bai Ming’s eyes, they were just noobs pecking each other, But it looks like that.

At least the purpose of fun and exercise is there.

As for the result of the battle, it is not beyond Bai Ming’s expectation.

Esdeath is limited by his physical strength and the weapons are not sophisticated enough. He was at a disadvantage, but he was still able to fight with Cao Cao who had activated the sub-type forbidden hand. It wasn’t until Mokobotemo used it without much success that Esdeath gradually fell into decline.

“If Esdeath could also have a set of divine annihilation tools, he would probably be able to crush Cao Cao.”

Bai Ming is thinking about Qi…


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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