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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Although the Hero Faction talks about relying on human power to make achievements in troubled times, in fact, at least for now, their achievements come entirely from their reliance on artifacts.

Regardless of talent or hard work, Esdeath is far superior to them.

It would be a pity not to have the blessing of an artifact

“I can’t deal with this man. The weapon in his hand is too weird. Is it a God-killing device?”

Esdeath sent a message.

“Yes, it has similar effects to the Teigu, but it is stronger than the Teigu.”

Bai Ming said.

Divine weapons are the kind of props with high lower and upper limits.

Weaker magical weapons only have the ability of a ministerial level, but powerful magical weapons such as the God Destroyer can easily defeat the Protector Machine God.

“Retreat, Cao Cao still has the strength to hide his”857″.”

Bai Ming said.

Although he was unwilling, Esdeath knew that this was his limit.

Seeing Esdeath exit, Cao Cao’s face showed a stern expression, but mixed with a bit of joy.

“Demon God, if we fall into your trap today, we must be in danger. In that case, I will prove to you that I am tenacious as a hero! Take it, the true power that resides within this spear.”

Cao Cao held the Holy Twilight Spear tightly with both hands, moved his lips slightly, and recited words and spirits.

“A spear! The true holy spear that penetrates God! Absorb the ideal of the overlord sleeping in my body, dig out the gap between blessing and destruction, explain your legacy, and turn it into glory!”

The light blooming from the Holy Spear is even greater than before.

The aura lingering around Cao Cao is no less than that of the Lord God.

This is the unique power of the God of Destruction.

It guides the will of the God of the Bible and recreates the glory of the only God..

The holy light soared into the sky, and the holy waves spread throughout the city cast by the Jue Mist. The holy spear came out of the hand, and then turned into a rushing holy torrent.

Feeling the holy surge, the battle on the other side temporarily stopped.

The Hero Faction’s The members all looked forward to this attack.

Cao Cao was the strongest among them, and the Dusk Holy Spear was the strongest divine destruction tool in the world! They must win!

Thinking like this, they saw an incredible scene.

The torrent of the holy spear came in an instant, and Bai Ming resisted it with one finger.

Then with a slight exertion of force on his fingertips, the dusk holy spear extinguished its light and fell to the ground, making a crisp metal tremble. As the holder of the holy spear, Cao Cao was completely stunned.

That was the power of the God of the Bible!

It was a power that even Emperor Shakti and Shiva would shy away from!

And those members of the Hero Faction who still had hope were instantly disillusioned and lost all their fighting spirit.

No matter what Believe it or not.

Just one finger destroyed their hopes.

Before Cao Cao could think about it, the sudden heavy pressure crushed him to the ground mercilessly.

Other members of the Hero Faction were also killed under this pressure. Forced to kneel down on one knee, unable to get up again

“Game time is over.”

Bai Ming revealed his figure in front of the kneeling heroes.


Himejima Suzaku took back the spirit beast and stood aside respectfully.

The members of the Hero Faction stared at the male figure in front of them in surprise.

They had never seen the rumored demon god in the past.

What they saw today, he actually had something as incomparable as them. The appearance of the second is that of a human being.

Although it is difficult to accept, the aura emanating from the man is unmistakable.

Is this the demon god’s true form that can compete with the Great Red?

He is a bit too young.

“good…So handsome…”

Among the kneeling heroes, a woman with long golden hair exclaimed in a low voice.

Hearing the sound, Bai Ming looked at her a few more times.

Her name seems to be Joan of Arc, and the soul of the first-generation Saint Joan of Arc resides in her body.

But compared to the saint who led the French people to resist British colonization in the past, the current Joan of Arc is a love brain similar to Mitsuri Kanroji.

The defeated heroes were in despair.

Even the strongest Cao Cao lost, and the others were even less able to resist.

When Bai Ming put his hand on Georg, the descendant of Faust was so frightened that his legs went weak. Another child who looked like a child and had the name of Leonardo was even frightened to the point of peeing. pants.

But Bai Ming didn’t kill them………

This group of heroes are not bad in nature, they were just used as guns by some evil gods of the earth. In the subsequent plots, they also saved civilians.

Of course, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

All the artifacts they held in their bodies were all accepted by Bai Ming.

But the feeling of taking away the artifact is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

“Since he is a hero, he has to rely on his own strength to achieve great achievements. While relying on the artifacts made by gods to cause chaos, what is the point of saying that he wants gods and demons to see the power of humans?”

Bai Ming’s lesson made them remain silent.

But Bai Ming just said it casually, who cares whether they listened or not.

Then, there was the most important thing.

Bai Ming asked them about the whereabouts of Ophis.

But let What surprised Bai Ming was that they did not know the trace of Ophis.

A few days ago, Ophis disappeared from the headquarters of the Disaster Group, and there was no news since then.

Although the Disaster Group deceived and abducted him, and regarded Ophis as a mascot. Provided, but it was just using her name and power.

As for imprisoning, it was impossible.

Ophis could leave at any time if he wanted to.

Since he didn’t know, there was nothing he could do.

After that, Himejima Suzaku Order People took these members of the Hero Faction away.

I don’t know whether it was because they lost the artifact or because they were hurt by Bai Ming’s words. No one struggled to resist.

“Thank you for the reminder. 2.5”

The crisis is over, Yasaka bows to express his thanks

“Everyone takes what they need, and besides, I am also using you as bait.”

Bai Ming said.

The plot changed because of his appearance.

The people of the Hero Faction kidnapped Yasaka just incidentally.

But because of his appearance, the descendants of those heroes were used as gunmen, and they decided to use the ability of the nine-tailed demon fox to attract Zhenchi. The Dragon God Emperor fought against him.

But even if he succeeded, it actually didn’t matter.

Others only saw the scene of him fighting the Great Red, but they didn’t know that they had already reached an agreement with the female dragon.

The Great Red was only responsible for the dimensional gap. Unless invaded by foreign enemies, even if the major forces inside the earth are beaten to a bloody head, they will never intervene.

So, even if I come, it is just to say hello.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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