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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 331

Chapter 331

“My home is quite big and can accommodate many people. In this case, you will not lack people to talk to and you can make a lot of friends.”

Bai Ming stretched out his right hand towards Ophis.


Ophis tilted his head slightly.

“People who don’t have to fight, ask for, or ask you to do anything you don’t want to do, and can still laugh together are called friends.”

Hearing this,

Ophis’s face showed a blank look for the first time.

After being expelled by the Great Red, he was mediocre and living in the world. He was either being squeezed out or being used.

Ordinary people could not touch her.

But those who could touch her, and Anyone who knows Ophis will not regard her as a friend.

I’m afraid this is why Ophis wants to go back to the dimensional gap.

After all, she can’t feel any happiness here.

Not only that, this world treats her It is also full of malice.

Even if you wander for ten thousand years, you will not be able to feel a sense of belonging to the earth.

Rather than staying here, it is better to go back to the dimensional gap to find peace.

At least, no one will disturb you.

“Trust me, you will experience a lot of interesting things.”

Bai Ming still maintained the posture of reaching out.

“Yeah? In that case, you would be very happy, right?”

Orpheus blinked his black eyes and asked.

“Of course, it will definitely be fun.”

Like a child who has been affirmed by an adult, after hearing Bai Ming’s answer, Ophis’s face showed a pure smile.

Then, Ophis put his little hand gently on Bai Ming’s palm..

Raised her head and asked what she was thinking about

“us…Is it a friend?”

“certainly. Bai

Ming held his hazy hands, feeling the warmth brought by those small hands, with a smile on his face:”Maybe we will go further in the future, and maybe we will become family members.””

“If it’s a family member, can you talk a lot?”

“Talk about anything.”

Hearing this answer,

Ophis opened his eyes wide.

If it were a love game, then the system would definitely give a prompt that Ophis’ favorability has soared.

“From now on, you don’t have to listen to any orders from the Disaster Group. You can also notice that they are bad guys, right?”


“In this case, go back. From today on, you will make many friends.”

Bai Ming took Menglong’s little hand and stood up.

At this moment, there was movement outside.

It was Yasaka who heard something unusual and rushed over with a large group of monsters.

Seeing the shrine in a mess, he was about to feel sad and angry. Then he saw Jiuzhong, who was safe and sound beside Bai Ming.


Kuzhong ran over quickly.

“fine…Just be fine.”

Yasaka raised his eyes, filled with gratitude.

Since Bai Ming was present, there is no doubt that he saved his daughter.

And for Yasaka, Kunou is a more important existence than herself..

Then, Bai Ming briefly explained the cause and effect.

The God of Death was chasing Ophis.

And Ophis happened to come to the shrine.

Although, it is most likely because Bai Ming’s aura left here attracted the cute dragon. Just show up

“Madam, you don’t have to blame yourself. After all, I didn’t expect them to act so quickly. But for the sake of Kunou’s safety, how about letting Kunou live with me during this period? After all, I just became friends with Asia, Ravel and the others today, and if I were there, Madam would be able to work with peace of mind.”

Bai Ming said

“this…If it doesn’t bother you.”

Yasaka thought for a few seconds and then agreed to Bai Ming’s suggestion.

After all, the safest place in Tokyo right now is around Bai Ming.

She was attacked before, and now her daughter is attacked, so naturally she is worried.

“Of course it’s not troublesome. Bai

Ming said with a chuckle.

“If Madam misses Jiuzhong, you can go and visit at any time. I will instruct Suzaku to let the servants remember your name. Just go in without informing in advance.”

“Thank you so much.”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yasaka looked grateful.

For the grace of saving his life, and the grace of saving his daughter, if it weren’t for the wrong occasion, he would have wished to marry him on the spot.

Bai Ming naturally saw it in Yasaka’s eyes. His kindness.

But he is not in a hurry.

The days are long, and if Kokonoe will live with him in the future, Yasaka will definitely come over to take care of him.

By then, won’t there be plenty of opportunities?

After that, Bai Ming and Yasaka chatted for a while, and Kokonoe brought a few more items. After changing clothes, I followed Bai Ming back to the territory of the Himejima family.

After the five major clans were forcibly reorganized by Bai Ming, Rias and her group who had previously stayed in the hotel also moved in in the name of curiosity.

Seeing Bai Ming who had left before, he suddenly After returning, they gathered around to ask about the situation.

Bai Ming briefly described it and comforted Jiuchong one after another.

“Mr. Bai Ming, who is this girl? Rias asked.

Ophis had been silent since the moment he came in.

And they, who were young, naturally did not know the true form of the Infinite Dragon God.

When Bai Ming told the truth, Rias was severely beaten. She was shocked.

This girl was the strongest Infinite Dragon God Orpheus.

Although she had never seen it, she had heard her brother Sirzechs mention it.

The power of the Infinite Dragon God was even greater than that of any other surviving Bible at that time. When God saw it, he had to retreat. It can be seen from this.

Now, Bai Ming told her that the Dragon God, who was helpless even to the God of the Bible, was the little girl in front of her?

Rias’s first reaction was naturally doubtful.

But Bai Ming also It’s impossible to tease her about this, so it must be true

“How could she come here?”

In the impression of Rias and others, Ophis is definitely the kind of taciturn and tall figure.

But now, looking at it, (Mo Wang Zhao) is far from what he imagined.

Bai Ming was not surprised by their reactions.

After all, for most people, Ophis is an uncontrollable object.

This is indeed the case.

But until now, except for Bai Ming, no one has tried to truly understand what Ophis wants.

If this The world is kind to her, so she still wants to go back to the empty dimensional gap?

Of course it’s impossible

“Don’t worry about her identity. After getting in touch with her, you will find Orpheus very cute.”

About this, Bai Ming is not worried.

Rias, Asia, and the others will definitely take good care of Ophis.

Esdeath, on the other hand, heard a little more fighting spirit after hearing”No. 1 in the world.”.

But Bai Ming told her that Ophis would kill her instantly, and Esdeath instantly lost interest.

After all, she enjoyed the process of fighting, not the process of being killed instantly.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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