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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 333

Chapter 333

The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:”I’m shocked, it’s been so long, haven’t you finished sucking it yet?”

Nightmare Elf:”Why do you make it sound like I’m a vampire?”

Bai Ming:”Actually, it ‘s been so long….The feeling of sucking blood is similar to sucking time.”

Nightmare Elf:”You actually said that to me, Mr. Bai Ming. People will be sad, eh eh eh.~~~”

Prison attack officer:”Actually, it hasn’t been that long. In less than a month, it might not even be over on the island country yet.”

Nightmare Elf:”Ah, Miss Na Yue guessed it right.”

Butterfly Kanae :”Isn’t even the island country over yet?”

Nightmare Elf:”Indeed not yet. Although there are only sixty-one prisons, they are scattered all over the island country. It will take a long time to rush there, and there are prisons almost every day. A new batch of prisoners will come in, so the progress will be slower.~”

Nightmare Elf:”But it’s much faster than at the beginning. After all, as Mr. Bai Ming said to me before, after the things I did were exposed, although the wanted list for me has increased on the surface, strength, but whenever I go to prison again, the resistance is much less than before.-”

Regarding this point, Tokisaki Kurumi didn’t think about it at first.

At first, she would cause chaos throughout the prison wherever she went.

But perhaps because there was no way to stop it or for other unknown reasons, Kurumi Tokisaki went to a new prison again to absorb the time of the prisoners.

Either the prison guard arrived late, or the alarm bell didn’t sound until she left. What’s worse, even the prison guard couldn’t see or hear the alarm, and he looked completely in a bad mood.

Bai Ming:”It’s normal. After all, the prisoners I asked you to choose are all serious criminals. In the eyes of most people, they are the kind who would not regret death. What’s more, prison guards are just a job. They want more than the people.” Serious criminals should die immediately.”

Bai Ming:”After all, they don’t have the ability to guard against you. Instead of wasting manpower and financial resources, it is better to simply destroy them. If more serious criminals die, the overall pressure on the prison can be alleviated.”

Prison attack officer :”You’re right. Serious prisoners are a burden to the entire society. Moreover, some powerful prisoners can use money to bribe, form gangs in prison, and even get their sentences reduced. Those who commit petty theft are fine. , but after those major criminal offenders are released from prison, they are a potential harm to society.”

Prison attack officer:”That’s why those prison guards let you do this.”

Headless female killer:”Indeed, the empire used to have As long as powerful and wealthy officials and businessmen bribe the prison guards, they can be released from prison as soon as the same day. Some even arrange officials in advance and don’t even have to enter the Yamen. It’s really annoying!”

Loli Sniper:”Some promotions in the past Those who were criminals in the past were released by the government to relieve the defense pressure caused by the gastrea, but this also caused many initiates like me to be persecuted by that group of people.”

Compared to ordinary people.

There are also many examples of promoters persecuting the Cursed Children.

However, all these problems were solved by Bai Ming and the goddess.

Beheading the executioner:”If a person who has committed a capital crime dies, it will be good for the people.”

Seeing this, Sakichi, as an executioner, was deeply touched.

Those prisoners who needed to be beheaded had all violated the laws promulgated by the shogunate.

Without them, ordinary people would be safer.

She also agreed with Tokisaki Kurumi’s approach.

If there could be such an immortal in her world, their work as executioners would be much easier, and the country would be safer.

“Zuoqie, you really should quit this mission.”

At this time, a steady voice brought the girl back to reality.

It was a senior who was in the same sect as her.

“No, I’ll stay the course.”

Such words have been repeated many times by Saki.

Then, she looked at the young figure whose hands and feet were bound by chains. That was the strongest ninja from Shiyin Village, the legendary king of ninja”Thrush Maru”.

Before After Thrushmaru was brought to the shogunate’s prison, the shogunate summoned all the prisoners and assigned them the task of going to the”Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss” to find the elixir of youth.

Now she is on the big ship heading to the”Island of Ultimate Bliss”.

Dispel other thoughts in her mind and take advantage of the opportunity Before landing on the island, Zuoqie continued to look at the chat group.

The senior fellow who asked the question also sighed and left the girl.

Lao Mo Na:”Well, after saying so much, I still don’t know why Kuangsanjie What about absorbing time? Is this how to become stronger?”

Discharge Girl:”Yes, I’ve never asked. If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be easy to become stronger?”

Seeing this,

Kurumi Tokisaki suddenly fell into a speechless silence.

Although absorbing time is a fact known to the group members, no one knows the reason except Bai Ming. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although she is an old man in the chat group, when Kanae and Misaka Mikoto asked her before, Tokisaki Kurumi did not tell the truth, but just perfunctory. After all, she had a hand in her hand. The executioner stained with the blood of more than 20,000 human beings.

Although he always showed a nonchalant attitude on the surface, Kurumi Tokisaki was awakened by nightmares more than once.

Until the end, she could only hide this crime in her heart and use”As long as”Be able to kill the Origin Elf and change the past”, all of this will not happen to paralyze herself.

Although after that, Bai Ming pointed it out and made her look at it a little bit, she still felt inferior in her heart and was afraid that this matter would be revealed. After speaking out, she will be looked at with strange eyes by the group members who regard her as friends.

She has already lost Sandosa and this friend.

She does not want to experience the feeling of losing a friend again.

So, now in the group Seeing them asking for the reason, Tokisaki Kurumi didn’t know how to answer for a moment.

Bai Ming:”Nightmare Elf, there is no need to have any psychological baggage about this kind of thing. If you say it directly, there may be unexpected results.

Bai Ming:”After all, you can’t hide this matter forever. Sooner or later other group members will know about it.””

Seeing this sentence, Tokisaki Kurumi fell into a fierce ideological struggle. Finally, as if relieved, he decided to tell the secret that he had concealed until now.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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