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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 343

Chapter 343

The purpose is naturally to make them surrender.

After hearing Bai Ming’s intention to come, the faces of the immortals showed strange expressions.

Then came sullenness.

As immortals, they have accepted human sacrifices since ancient times and lived a noble life.

Although Bai Ming was stronger than them, fear did not mean surrender.

What’s more, if you haven’t even fought, how can you say you can lose?

“Sir, your request…”

Hearing this, Lian’s expression was slightly startled, showing a look of embarrassment.

However, before she could think of how to answer, a figure with curly hair parted in the middle suddenly stood up.

As he walked, his limbs and torso underwent astonishing changes. In just a few seconds, he transformed from a human form into a twisted alien form.

Like an alienated tree spirit

“Are you kidding me? who do you think You Are! ? Do you think that if you also practice alchemy, you can instruct us? It just so happens that we still lack experimental materials for our practice, so you can be my cauldron!”

As soon as he finished speaking, an invisible distance rising out of thin air suddenly acted on the top of his head, and then he pressed down hard.


“I hate people who interrupt when I’m talking.”

Like squeezing a little chicken, Bai Ming lifted the person’s body from the air and shook it in front of their eyes.

“I originally planned to have a serious discussion with you, but now I suddenly lose interest.”

The immortal who was lifted up in the air by Bai Ming and on the verge of death opened his mouth.

But because his vocal cords were broken, he could only moan.

However, the immortal’s strength lies more in his own recovery ability. He was crushed by Bai Ming. The lower body of the body has begun to recover rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Recovery, but how about this?”

Light golden lines flashed in Bai Ming’s eyes.

Immediately afterwards, red flames seeped out from the immortal’s body like spontaneous combustion.

The plant-like tentacles that grew from the wounds were burned to ashes in just an instant..

Accompanied by shrill screams.

But in the blink of an eye, the immortal’s entire body turned into a pool of black ash.

And the moment Bai Ming killed one immortal, several more immortals were also ready to fight. Prepare.

But before Bai Ming could take action, Lian took action in advance to block those who were about to take action.

Lian took a deep breath and said something shocking in front of everyone.

“…We are willing to surrender to you.”

And those”immortals” raised from flower pots, as Xu Fu’s wife, Lian knew the importance of worldliness.

The men in front of them were by no means something they could resist.

This miraculous power, It is completely beyond what she knows so far.

Rather than beautifying themselves and claiming to be immortals, but no different from monsters, the young man in their eyes is the so-called Daluo Jinxian in the legend.

However, for Lian Miao’s act of giving in , but Bai Ming just sneered back.

“Boring allegiance.”

Then, a frightening sense of oppression came instantly, making Lian and the other immortals’ faces become paler.

Bai Ming looked at them with a chuckle, and then said

“Instead of accepting your false loyalty here and then making some small moves behind the scenes, it is better for you to feel the absolute power up close so that you can have a little self-awareness.”

Bai Ming knows very well.

Lian’s loyalty when seeing the situation is wrong can easily lead to rebellion.

What’s more, she herself is a deserter who betrayed Qin Shihuang.

Although she is deeply devoted to her husband Xu Fu and made the elixir just to resurrect him, but these What does it have to do with him?

There are two ways to make others surrender.

One is to convince others with one’s own moral character and strength.

But this method spans too long. Bai Ming is just a passer-by. How can he think about being with this group of handsome men? Women are perverted and play with feelings.

The second is to use strong force to suppress it, and to the extent that it truly makes others fearful and dare not make mistakes.

In contrast, Bai Ming will naturally choose the latter.

After all, he also knows, It will definitely not work to reason with these”immortals”


And when Zai Lian realized that the existence in front of her seemed to have guessed her thoughts.

The other five people standing beside him were immediately engulfed in golden flames.

Without even a chance to struggle, it turned into a pile of ashes.

Seeing this scene, Lian felt her scalp numb, her whole body trembled, and she swallowed her saliva.

Can’t win.

There’s no way to win!

Even if all the power of Penglai Palace is gathered, it is impossible to harm the boy in front of him in the slightest.

He is a true immortal. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

How can mortals and immortals be compared?

It doesn’t stop there.

In Lotus’s frightened expression, the figures that had just been swallowed up by the flames returned to their human form in a twisted shadow.

Although they were still themselves, everyone’s face was pale, reminiscent of the dead.

Power – Cage of Servants of Death.

Imprisoning the souls of the creatures he killed with his own hands, they became his most loyal undead servants.

Lian’s face showed a look of complete fear.

She knew that these dead people resurrected by Bai Ming were a warning to her.

If she has other ulterior motives in the future, she will become like these obedient walking zombies.

Then, she immediately knelt down and threw herself on the ground, expressing her loyalty to Bai Ming.

Since he kept her, it proved that he was still useful.

And even if it is for her husband who has been dead for many years, she must continue to live.

At the same time, reminders of task completion also came from the chat group.

But when he was about to get down to business, he noticed the unbearable expression on the girl beside him. Bai Ming also explained with a chuckle.

“During the Pre-Qin Dynasty, Xu Fu and his wife Lian came here with three thousand Taoist boys. In order to develop the elixir of immortality, most of the three thousand Taoist boys became their materials for refining the medicine. These people I turned into undead , are not considered human beings, but humanoid goblins cultivated by Lian using secret techniques, and the civilians who previously landed on the island were also turned into monsters by them.”

“Well, those humanoid monsters wearing Taoist priest uniforms nearby are.”

Although, with his character, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t need to explain, but Bai Ming mostly said these words to Zuo Qie.

After all, compared with other group members, she has too little experience and experience.

If she has experienced In the world of jet black bullets and the imperial capital, such an expression would never be shown.

“Is that so?”

After understanding the cause and effect, Zuoqie was immediately relieved.

Although she was kind, she was not hypocritical. Otherwise, she would not have taken the path of an executioner.

If that were the case, these people should indeed be killed.

It was Bai Ming who controlled this resurrection. Her magical skills made her feel a little weird.

However, he is a god after all, so it is understandable.

The girl convinced herself.

Then, Bai Ming stopped talking nonsense, his expression was straight, and he became serious.

Although the main mission has been completed, this does not mean that There are no other exploitable resources.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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