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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 349

Chapter 349

What’s more, Bai Ming already has the power to travel back to the past.

——””Corridor to the Fairy Realm”.

In the world of God Killer, Madam Aisha relied on this power to travel in the past era.

It’s just that the time and place are completely uncontrollable.

In Bai Ming’s hands, although it is controllable, she cannot control the specific details. What era did he travel to?

Completely random.

But he looked at the Loli God again.

Maybe he should give it a try? Just do it if you think of it.

Sitting and thinking about it will only waste precious time.

Bai Ming took action directly, preparing to use it once A power that no one has ever used.

The surge of divine power caused a storm in the room.

The existence of time is elusive, but Bai Ming still relied on this power to figure out certain patterns.

“Give me your hand.”

Bai Ming said


The God of the Bible stretched out his little hand, which was then held by Bai Ming.

Although this was the first time that the God of the Bible came into contact with another person, he did not resist. Instead, he showed a very cute smile.

This move is certainly not to take advantage.

Just like the moon world,���Like the holy relics used by those summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War.

The originally disorderly time, with the help of a medium, allowed Bai Ming to have a vague reaction to the specific era with the God of the Bible, and then to orient himself.

A dark void was born from the center of the room.

It was calm and unruffled, but somehow strange.

Compared with the time travel function provided by the chat group, it seems less reassuring.

“Let’s go in. Go early and come back early. Orpheus, just stay here for the time being and be careful not to let others get close.”

Bai Ming said.

After all, it is a power that the God Killer can use.

Although it can travel through time and space, the hole will always exist before the end of the journey.

There will also be some bad luck when Mrs. Aisha activates the power and disappears under uncontrollable circumstances. The egg accidentally went into the past and could not come back.


Ophis nodded, still speaking concisely.

Then, without hesitation, Bai Ming directly took the little hand of God Loli and entered the cave. It was cold and trembling.

After entering the cave, it was not over.

There was still about ten meters to go through. The dark corridor can only be traversed when it comes into contact with the light ball at the end.

After contacting the light ball,

Bai Ming was in a trance for a moment, and a strange scenery appeared in Bai Ming’s eyes. A desolate land blowing with scorching wind.

The nearby environment can be vaguely seen. The surrounding area was once a green forest in a past era, but for some reason, it has become the desolate state it is now.

It is difficult to tell where it is just by looking at the wasteland in front of it.

However, Bai Ming quickly recognized it. I don’t know where this is.

Looking up at the sky, I don’t see an endless sky, but a dark color of chaos. The mist-like chaos fills the place where the sky should be, giving people a depressing feeling. There is no doubt that this is the underworld.

It is just slightly different from the underworld he has seen.

After all, in the era when Rias lived, the underworld was used by Sirzechs and others to use magic to create an illusory sky, and daytime existed just like the human world. And the night.

But here, it seems to be shrouded in darkness all day long.

The answer is already obvious.

Although this is the underworld, it is the underworld before Sirzechs and others became the devil.

It is also the underworld after the God of the Bible has died long ago. era.

Bai Ming expressed his conclusion

“The era is almost the same as I imagined, but the location is in the underworld.”

The shadow of God appeared on Bai Ming’s side.

The power he requested before was not much, not to mention it was the underworld. It is better to appear in this form now.

“First go to the nearby area to check out the situation, and then go directly to heaven to do your thing.”

Decided what to do.

Bai Ming chatted with Loli Shen all the way.

Then he heard an explosion-like sound coming from the southeast.

Everyone has the idea of joining in the fun. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novels Net!)

Bai Ming was no exception. When he heard the sound, he subconsciously moved closer to the direction of the sound.

After a while, even the naked eye could see the chaotic sky dyed red.

Until he got closer, colorful flashes of light came from two directions. They were shooting at each other, and at the same time there were fierce collisions in the air, with figures carrying different colors of arrogance.

The sound of explosions kept reverberating, and the troops belonging to the two camps roared and charged to kill the enemy, and the shouts of killing shook the sky.

Bai Ming focused his attention. Look.

Those figures in the battle all have wings on their backs, and some even have goat horns. They look terrifying and scary………..


Bai Ming murmured to himself.

Now these humanoid creatures holding steel forks and hideous and terrifying faces are very consistent with the impression of demons in most people’s eyes.

They are completely different from the appearance of Rias and the others.

However, from the appearance of Lilith, the mother of demons, In terms of origin, demons did look like this at the beginning.

Lucifer, the first demon king, used Lilith, the mother of demons, to artificially create a large number of first-generation demons that inherited the power of Lilith.

Through continuous research, he created nearly human-like demons. The devil appears.

Only a devil named”Lizevim-Lihuaen-Lucifer” is the blood descendant of Lucifer and Lilith through the natural union.

Of course, these are not important.

Bai Ming has already determined where they are now era.

The God of the Bible has passed away, and the melee between the three forces has ended for many years, and each has retreated.

The heavens and the fallen angels have closed their borders and integrated their internal affairs, while the devils in the underworld have fallen into civil war. They are stubborn and conservative, insisting on eating hair and drinking blood, and giving equal treatment to everything they ask for. The conservatives who use violent plunder.

And the reformers who are determined to reform, abolish the obsolete and cruel laws, and establish a new order.

Now, naturally, it is a war between the conservatives and the reformers.

After thinking about it, Bai Ming and Shen Loli Falling down on a hillside and watching the battlefield in the distance

“It turns out that after my death, did such changes happen in the underworld? 5.0, no wonder the three major forces in the future will have that kind of relationship.”

The Biblical Lolita God is thoughtful.

In her eyes, demons are a group of barbaric creatures who don’t know what the rules are. In their eyes, there is only war and plunder.

Therefore, the attitude towards demons is much higher than that towards fallen angels. Even more intense.

After all, Azazel and the others were unable to withstand the temptation and fell into the sky at most. They had no ill intentions toward humans.

But the demons in the underworld under the rule of the original demon king were different.

Bloodthirsty, violent, and single-celled creatures without any level of communication..At this time, Bai Ming, who was observing the battlefield, spotted a slightly familiar figure. ps: As an aside, the number of back orders for this book has dropped to a very low level, and I can’t read the new series. The new book may I can only take advantage of the popularity and write about Genshin Impact.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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