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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 369

Chapter 369

But this didn’t cause any trouble.

After all, what happened to Nasida has been shown through the live broadcast.

Although he was pitiful, he naturally applauded Bai Ming for what he had done.

Little Lucky Grass God:”Bai Ming, thank you for what you have done for me. I will definitely manage Xumi well! But when you have nothing to do, you can come and see me.”

Discharge Girl:”Tsk, tsk, tsk, I always feel like little Nasida The relationship with Baek Ming has become unusual.”

Nightmare Elf:”It’s a little different.”

Lao Mo Na:”Could it be?…!!!”

Bai Ming:”It’s the relationship between the old father and his daughter, do you understand?”

The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:”I have learned to answer hhhh.”

The beheading executioner:”It would be great if I could get Xumi back from the hands of the Order Council. From now on, you shouldn’t worry about the appearance of a great sage.”

The headless female killer said:”Of course it’s impossible. Seeing the dignity of Boss Bai Ming, even if you want to rebel, you have to think carefully about yourself. Who is tougher than the God of Righteousness?”

Not Shoutu:”Obviously.���The country’s problems were solved so easily. Bai

Ming:”It’s nothing. Things that can be solved by force are not problems. The only troubles are at the Little Garden. After all, there are rules of the gift game.” 093 is not a shoutu:”

Yes, because the gift game exists, even mortals have the opportunity to challenge the gods, but the chance is very slim.””

Thinking of this, Black Rabbit suddenly realized a problem.

Is the boss hinting that her problem is difficult to solve?!

This is going to be fatal.

The community’s property can only last less than a week, even though he has worked hard I’m at work, but at this time, there is no community organizing large-scale gift games, so I need to invite myself to be the host.

Special Chef:”Can mortals also challenge gods?”

Although he felt uneasy, Black Rabbit still answered the new group member’s question.

He was not Shoutu:”Yes, as long as you win the gift game, you can win everything, even conceptual things!”

Super Chef:” Does the ability to improve cooking skills also exist?”

Not a shoutu:”It does exist, but…In Hakoniwa, if you only have cooking skills, you can only exist as a chef.”

Super Chef:” That’s enough! My goal is to progress towards higher cooking skills (adfd), after all, I am not interested in strength or anything like that!”

Nightmare Elf:”But having said that, it’s really strange that a chef came into the chat group.”

Special chef:” Uh-huh….Is there anything you can say about this group?”

Nightmare Elf:”That’s not true. I’m just curious about your profession. And what does a special chef mean? Bai

Ming:”In the world where the little master lives, the identity of the chef with the most outstanding cooking skills is the pinnacle position of all chefs.””

Discharge Girl:”The most outstanding chef in the world? Amazing!”

Rao Mo Na:”So, you must be very good at cooking!”

Super chef:”Actually, no, I’m just the youngest female chef in the country.”

Although she is usually shy, the chat group will also amplify personal emotions to a certain extent.

A super chef.

Especially for her era and country, she is second to none.

Not to mention she is still a woman.

Since ancient times, Women’s social status is lower than that of men, but she successfully proved her strength in front of everyone.

While other group members were admiring her,

Bai Ming blinked in surprise, thinking that she was Wrong.

Bai Ming:”Female chef?”

Special Chef:”…Yes, any questions?”

The young master suddenly felt a little nervous.

As a recognized boss in the chat group, he might also have the mentality of favoring boys over girls, right?

Bai Ming:”It’s nothing, female chefs are good, women are not inferior to men.”

After finishing speaking,

Bai Ming felt incredible. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

My little boss was actually transformed into a girl by the chat group?


It can’t be said that way.

After all, I just acted on my preconceptions. Impression, unilaterally, I think the Little Master is the same as the original.

But this is reality, and some slight differences are normal.

It seems that this group will really become his harem chat group in the future.

Bai Ming:”Since everyone today Since you are all here, I will give you a lucky draw.”

Nightmare Elf:”?”

Discharge girl:”Come on, come on, the dog care mode is activated!”

Prison attack officer:”Are you still a human being? Why did you choose this time?” I am not a lolita god:”Huh! It’s obviously intentional! This man , but I bet, you will definitely not be able to draw UR this time.”

Bai Ming:”Then I will draw.”

Bai Ming did not argue with Athena who was stimulated before.

It all depends on the results.

The light wheel turns.

The six thousand points gained during this trip to Xumi disappeared instantly.

Then in a burst of light, the results of the ten consecutive games appeared before Bai Ming’s eyes.

【Group message (private): Congratulations on winning the lucky draw – Cage Hand (R) * 5, one kilogram of Oliha Gang Metal (R) * 4 Sun Sovereignty – Aries ()]

When Bai Ming saw the last deep purple font At that time, without any thinking, I directly posted the screenshot in the chat group.

Bai Ming:”Screenshot.jpg, I am not a lolita god.”

Model Nona:”Pfft.”

Discharge Girl:”It’s over, it’s obviously a very sad thing, why do I want to laugh out loud.”

Prison Attack Officer:” I have mixed feelings.jpg.”

The beheading executioner:”Congratulations!”

The headless female killer:”I’m numb, if only I had such incredible luck!”

The little auspicious grass god:”Congratulations!”

Although Don’t know what’s going on, but it should be a good thing.

Nasida expressed her blessing.

Nightmare Elf:”As expected of you.”

The other group members showed more or less envy or blessing, but only Black Rabbit, after seeing the reward Bai Ming drew, his eyes suddenly widened like bells. , jumped up from the chair in disbelief

“how so?!”

Outside the corridor, Lily, who noticed the movement, opened the door and saw Black Rabbit with a doubtful expression on his face. A strange expression appeared on his immature face.

“Black Rabbit-sama, what’s wrong?”

But even after hearing Lily’s voice, Black Rabbit still looked self-doubting, muttering”It’s impossible.”,”How could this be?” He paced back and forth.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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