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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 370

Chapter 370

Everyone knows.

Hakoniwa’s solar sovereignty is unique.

After the First Solar Sovereignty War, Shiroyasha, who now serves as the ruler of the Eastern District in the lower world, holds fourteen solar sovereigns, and the Halloween Queen has six.

The remaining four are in the hands of other gods, Shura.

Black Rabbit still remembers.

In the past Arcadia Alliance, the strong man named”Sun-Sky Lion” had the sovereignty of the sun in”Leo”.

However, after being attacked and defeated by the devil, the sovereignty of the Leo sun disappeared. besides.

Leticia, the knight of the Little Garden, also had a share of the sun sovereignty of”Ophiuchus~”.

However, this solar sovereignty was a gift made by the gods in the past to reward the Knights of Hakoden.

Although it has power that rivals the other twenty-four solar sovereignties, it lacks the most important authority.

Legend has it that it was the authority to build the small garden.

The specific black rabbit is unknown.

But what is known is.

Solar sovereignty cannot be replicated.

But is the”Aries” that Bai Ming has drawn now a fake?

Not necessarily.

Given the magic of the chat group, maybe the rewards Bai Ming drew were genuine.

“It’s incredible!”

Black Rabbit murmured to himself in shock.

“If Lord Shiroyasha knew about it, there’s no telling what trouble would happen!”

At this time, in the chat group, the group members lamented Bai Ming’s unlucky luck.

Basically every draw had a UR bottom.

Discharge Girl:”I have to suspect that the chat group was really opened by Bai Ming himself.”

Nightmare Elf:”I’m also a little skeptical. After all, in the past few draws, the first time there was still blue sky and white clouds at the bottom. Now I just don’t pretend. The first genius of the Crimson Demon Clan:”

No more pretending. I’m showing my cards. I’m the leader of the group. I can smoke whatever I want.””

Headless female killer:” She shed tears of envy.”

Mouna:”I feel like I am becoming more and more like a salted fish. When Mr. Bai Ming appears, all I can do is shout 666.””

Butterfly Kanae:”That’s good too.”

Prison Demon Attack Officer:”No, it’s not that bad. It’s purely because Bai Ming is too strong. It’s not that we are too salty.”

I’m not a loli god:” It’s true.”

When she first joined the group, Athena still thought highly of herself because of her status as the God of Disobedience, but after experiencing several worlds, she also restrained her thoughts.

After all, she was just pretending in front of a real strong person. On the contrary, it seems too artificial.

It’s better to be more real!

Build a good relationship with the group members, especially Bai Ming, and maybe you can get lucky.

Loli sniper:”Brother is really awesome!”

Headless female killer:”There is only one thing you should do at this time, suck, suck, suck! Breathe in the luck of the boss!”

Bai Ming:”You guys are so complimentary. I don’t have much talent, so I just hope you can get what you like as soon as possible.”

Winning the Sovereignty of the Sun really surprised him.

However, that’s how the lottery is, the unknown is the most exciting.

Whether it’s a shipwreck or a shipment, no one knows until the result comes out.

Back to business.

Bai Ming quickly won the Sovereignty of the Sun. He came out and chose to fuse it.

At this moment, huge power emerged in his body, and the terrifying aura continued to expand.

Click! Click!

An extremely crisp shattering sound sounded. Looking closely, I could see Bai Ming’s surroundings. Dense space cracks actually appeared in the space.

And they expanded further as time went by, and there were even faint signs of collapse.

If it continued, it would not be surprising if the space collapsed and a space storm blew up in reality.

However, in the space When the structure reached the critical point, another powerful authority spread from Bai Ming’s body, forcibly stabilizing the space that was about to collapse. At the same time, he also restrained all the unstable momentum.

“Is the movement to integrate solar sovereignty so big? When you fused the”Overlord’s Light Wheel” before, it wasn’t like this, right?”

Bai Ming found it puzzling.

But maybe it has something to do with the different attributes of the two abilities.

The Tyrant’s Halo is more of a skill than a power.

And the sovereignty of the sun is the most special gift in the Little Garden.

Except for Ophiuchus In addition, each of the twenty-four solar sovereignty is unique.

Not only can it summon the strongest species or star beast corresponding to the sovereignty, but each one has four-digit peak power. (Read Baoshuan novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Aries Sun Sovereignty.

It can summon the Argonaut, which is built by the sacred tree and can sail by sea, land and air.

The holder himself will also receive corresponding gifts.

0 Asking for flowers for this unintentional lottery, Bai Ming was very satisfied.

If there was a guaranteed UR in every draw in the future, I would be able to do it even if all the UR in the pool was drained.

At the same time, a new prompt popped up in the chat group again.

【Group message: It is detected that the number of people in the group exceeds ten. The number of UR drawn by the group member Bai Ming has reached the standard.”Points Enhancement” is now open.”,””Lottery Guarantee” function, and make appropriate adjustments to the sign-in points.]

Discharge Girl:”Huh? Are there any new features?”

Prison Demon Attacker:”And it’s because of the new function of unlocking the number of UR goods. It seems that we will have to look forward to Baiming’s shipment every day in the future?”

Nightmare Elf:”That should be the case.”

Headless Female Killer:”Can’t you just wait and see for yourself? Be confident and draw UR alone.”

The executioner beheaded:”That…Can anyone explain what the new feature is?

Bai Ming:”I just took a quick look at it. It’s very simple.””

Bai Ming:”First of all,”point enhancement” means that you can now use points to strengthen yourself, but it is divided into two aspects: physical and ability. The more you strengthen, the more points you will spend.”

Bai Ming:”The”guaranteed lottery” is simple. If a certain level of points is drawn and no SR is obtained, an SR reward will be guaranteed.

Bai Ming:”The sign-in points have increased from 20 points to 50 to 100 points every day.””

Lao Mo Na:”Is this the case?…Are there rules specifically made for us salty fish?!”

Headless female killer:”Okay!”

Prison Demon Attack Officer:”So, if you are lucky enough, you can save ten consecutive months of points?

Bai Ming:”Theoretically, that’s the case.””

Butterfly Kanae:”This new function is very friendly to ordinary people like us.”

Nightmare Elf:”Not only that, you can even use points to strengthen yourself.”

【The group member”Special Chef” signed in once and received one hundred points. 】

Super chef:”Huh? Is it actually 100%?”

【Group member”Discharge Girl” signed in once and received fifty points. 】

Discharge girl:”Absolutely, I feel the bullying coming from the chat group!”.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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