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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 378

Chapter 378

Chatting in the group, Black Rabbit also knew that it was Bai Ming’s joke.

But the mission of the chat group is real.

In other words, will her virginity really be in crisis?

This is not possible!

You can’t get married and have children until you regain your namelessness and find your former companions!

Nightmare Elf:”I’m shocked. This is the first time I’ve encountered this kind of mission. In previous missions, the lives of group members were threatened. Why is it different when it’s your turn?”

Lao Mo Na:”Cat Mao is shocked.jpg.”

Discharge Girl:” Have you provoked some amorous maniac?”

Not Shoutu:”I have always been conscientious in my work, and the communities I have cooperated with have always received good reviews. I have never provoked anyone, and I am still a pervert!” He just said this After finishing, Black Rabbit was suddenly stunned.

Speaking of amorous perverts.

Master Shirayaksha, isn’t it?

Not only does he often make her wear strange and erotic clothes, but she also likes to touch and touch others every time they meet.

Could it be that Sir Bai Yaksha will plot something against her in the near future?!

He is not a rabbit:”Master Bai Ming, please come here quickly! Otherwise, my virginity will disappear along with Wuming!” The prison attack officer:”Go quickly, otherwise the rabbit’s virginity will really be lost.”

Headless female killer:”hhhh By the way, when the prisoner appears, please start the live broadcast.”

Little Lucky Grass God:”I hope Miss Black Rabbit’s chastity is fine.”

The beheading executioner:”I hope Black Rabbit The lady’s virginity is fine.”

Bai Ming was also a little unsure about the task of the chat group.

The black rabbit was his intended target.

How could it be sent to someone else?

As for Bai Yaksha.

Although he has been sexually harassing Black Rabbit all the time, it is impossible to get to the last step.

After all, after serving as the ruler of the lower class for so many years, I only heard about Shiro Yaksha molesting beautiful girls, but never heard about taking away people’s virginity.

Bai Ming:”Don’t worry, Black Rabbit, I will never let anyone else take your virginity away..”

Accept the task.

Black Rabbit received the reply and immediately clicked the agree option.



In front of Black Rabbit.

In her surprised and expectant eyes, time and space rippled.

A blue portal opens in Hakoniwa City.

The scene before him gave Black Rabbit a new understanding of the existence of the chat group.

The space in the Little Garden is very solid. Without special space gifts, it would be difficult to teleport at will.

If you want to go to other areas, you need to use the realm gate built on the realm wall to teleport, and you also have to pay expensive currency issued by Thousand Eyes.

Being able to open portals at will from a world that cannot be observed by the center of the small garden, this shows that it is ordinary.

Even two-digit and three-digit gods and Buddhas cannot do it.

After all, for Hakoba.

The world where the group members are located”does not exist” in the Hakoba Center.

Since it does not exist, there is no way to talk about observation or anything like that.

“I don’t know what kind of person Mr. Bai Ming is and whether we can get along well with him.”

The group members were about to arrive, and Black Rabbit suddenly became nervous.

“If Black Rabbit is willing to do the bunny dance for me, I think we will get along well in the future.”

Just when Black Rabbit was feeling uneasy, a voice sounded in his ears along with footsteps.

“After all it depends on your performance”


Hearing the sound, Black Rabbit subconsciously raised his eyes and saw a strange figure appearing in front of him.

“you are…Master Bai Ming in the group?”

“Why use this tone?”

Bai Ming looked at Black Rabbit with some doubts.

“You must have watched the previous live broadcasts in the group. I appeared in the last live broadcast of the Sumeru Flower God’s Birthday Festival.”

“Well…People think that they look completely different in person and in the live broadcast room.”

The beautiful burgundy eyes rested on Bai Ming’s face, and Black Rabbit said weakly.

“And it feels very close, just like those companions in the community before”

“What does it feel like to be an old father?”

Bai Ming asked

“Um…Yes, that’s it…”

Black Rabbit nodded repeatedly, but then he realized that he had made a mistake and covered his mouth.

Hearing this, Bai Ming chuckled:”I don’t have a daughter as old as you. After all, you are my destined rabbit.” (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Did someone suddenly hear something extraordinary?! Totally impossible to ignore!”

Black Rabbit had a shocked expression on his face.

Could it be that this is her virginity crisis?

But Bai Ming noticed that her eyes were still staring at him calmly. She looked young and calm. If the live broadcast was true, her strength That’s okay. Maybe that’s not Lord Bai Ming’s true strength. However, the disadvantage is that he may be a little sentimental?

Black Rabbit showed a fussing expression while calmly thinking about the current situation.

Until Bai Ming grabbed her erect ears..

The graceful touch is like touching the fusion of marshmallow and slime.

I have to say, this is simply the most pleasant part Bai Ming has ever touched.

This is no wonder Bai Yasha is so fascinated by the black rabbit.

“`How dare a mere black rabbit say that I am a bit sentimental? Are you looking down on me? Remove the bits.”

Like being pulled out of a carrot, Black Rabbit subconsciously stood on tiptoes and screamed.

“please…Please wait! If you just feel and touch her out of curiosity, it would be acceptable, but if you rub her beautiful ears unceremoniously just after you meet her, what on earth is Mr. Bai Ming thinking?”

“You, on the other hand, judged me as soon as we met. Now that I have come here, I will have a way to save Wuming. If you continue to have doubts, our relationship will stop here. Bai

Ming said with a chuckle.

“well? Lord Bai Ming, can you actually hear (Zhao Dezhao) people’s thoughts?!”

Black Rabbit had a look of surprise on his face.

It’s not useful for everyone, but it’s enough for you, Black Rabbit.

The contract with the Loli God of the Bible gave him some special abilities.

Listen to the voices of others. It’s one of them.

But the range is only limited to those who are weaker than him and within a few dozen meters of him.

Usually he won’t take the initiative to activate it, but it is quite interesting to put it on Black Rabbit.

“As a punishment for the mere black rabbit’s criticism of me, I will accept your rabbit ears.”

Bai Ming had a joking look on his face.

Then he rubbed it to feel refreshed.

“Ah, satisfied, satisfied, then Black Rabbit, let’s get to the point.”

Bai Ming, whose desire was satisfied, let go of Black Rabbit’s ears and said.

But Black Rabbit, whose ears were ravaged to the point of redness, obviously can’t hear anything now.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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