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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 389

Chapter 389

Bai Ming didn’t expect that his arrival would be such a coincidence.

It’s just that I haven’t been able to find an opportunity to start.

But this is just right

“The rabbit is my property, so don’t get involved with people like you.”

Bai Ming chuckled, and then spoke

“look into my eyes.”

The orc who instinctively wanted to resist looked at the source of the sound subconsciously.

In the next moment, strange pupils as deep and mysterious as the starry sky appeared in his sight.

In just an instant, those pupils disappeared without a trace. , leaving only the dazed orc sitting alone on the sofa with his body relaxed.

He couldn’t find any trace of it, as if all this was just a dream.

And even the memory of this dream gradually faded away, Disappeared.

After a while, the orc sat down again on the sofa.

However, after sitting down this time, he could not wait as patiently as before.

Uncontrollable enthusiasm and anxiety spread in his heart.

The orc was a careerist.

In the final analysis, join The subordinates of the”Beast of Six Hundred and Sixty-six” also want to use the demon king’s backstage power to make other communities feel afraid.

They also plan to use this method to dominate the entire region and expand the scope of power 440.

For this reason, it is also necessary to obtain the black rabbit.

Immediately afterwards, an idea that had been thought about for a long time quietly emerged.

Using lobbying methods to persuade Black Rabbit to abandon the worthless Wuming and switch to ForesGaro was obviously impossible. It would be better to adopt the simplest method.

Go directly to Wuming The community kidnapped ten children, and then threatened Black Rabbit to play a gift game with him.

With the Hakoba nobles’ concern for their companions, they will definitely dedicate themselves to those children!

Hakoba’s most precious Moon Rabbit is right in front of them.

With the gasp of animal nature, The orc’s eyes turned red.

Then the beastly nature completely overwhelmed the reason and hesitation in his heart, allowing him to make a decision in an instant.

A moment later,

Bai Ming’s figure emerged from the sky above Hakoniwa City.

Jared in his sight was heading towards Wuming’s place. Heading forward, he will probably take action at night.

To put it bluntly, what he did just now was not to confuse, but only to amplify the desires in the heart of the orcs. In this case, even the omniscient and omnipotent gods would not be able to find out the doubts. They will think that the orcs acted unilaterally.

And when the orcs die, the other members of Fore(badc)sGaro who were kidnapped will definitely no longer be of the same mind.

By then, who can say whether it is black or white? Qing?

The position of regional ruler was vacant, and coupled with the impact after the auction started, it was difficult for Wuming not to become a regional ruler. After that, Bai Ming returned to Wuming.

Thinking of the existence of Rabbit and Bai Xueji, the orc It would definitely not be so easy.

So after the two girls went to bed at night, Bai Ming set up a barrier in their room.

Then the orcs who sneaked into the manor also successfully killed several little guys who ran to the kitchen to steal snacks at night. They kidnapped them.

Of course, the kidnapped children would not be hurt or even eaten.

The psychological hint Bai Ming set for him would force the orcs to only do things according to his script.

“Next, you just have to wait until the next day.”

There was no words all night.

After leaving the room, Bai Ming was noticed by a burst of noise from outside.

Not long after, there were rapid footsteps and banging knocks outside the corridor.

“Lord Bai Ming, something happened! How many children do you have?…The child was taken away!”

Black Rabbit had a look of anxiety on his face.

“First tell me what’s going on? Bai

Ming asked knowingly.

Although he was sorry to see Black Rabbit looking like he was about to cry, he should apologize to Black Rabbit afterwards.

Then Black Rabbit told everything and took out a note left in the kitchen.

“If you want your children back, come to ForesGaro”

“ForesGaro is the territorial ruler of our outer sect, and their leader is an orc.”

Black Rabbit recalled the information in his mind.

“Yes, that’s right! He also harassed me several times, asking me to give up my namelessness and join ForesGaro. That orc must have kidnapped the child because of my relationship. It was all because of me…….”

At this point, tears welled up in Black Rabbit’s eyes.

“Sorry, it’s also my responsibility. I didn’t do my job as a bodyguard.”

As a five-digit water god, it is a great insult to Bai Xueji that she did not notice that there was an intruder in the community.

“It is illegal to infiltrate the community and kidnap others. As long as you report this matter to Shiroyasha-sama….”

Bai Xueji said

“Until then, maybe those kids will be ripped off, except we don’t care about their safety.”

Bai Ming said

“That orc should be here for Black Rabbit. Black Rabbit will come with me. Milk Snake, you stay here to look after the house.”


Because of her own mistakes, the community was invaded, and Bai Xueji, who was not used to being under the control of others, was very obedient at this time.

Soon after,

Bai Mingyu, Black Rabbit and others came to ForesGaro’s station.

They were let in without any hindrance.

Along the way. Other members of the group showed sympathy or helplessness.

As a rare Hakoden noble, Black Rabbit is still unknown, so he will attract covetous attention from many parties.

It is normal for him to adopt special measures.

In the case where decoration is more important than decoration , A practical office.

Black Rabbit saw the Orc sitting on the sofa.

When he saw Black Rabbit, the Orc showed strong desire on his face:”Black Rabbit, you are finally here.” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“How dare you kidnap the children of the community! Don’t you think it’s despicable to do this?”

At this time, even Black Rabbit couldn’t bear it and scolded loudly

“If you had promised me earlier and joined ForesGaro, wouldn’t this have happened?”

The tempting rabbit is right in front of you.

The strong impulse expands infinitely in my heart.

“If you want those children to be safe, play the gift game with me. If you lose, you become my property.”


Black Rabbit was noncommittal, instinctively wanting to agree, but then looked at Bai Ming

“Yes, but the black rabbit is our nameless mascot, so we must agree to equal conditions.”

Bai Ming said

“If you lose, everything in ForesGaro, including the flag and name, must go to Wuming.”

As soon as the words fell, the orcs whose sanity was swallowed up immediately agreed.

Then, under the witness of the center of the small garden, the contract document representing the gift game was declared established.

As a six-digit number, he can be considered a strong one.

And in the role of psychological suggestion Next.

After the gift game was established, he impatiently transformed into a tiger-headed orc that was more than three meters tall.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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