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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 409

Chapter 409

The restraining force of the Little Garden is greater than anything else.

Authority, gifts, even the simulated Star Creation Diagram, etc. have a lower priority than the Little Garden itself.

Therefore, when Bai Ming’s gift game unfolds.

Luos, along with all of Perseus, were taken away from the Little Garden City.

“This is…Where?”

The people of the Perseus community still don’t know what happened.

The luxurious white palace disappeared, replaced only by the golden desert, the scorching heat, and the stars that move against the laws of the heavens slowly turning in the sky.

Until the dark contract document , appeared in front of them, and the people of Perseus just reacted.

Then their bodies were shaking like chaff, and they lost their thinking and resistance.

Luos was also confused.

He was clearly in the Thousand Eyes Branch just now, but where is he now?

This idea was born. In an instant, Bai Ming’s figure appeared in the clear sky

“Everyone, welcome to my world.”

Bai Ming had a smile on his face.

But the people in Perseus who saw the boy’s figure laughed completely.

Luos glanced at the other people in the community and cursed 300 words of trash in a low voice.

After noticing that Alger was still At that time, I felt a little comfort.

The war had begun.

Even without Luos giving any more orders, Algor, who had lost his restraint, let out a roar that made people mad.

Accompanied by the sound of tearing flesh, he stretched out from his restraints. A pair of broad black flesh wings.

The flesh wings flapped and dust was raised.

Algor rushed into the sky like a cannonball.

But facing this blow, Bai Ming crushed Algor’s attack with just one finger.

Lingge suffered How could Demon Star, who was so obliterated that he even lost his qualifications as a god, be qualified to compete with him?

It was like being hit by a meteorite.

Algor flew back hundreds of times faster.

A shocking mushroom cloud exploded in the center of the desert. , dust and sand are flying!

If you look down from the chessboard world, you will find that the shock wave swept almost the entire world.

And those Perseus people who were affected also left the scene immediately, and were buried deep in the desert. As for Alger.

Meat. The wings are broken, the body is like a monster, and the whole body is covered with torn wounds. It is impossible to even move a finger at the moment (bhej).

If it was the Demon Star before it deteriorated, it would still be qualified to be on the stage.

But right now It’s just a monster that releases petrifying light. In the DXD world, it may not be at the level of a transcendent.

In the game field.

Except for Bai Ming, no one in the Perseus community can stand.

It can neither resist his attacks nor crack it. The puzzle was naturally decided by the center of Hakoba.

When the chessboard world disappeared, Algor also turned into starlight again and got back into the pendant in Luos’s hand.

Bai Ming controlled the divine power and placed the pendant in the palm of his hand.

The gift of the Demon King In the game, after the contestant loses, everything will belong to Bai Ming.

Therefore, the most powerful gift kept by Perseus will naturally fall into his hands.

And looking at Perseus, the only one who can catch his eye is the sealed Al Algor’s pendant.

Luos is a waste without any ambition.

In his hands, Algor can only exert this level of power.

But after changing the owner to Bai Ming, the hidden power of the magic star can also be released.

Holding it in the palm of his hand, Bai Ming could clearly feel that the power of the Demon Star was awakening in his hands.

I believe that it won’t be long before Algor’s spiritual power will improve, and he will no longer be a monster, but at least have the level of a god.

“Tsk tsk, among the three problem children in Hakoba’s past, you were the one who had the worst life.”

Bai Ming is very clear about the setting of the Dawn of the Little Garden.

Byakuya, Queen Halloween and Alger.

The three problem children who were also called Little Garden at that time were regarded as a thorn in the eyes of millions of gods.

But thousands of years have passed.

Byakuya is just Taking off the title of”The Theory of Heavenly Movement” and living freely at the lower level.

The Queen of Halloween is still the same as in the past.

Only Algor.

Known as the most vicious and evil star lord, she has such a miserable end.

Her origin is It is the brightest star in the constellation Perseus, and it also dies a pair of famous eclipsing binary stars.

The strange mutual eclipse phenomenon frightened the ancients, so it was labeled as numerous ominous omens.

In ancient Greek astrology, It is considered to be the most vicious magic star in the entire sky.

In human history, the earliest worship of this magic star originated from the Mesopotamian civilization.

Alger is widely worshiped as the Mother Goddess of the Earth, (see Baoshuan novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But with the changes of the times and the development of astronomy, Argel was also separated from human history and eventually became a star.

Later, he was regarded as”a star” in the Hebrew Old Testament.”Original Demon”, took this as a miracle, spread demons and harmful beasts to all eras and worlds, and declared war on the Shura gods and Buddhas of the three thousand worlds. It took countless years to be sealed by the gods.

When Bai Yaksha was defeated in the war , the spirit of Tiandong said was also sealed.

But she is still alive and well.

The same goes for Algor.

After being defeated, the sovereignty of the Demon Star was handed over to the management of the Greek gods.

Algor became a god since then He lived under the control of the Greek gods.

But because he was dissatisfied with being dependent on others and disgusted with Athena’s normal life, he repeatedly ridiculed Athena.

This started a war between women.

Countless years passed.

Alger His head was chopped off by Perseus, the demigod of Perseus. His spiritual personality was completely degraded, his rationality was lost, and he became a five-digit monster.

Although it was miserable, I have to say that it was purely deserved.

“But from now on, just follow me.”

Algor’s rationality is gradually returning.

But Bai Ming is not satisfied with the status quo.

Even if he awakens, he will still have a five-digit combat power.

It may take a year and a half to restore his spiritual power.

Bai Ming can’t wait for that. For a long time.

He just happened to think of the game life world that Jibril was in.

If he could obtain the Star Cup, he might be able to use the power of that world to restore Algor’s identity as a three-digit demon king.

After all, her spiritual power was only Limitation, not loss.

Under normal circumstances, it takes time to repair, but Bai Ming can use the power of the Star Cup to speed up the process.

After considering what to do, Bai Ming put away the pendant.

At the moment, the Thousand Eyes where Bai Yaksha is still Branch.

The white-haired lolita folded her arms and looked unhappy.

In addition, the courtyard was full of unconscious members of the Perseus community.

As for Luos, naturally he was not among them.

The clown had long been buried in the The desert became his nourishment…


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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