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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 421

Chapter 421

Nightmare Elf:”Well…I don’t need help here yet. After all, the verification of the time paradox hasn’t been completed yet, but it won’t take long.”

Prison Demon Attack Officer:”My side is relatively stable at the moment, probably because the First True Ancestor expressed his stance.”

Lao Mo Na:”That…Didn’t Sword Girl say she wanted to help before?”

Jian Ji:”Sorry, we are still on an expedition. It would be very boring if Mr. Bai Ming came over.”

Headless female killer:”What is the expedition?”

Sword Girl:”It means conquering more floors of the dungeon. My family members will conduct an expedition every once in a while.”

Little Lucky Grass God:”It sounds like a lot of hard work.”

Jian Ji:”It’s not hard, it’s just…There is something troubling about not being able to grow.”

Although she also knows that her”613″ upgrade speed is already the best in Orario City, the current level is still far behind Black Dragon.

Not to mention 1v6, even 1v7 and 1v8 are far behind. Not enough.

But fortunately, the current chat group can use points to strengthen the ability value.

Although it is not much, it is better than nothing.

Discharge Girl:”By the way, the newcomer named Jibril was told by Bai Ming to break the defense a few days ago, wasn’t he? ? You have been clamoring for revenge, but why has there been no movement until now?”

Beheading executioner:”Could it be?…Scared?

Jibril:”As a noble Flügel, a creation of the God of War Artho, how could I be afraid?”

Jibril:”It’s just because it’s too difficult to get points, so I can’t get them together!” What kind of breaking group is this? Is it considered a mission to call him over and give him a good beating?!”

Jibril complained.

She had studied the methods of earning points in chat groups in detail in the past few days.

But she found that in addition to selling her own abilities, she could only earn points slowly by signing in.

Jibril:”Junk chat group!”

She has never been so angry in her life.

The person she wanted to hit was right in front of her, but she could only see it but couldn’t touch it.

This feeling of punching the air made her quite uncomfortable.

Discharge Girl:”I’m shocked, this is the first time I’ve seen someone pay for a beating.

Jibril:”Pay to be beaten?” Are you talking about me again? hehe…It’s ridiculous. You haven’t had a real fight with a sword. How can you be sure that Bai Ming can win me? What’s more, our creator, Lord Artosh?

Jibril:”If you have never met our creator, you have no idea what real power is!””

I’m not a shoutu:”Well, let me ask….Is the God of War Artho powerful?

Bai Ming:”There’s no way to be sure at the moment. After all, Artexu has several settings.””

The animated version of God of War became impotent after releasing a”divine strike”. He never appeared until the protagonist Riku made the Star Cup appear. The novel version of God of War withstood forest elves, goblins, and dragon elves from the ground. , and the Flügel’s zeroth void protection,”Marrow Explosion””,”After the three attacks of”Collapse and Roar”, the God of War Artosh came forward to launch a divine attack, and then instantly suppressed the sum of all the powers of the other three races. The latter’s four energies conflicted with each other, and their data was captured by the Ex-Machina, and An armed”Canon-Starkiller” that could rival this power was imitated.

Then the God of War came forward and clashed with the Ex-Machina.

However, in Bai Ming’s opinion, this version also felt a bit rushed.

After all, there is something about the God of War and the Ex-Machina. There is no description of the battle process. The previous paragraph describes the start of the war, and the next paragraph says that the war is over and the God of War has failed.

And in addition, the novel also mentioned that Artosh’s energy will continue to increase over time. Big.

Although it is not an instant enhancement, it is indeed a setting that makes the God of War stronger in the next second than the previous second.

As for the final version, it is the setting added to the God of War by the original author on Twitter.

The so-called”Divine Strike” is described as an ordinary flat A that Artosh can release at will.

And if all the planets in the solar system are lined up, Artosh can blow them all up with Divine Strike. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, after readers learned about it, they all thought that the author was bragging.

After all, even the performance in the novel was completely inconsistent with the author’s subsequent settings.

To be honest.

Where is Artesiu? Bai Ming is not sure about this version.

After all, whether it is animation, novels or Twitter settings, they are all the original author’s own settings.

It is also the so-called”original design”.

But the worst-case scenario is that Artexu owns and Twitter Set the same power, and its energy will continue to increase over time……….

If it can be expanded to the limit, it may be able to achieve a minimum level of three digits.

After reading the description given by Bai Ming.

Other group members also had mixed reactions.

The animated version and the novel version are just that, what the hell is Twitter?

Jibril:”Original author?! Are you talking about…Are we, the great Creator, a fictional character created by someone else?!”

Before, she said that Artex was not strong enough, and even insulted the Flügel.

Now she is angry that their world is fictional, a world written by others. How can she bear it?

Bai Ming;”Of course not, I have said it before, Worlds of different dimensions may intersect. The information from another world is not transmitted directly to another world, but requires some quite complicated processes. After the information is received by some people, creation begins. ,understand?”

Although these words are pure nonsense, there is no guarantee that the facts are the same as what he said.

Maybe the inspiration in the author’s head is indeed the inspiration given by other worlds?

Of course, there is no point in worrying about this kind of thing.

It is not influenced by Rabbit:”The power of Divine Strike can reach that level. If it is higher, it can almost reach three digits!”

Nightmare Elf:”Don’t forget that the God of War has a self-expansion setting. According to what Bai Ming said, it is indeed possible to grow to a three-digit level in Hakoniwa.

Ji 4.9 Pu Lier:”Are you afraid?” But it’s too late to apologize now! ?

Bai Ming:”When did I say I was afraid?” Although the God of War is not weak, I didn’t say that I couldn’t beat him, right? Spread your hands.jpg. Jibril:”

That’s the only time you can be tough!” Isn’t it just because I can’t make it?”

This bastard!

I have never hated a thing as much as I do now.

Get out of my body! Useless thing!

And at this moment

【Ding! It has been detected that group member Jibril has special needs, and the group-specific tasks are now forcibly released.】

【Main goal: Group member”Bai Ming” completes the duel requirements with Jibril, and will be rewarded with +6000 points after victory.】

【Secondary goal: Defeat the God of War Artesh, score +12000】

【Secondary goal 2: Obtain the Star Cup, points +12000】


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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