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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 428

Chapter 428

“Why are you here to see monkeys?”

Jibril asked in confusion.

Although she couldn’t see it, she could still feel the breath of living creatures.

But usually, she would basically ignore those monkeys.

They were weak and posed no threat at all. She couldn’t even survive. It was the problem, pure weakness, that made her feel that using her power on them was an insult to herself.

“That’s a human being, not a monkey. If you follow your theory, the winged species would be a chicken that day.”

Bai Ming said

“Flügel are not chickens!”

Jibril retorted righteously.

Who is this person!

Why do you say that Flügel are chickens! Isn’t that lower than monkeys?!

“I said yes.”

Bai Ming pinched Jibril’s little mouth

“Even though they are weak now, in a few years, they will use their wisdom to stir up all the forces on this continent, be forced to form an alliance, and then start the final war.”

“How can it be?! Just these monkeys?!”

Jibril spoke disdainfully, but her mouth was pinched by Bai Ming, and her voice sounded a bit strange.

“Because these monkeys in your mouth will create wisdom, the major forces now all fight on their own, but they will spread false news in the future, allowing the forest elves to ally with the elves, dragon elves, and the goblins to form an alliance with the giants and fantasy species. , the monster race left the continent, the orc race was afraid of being affected, and the whole family migrated, and other weak races almost completely evacuated the continent.”

“And this situation is all driven behind the scenes by the humans you look down on.”

“This is impossible! Just a monkey…How is it possible for humans to do this?! They have no power at all!”

After hearing all the information Bai Ming said, Jibril’s first reaction was not to believe it.

If it was said to be other superior species, she would still be half-convinced.

But it is absolutely impossible for humans.

“Because they use their brains to create wisdom, but you don’t use your brains at all, or you don’t use your brains in other ways.”

The world of Game Life six thousand years ago was distorted.

All races were dragged into the quagmire of war by Artosh.

And because Artesh used his strength to get through everything, all other races also lost their minds. All their skills were focused on expanding their armaments.

The forest elves created the Void Zero Protection using the core of the fantasy species, while the goblins used the unactivated marrow to create the”Marrow Explosion”.

No matter which race, They were all just strengthening their own strength.

They never thought of using other more shortcut methods.

In the end, only humans who were ignored by all superior species did it.

Of course.

Artosh was an exception in his opinion.

Because no matter which version he was in , were killed purely because of the plot.

Even without using wisdom, with that power, he could end the war instantly.

But Artosh did not do that, but chose a path of his own death.

“these human beings…Can it actually be done to that extent?”

After hearing the information Bai Ming told, even Jibril had to face it. She had learned in the group that Bai Ming could see the future that she could not see. In other words

, Bai Ming could see the future that she could not see….All of these things are true.

The fifteen superior races created by God were all fooled around by a group of monkeys?

After thinking that this was most likely true, Jibril was worried and excited at the same time.

The worrying thing is that these humans have shown extremely strong vitality and intelligence.

What’s exciting is that the reptiles she ignored in the past turned out to be ultra-rare collectibles that were deeply hidden!

“Now I am the only one who has discovered these humans, and they will all become part of my collection!”

Jibril imagined how the whole family would be covered with human heads, and she even drooled.

“Sure enough, even if you are the ultimate individual, you are completely brainless.”

Bai Ming said with a mocking smile.

In fact, Jibril is already the most brainy among all the Flügels.

In the battle with the dragon elf, he summed up his failed experience and finally successfully defeated the five-year-old. Only ten Flügels could unite to defeat them.

But that’s all. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Six thousand years after the war ended, Jibril, who was entrenched in the Great Library, took all the All the knowledge in the collection of books has been recorded in my head.

Coupled with tens of thousands of years of life experience, I still lost to the Blank brothers and sisters in the game. No matter how high the Blank IQ is, can he surpass the upper class?

This is of course impossible.

Pure It’s because Jibril can’t bend her head, she can only learn and apply it now.

When she encounters the unknown, her eyes will darken.

Looking at Jibril’s dissatisfied expression, Bai Ming narrowed his eyes:”From now on, restrain yourself. That murderous intention”


Jibril didn’t speak, but she was obviously obedient.

“Sure enough, the funny Jibril is the best Jibril.”

In this way, Xiaoji can be happier when he is stewing mushrooms.

Then, Bai Ming left from above the human gathering.

At this time, the human settlement.

A white-haired boy seemed to have noticed something, and raised his head head

“Why do you feel like you’re being watched?”

But this feeling came and went quickly.

Riku just thought it was an illusion caused by too much pressure. He sighed, rubbed his eyebrows, and then continued to study the map they had obtained from their desperate exploration of the surrounding area.

“Where are we going next? Jibril asked curiously.

Although Bai Ming was very cruel to her, the things she saw were all things she had never understood before.

So she was very curious.

“Find a wild Ex-Machina.”

Bai Ming’s words were concise and concise.

The more important roles in the game life are only the protagonist and a few supporting characters.

Jibril is here with her. Bai Ming just went to see Riku again, and in the end only Mecha is left. A kind of Hubi.

Before the plot even started, Hubi had been expelled by the Ex-Machina and finally appeared near a human gathering place.

The reason why he came to this place was because he might find Hubi nearby.

“What’s the meaning of those iron blocks?”

Hearing this, Jibril immediately lost interest.

Although the Ex-Machina is an equally powerful race, even the Flügel are not interested in the heads of the Ex-Machina.

On the one hand, this is because the racial characteristics of the Ex-Machina are Shared thinking has little collection value.

On the other hand, it is because the combined combat power of the Ex-Machina is extremely high.

The greatest achievement is to kill the Dragon Elf Yan Longwang.

Because if you don’t provoke the Ex-Machina, there will be no was attacked, so no other race would look for trouble after this happened.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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