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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 437

Chapter 437

In less than a day, Jibril could no longer walk at all.

Bai Ming moved her to the bed in the room.

The early morning sunlight reflected her face, and the light spots coming in from the window sill illuminated her exposed body.

But now she has no desire to hide it.

After all, I don’t even have the strength to move my fingers.

After sealing all the abilities of her body, Jibril could only rely on this fragile body to carry everything.

But it was obvious that she couldn’t bear it.

The half-asleep girl heard the sound, but had no strength to open her eyes.

Bai Ming sat on the edge of the bed with a glass of milk, then helped Jibril up and supported her from behind with one hand.

“The freshly squeezed milk can restore some strength.”

Despite being carefree, Bai Ming still has a good conscience and will not be lukewarm to Jibril just because she offended him in the past.

What’s more, those who deserve punishment have already been punished.

Bai Ming is very happy now

“I…I can’t drink anymore.”

Jibril opened her eyes in a daze, twitching in a daze.

“Don’t worry, this is really just milk, although the color looks similar. Bai Ming handed the cup to her mouth:”And I added some sugar.””

After hearing this, Jibril opened her mouth and swallowed the fragrant milk drink in small sips. After the warm liquid fell into her stomach, she finally regained some strength.

“Continue tonight. Bai

Ming said softly.

Then Jibril directly squirted out the milk that had not been completely swallowed.

She raised her eyes with difficulty and looked at Bai Ming with some fear:”…Can you please stop sealing my abilities? and…to get my body back to normal again”


Bai Ming had a faint smile on his face.

“Wouldn’t it be pointless if we just let you recover like this?”


“There is nothing good about it. If you dare to make any demands again, believe it or not, I will let the sun set right now?”

“good…All right.”

Jibril didn’t dare to say anything for a moment.

Then she just retreated into the bed and rested.

If she didn’t get a good sleep to replenish her strength before nightfall, she would really faint. She even rolled her eyes yesterday.

“I’ll come over again in the evening, but before that, let’s have a good rest.”

Bai Ming smiled softly, and then left the city in the sky he created casually.

However, after getting the Star Cup, there is nothing that needs to be dealt with urgently in this world.

What’s more, after becoming the only god, he naturally has to let himself go and live a life. A life of extravagance and extravagance.

The world where the mission is carried out has a different time flow rate from other worlds, so you can stay here for a long time.

If you don’t indulge, it will be a wasted trip.


Bai Ming’s figure appeared in the forest elf species capital.

His arrival was not concealed, and he appeared directly in the eyes of Xinke Nirvalian and all the female elf officials as the only god.

After being stunned for half a second.

Xinke Nirvalian Balian reacted instantly and knelt down on one knee:”Welcome to the One God.”

Her heart was full of joy and excitement at the moment.

You know, after Bai Ming asked the elf species to surrender to her and left the capital, Xinke Nirvalen was criticized by many other senior officials in the council, thinking that surrendering The process was too hasty. What if Cainas, the God of Nature, was to blame?

But the situation at the time forced her to do that.

And the facts proved that she made the right choice.

Bai Ming fulfilled his promise.

Before nightfall, this endless war ended.

He defeated the God of War Artesio, captured the Star Cup, and recreated the environment of the entire planet. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The only thing that allowed him to do so was Xinke Nilbalen was puzzled as to why the ten covenants were set up.

But it was just a set up.

Anyway, the improvement of the planet’s environment and the choice of loyalty to Bai Ming were beneficial to the forest elves.

“Get up, everyone.”

Bai Ming looked up and down at the plump figure of Xinke Nirvalen.

The other female elf officials were also similar.

In his eyes, their traditional elf costumes were almost the same as tailored, fun clothes.

“My lord, what can I do for you?”

Xinke Nirvalen spoke in the humblest voice.

Although she knew that the former sole god did not need any help from the elf species at all.

Of course, she did this just to show her loyalty.

“I really need your help with something. Please select some more willing girls to come to my place.”

After saying that, Bai Ming just left.

Xinke-Nilbalian rolled her eyes.

Of course she knew what Bai Ming meant.

But after hearing the only god make such a request, Xinke-Nilbalian not only didn’t Dissatisfied, but with a relaxed expression.

At least from now on, they forest elves will not be left out.

Then, Xinke Nirvalen stood up and issued orders to other female officers to select the best as soon as possible of adult elf women.

Of course, he himself was not left behind.

Soon after,

Bai Ming had a great time in the elf capital.

But his journey was not over yet.

In this world, there is still need for the body fluids of the opposite sex to survive. A sea-dwelling species.

The appearance 780 is similar to that of mermaids in fairy tales, and the whole family is female.

Naturally, they cannot be let go.

After that, Bai Ming even selected from all races in the world in order to satisfy his evil habits. Races that fit his aesthetics, and collected all the best among them in the floating city.

Of course, no one dared to express dissatisfaction with the orders of the only god.

And Bai Ming had no consciousness of”bullying men and dominating women”.

He ended In order to prevent wars, prevent all races from being killed and injured, and reshape the world, just accepting this reward can be considered a kindness.

In short, whether it is human race, forest elf race, orc race, The fairies, vampires, moon chanters, sea dwellers and other races are all responsible for serving Bai Ming in the Sky City.

And Bai Ming also plans to use this place as his rest stop in the future.

When he has nothing to do, he can Come and have a look.

After that, another seven days and seven nights passed. Bai Ming finally broke away from the drunken life, and remembered that there was still one more important thing to do.

That was to lift the seal of the Demon Star Alger.

The seal imposed on her , many gods worked together at that time.

In the outside world, Bai Ming would definitely not be able to erase it.

But here, he is the omniscient and omnipotent God, and it doesn’t take much more to undo the seal set by the Lord God on Algor. long time..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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