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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 445

Chapter 445

However, the current situation is unclear, and they are just hell leaders who got together because of their interests.

If not, they would have raised the flag of rebellion long ago, eliminated those mythical forces and replaced them, ruling the world.

The hell leaders gathered in front of the huge round table and started talking.

Hades, who was covered in skeletons and wore sacrificial robes, presided over the conversation.-

“The resurgence of the Christian Being is not a good thing for us.”

When God is mentioned, many hell gods show ugly expressions.

“Don’t worry too much.”

The person who said this is a young man with an evil appearance.

The god of darkness in Greek mythology, Erebus

“Although God has recovered, it may be false news released by the three parties. Secondly, even if he does recover, his strength will not be as good as before. But don’t forget that the seal on the beast of the apocalypse will remain intact even if tens of thousands of years have passed. Can’t recover”

“My brother is right.”

A delicate female voice echoed.

Surrounded by an unknown black aura, she has a face that is more childish than beautiful. Although her figure is petite and wrapped in a black dress, she is still graceful and graceful. She looks young. , but exuding an invisible magical charm.

The girl is naturally not a child, but the sister of Erebus, Nyx, the goddess of the night.

She also responded to Hades’s proposal that their god of darkness rule the world. She agreed immediately.

Although she is one of the main gods, her reputation and belief are far less than those of her colleagues. She is not popular on weekdays.

It is all because of her identity that is close to darkness.

Just like Hades, the god of the underworld. , becoming the Lord of Hell seems to be a lofty position, but in fact it is a hard job.

After going back and forth, it is natural to have a rebellious mentality. When the beast of the Apocalypse was mentioned, the Lord Gods of Hell present all nodded silently.

This was a secret in the past..

But later, because Lucifer’s son, Rizevim, cooperated with them, they learned that before the war between the three clans, the God of the Bible had actually sealed such a ferocious beast.

This is no wonder that the arrogant God of the Bible suddenly fell..

Any of them gods would be far from able to seal it.

However, precisely because Rizevim accidentally discovered the beast of the apocalypse, they have confidence.

As long as the seal can be successfully unlocked , there is no enemy in this world who can resist the Beast King!

Moreover, with their help, even if the God of the Bible is born, it is impossible to fail!

“Anyway, you still have to test it out.”

Knicks, who has a graceful figure, took the initiative to speak.

“Recently, I just happened to find a being who can control dragons. Using those copied evil dragons, I can also force out some secrets.”

To be more precise, he should be the owner of the God-killing Gear who can control the”Dragon”.

This person was also discovered by Nicks’ men inadvertently.

After being discovered by her, she used brainwashing techniques to control him and do it for herself. Used.

The dragon clan controlled by her has a powerful strength comparable to that of superior demons. Even if it is used to destroy some weak gods, it is completely enough.

“But in addition to the God of the Bible, the giant god is also worth noting!”

They are not fools.

The existence of the giant god is famous far and wide.

Not to mention the evil dragon, even Loki, the main god of the Nordic pantheon, died in his hands.

When he was first discovered in the past, he was still fighting against the greatness. Red gained the upper hand in the battle.

In addition to the God of the Bible, beings with the name of”Titan” also need to pay attention.

Mentioning this, the meeting fell into a brief silence.

Nix frowned slightly, even Hades’s skeleton The faces also showed human seriousness and solemnity.

But at this moment, the gods who were staying in the temple and came here in their true bodies seemed to have noticed something and looked in the direction behind them.

“The barrier of hell has been broken?”

Hades’s expression became solemn at this moment. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Demons and fallen angels live in the underworld.

And under the underworld, Olympus The underworld dominated by Hades, one of the three pillar gods.

Outside the underworld

“Is there Hades inside?”

Bai Ming is in a chaotic space.

In front of him is a dimensional wall like mist.

0 Asking for flowers

Although Hades is indeed under the underworld, they are two completely different worlds.

Here”Below” is not below in the physical sense. Even if he penetrates the land of the underworld, he will not reach the underworld.

However, it is not difficult for Bai Ming to determine the direction of the underworld.

At this moment, he is standing on the dimensional wall of the underworld. Ahead.

The mist is also part of the dimensional wall. If you want to cross it, you must walk through the opened passage.

Once a normal person falls into the dimensional wall, he will soon be strangled by the turbulence of time and space.

But Bai Ming just swiped it casually. A gap was made in the dimensional wall for one person to enter and exit.

After entering, the Death God stationed at the border was attracted as expected.

When he saw a living person coming in, he immediately flew forward, raised the Death God’s Sickle, and was about to drop it.

Generally speaking, there are Naturally, the intruders will not take action directly.

However, recently, Hades has issued an order to kill any intruder without mercy, so he will act accordingly.

This is not reluctant.

After killing the living beings, the God of Death, They can use the scythe to absorb part of the soul and increase their strength.

On the contrary, they are happy to accept Hades’s order.

“well? Do you just take action without saying a word?”

Then, Bai Ming looked at the God of Death at the front and suddenly shouted:

“snort! How dare you hold the sickle with your right hand!”


Before the god of death could react, his undead eyes saw his back.

“Who is this behind? how…So strange?”

This was his last consciousness.

Without moving his hands, Bai Ming directly released his divine power and tore the necks of these gods of death.

The unusual movements here attracted more gods of death.

The leader of the gods of death had the most powerful The strength of a superior demon!

“How dare you wear a hat? Damn it!”

Bai Ming narrowed his eyes and spoke coldly.

These lines are just random words he said.

What he has to do today is to flatten Hades and kill Hades to avoid future troubles.

It doesn’t matter what you say.

The important thing is What should I do after talking…


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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