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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 447

Chapter 447

“Can you run?”

Bai Ming looked at the direction of Hades’s escape and smiled.

Then, the figure disappeared from the place and appeared in front of Hades again.

“Kill me, the Greek gods will not let you go!”

Hades’s eyes were full of despair, and he threatened fiercely before he died.

But Bai Ming didn’t listen to his nonsense. A blue light floated on his right arm, and he punched Hades directly in the head.

The power was like a tsunami. The surge caused the entire Hades to completely shake.

And Hades could not withstand this huge force. His body was torn apart and he died.

The soul absorbed his power.

Although it was a drop in the bucket, no matter how small a mosquito leg is, it is still flesh.

It is a pity that Did not absorb the power of Hades

“I remember there were two accomplices.”

Bai Ming has not forgotten the two figures hiding in the aura and peeping secretly.

If he guessed correctly, I am afraid they are also allies of Hades.

“Forget about those who didn’t come. Now that they have come, it’s a shame.”

The next moment, Bai Ming locked the position of the two figures and moved to the other side.

Not long after Hades escaped, Nyx and Erebus heard the God of Hades’s words to the attacker. Threatening.

But after saying that, there was no sound, and no one knew what happened.

But the current situation was enough to frighten the brothers and sisters.

After all, in their Hell Alliance, Hades, the God of Hades, was the strongest. They are recognized as the top ten strongest men in the world.

Although they are also the main gods like Hades, the gap in strength is not small.

Now that I see Hades, he is like a bereaved dog being chased through hell, and I feel so sad in my heart. The impact was not small.

Feeling the vibrations of hell, Erebus’s face turned livid:”Hurry up.”

Even Hades was beaten like that. Even if they teamed up, they wouldn’t be able to deal with that person.”

“So what’s the origin? Even Lord Hades is no match!”

Nix was even more panicked than Erebus.

Before that, she was still thinking about brainwashing that person.

Now it seems that he is a powerful god-killer! He is an existence that cannot be provoked at all!

She also agrees with Erebus’s idea , they were about to activate the spell and leave immediately.

The black mist swallowed their figures, making Erebos and Nyx feel a little relieved.

But soon, a white arm that seemed to have not undergone any training tore through the mist.

Immediately afterwards, the previous The figure chasing Hades appeared in front of the two gods.

“Where is Lord Hades?”

Erebus asked subconsciously

“he died.”

Bai Ming answered casually.

This sentence immediately poured a basin of cold water over the heads of the two brothers and sisters. They only felt a chill!

One of the three pillars of gods who control the underworld died in such an inexplicable way?

They would not doubt Bai Ming. He was lying, because the scene of Hades being chased and beaten like a dog was still vivid in his mind.

Looking at the black-haired boy in front of him, Erebus felt extremely ridiculous in his heart.

But the reality is like this, you can’t believe it.

“What’s your choice?”

Bai Ming did not take action directly.

At the same time, his eyes were looking up and down on Nicks.

Don’t say anything else.

The goddess of the night does have an extraordinary appearance, and she is petite, like a lolita. At the same time, she has an excellent figure. She has a well-proportioned and exquisite figure. , even this well-covered black dress could not block the beautiful curves of the goddess.

Originally, Erebus was already in despair. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, even Hades There was no way to escape, and they had no ability. They could only stare at Bai Ming, thinking about whether there were any other ways to survive.

And when he heard this sentence, he also noticed that the eyes of the murderous god in front of him were always on him. Yaomei, who didn’t even look at him twice, suddenly had a new idea.

When people are in a hurry, their minds will always move very quickly.

Erebus rolled his eyes and immediately knelt on the ground, his face showing a pleasing smile

“We have nothing to do with Hades. We were just invited by him to be his guests today. I didn’t know that he had offended you, sir…….”

Bai Ming was neither sad nor happy, just looking at him quietly.

Erebos gritted his teeth and said:”We are willing to surrender to you. This is my sister Nyx, the goddess of the night. If you like her, please let her serve as a servant to take care of you in the future. daily life……”

After Erebus finished speaking, he pulled Nix, who looked confused next to him, to kneel down with him.

Nicks was completely stunned.

It wasn’t until he reacted that he showed an incredulous expression.

This bastard brother actually wanted to sell her out just to survive?

Nix instinctively wanted to resist, but when he raised his head and met Bai Ming’s gaze, he suddenly lost all courage in his heart, and instead nodded as if he was resigned to his fate.

If you are a person with integrity, of course you will fight to the death.

But for gods who have lived for a long time, how to live longer is the primary goal.

Knicks don’t want to follow Hades’ footsteps

“…Now that you have said so, I will believe you for now.”

Bai Ming nodded.

His eyes looked at Erebus with a glow of approval.

This man…No, God’s vision is pretty good and he can accomplish great things in the future.

Hearing this, Erebus’s face showed joy. If he didn’t feel so embarrassed, he would have wanted to kowtow a few times.

As for what the Knicks think, he doesn’t care.

Anyway, as long as I can survive, that’s better than anything else.

When Bai Ming agreed to Erebus, he naturally didn’t get interested in Nix because he was a legal lolita with a great figure, but he had no intention of going on a killing spree, and keeping them would be useful.

As things went smoothly, this matter just passed.


The temple originally occupied by Hades was silent.

All the gods of death knelt on the ground humbly and tremblingly, not even daring to raise their heads.

After all, just now, news of the death of Lord God Hades came.

Then the God of Darkness and the God of Night broke into the temple with a stranger and announced this fact.

Some of the diehards of Hades attacked in anger after learning that the main god was killed, but Bai Ming didn’t need to take action. Erebus and Nyx helped him block it, and they were completely on his side.

“If you still dare to offend Lord God Killer, this will be your fate.”

Erebos said.

When the other gods of death heard this, they secretly cursed for being shameless. Even Nyx seemed to know his brother again.

“What a standard bitch…Well, no, isn’t this me scolding myself?”

Bai Ming complained in his heart, and then walked ahead.

“Go to the lowest level of Hades”


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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